My Stories

*Keep it on the Downlow*

Part Two~~Sugar Walls

Why am I doing this? Asked Tone` as she pushed the ajar open. AJ's house was at once familiar to her. Common sense, shouting from the back of her mind, admonished her for wanting to have sex with someone from work--an affair instigated purely by lust. His place was dark, save for the illumination provided by the small lamp in the front room. She stepped inside, blocking whatever reservations existed. Her pussy told her to proceed accordingly, given its highly damped state. She was fiercely aroused and no amount of speculating could cancel that thrill. She fully intended to benefit from this encounter.

Sheer instinct navigated her toward the bedroom. Where else would her mystery lover possibly be? She drew the pink raincoat closer around herself. The drop in temperature wasn't in the least responsible for her shivering.

He lay beneath a single sheet, his arms folded behind his head. Her pussy tingled as she surveyed the familiar face from the studio. He was handsome, with dark hair and a skinny but muscular body. She felt herself dripping at the sight of the smooth chest, then lowered her gaze at the shape outlined between his legs.

He seemed to follow her train of vision and reached under the covers, taunting her with the movement of his hand. "You didn't waste any time getting here, did you?"

Though Tone` loathed typical male smugness, she decided to ignore it. The need to satisfy that emptiness between her legs was far too imperative. "Not much traffic this time of night."

"You don't have to play shy with me," he said heavily. "We've done it before and it was good. We know you came back for more..."

He threw the sheet back, revealing his swollen penis. Tone` swallowed hard, unable to take her eyes off it. The thought of him putting that huge thing in her made her knees weak.

He deliberately thumbed his erection. "Were you thinking about this? About what it did to you...and what you want it to do again?"

She fought for composure. "Sure..."

"Then come over here and touch it."

Like an obedient servant, she drifted toward the bed. He had a raw male scent, the kind that made her anticipate sex. She knew he was focusing on her reactions, but she was oblivious. Her pussy was drenched, and the immediate concern was to feel his dick deep inside. With near-possessive urgency, she reached for his dick and enclosed it securely in her fist. It responded excitedly, communicating his vast need. She could scarcely breathe as she stroked him, concentrating on his thickness and again exhilarated her. It was so great last time, she couldn't imagine how they could make it any better.

He savored her manipulation, pressing his head into the pillow. "That feels good... Yes... stroke it... oh yeah... stroke me. Tone`... Let me watch those fingers wrap themselves ground it...yes..." He caught her wrist, then guided her movements. "Ahhhh. You certainly have the knack. See how you've made me. That thing's straight as a pipe. Were you thinking about it on the way here? Did you plan the number of ways you were going to pleasure me?"

Tone` abandoned all pretense of aloofness, gasping from the effort to contain him. "Very much."

He slipped his hand into her raincoat, searching between her legs. The brief smile on his face informed her he approved of her nakedness beneath her wrap. The moment he came in contact with her hard clit she cried out.

"You're swollen here, aren't you?' His insistent finger caused her to flinch. 'Were you playing with yourself again after we talked?"

"I...Couldn't help myself. You got me so hot over the phone..."

AJ grinned. "Couldn't wait, huh? Thinking about all that dick pushing into your sweet pussy. Don't worry, it won't be neglected much longer. Her starved expression prompted him. "Come here...I you out of that raincoat..."

Tone` let him rip open the snaps, welcoming the stimulating embrace of the night air. The window was open, a cool draft spilling forth. At once her nipples swelled from the swirls of his thumbs, her breasts sensitive to his rough handling. She groaned as he availed himself to fistfuls of her delicious ass, squeezing until she yelped with delight. She reciprocated by groping the bulging muscles of his arms, swooning from his conditioned body. She longed to grind her intoxicated flesh against him.

"You want me so much, "AJ said, inserting two fingers into her juicy slot. "Mmmm... You've got yourself quite an appetite. Good. I enjoy satisfying a ravenous woman."

Tone` trembled as he manually probed her. The squishy sounds that followed accentuated the mood. "That feels nice... ohhhhhhhhh...mmmmmmmmm..."

AJ eased his fingers in and out of her pussy as though they were coated with butter. "Ready for my big dick?"

"Yes," she said. nearly choking. "Oh yes!"

Grabbing a generous portion of her butt, he hoisted Tone` on top of him. Adjusting herself, she dug her knees into the mattress on opposite sides of his body. He breathed raggedly while groping her, measuring the joy she derived through slit eyes. Never did her grip loosen on his dick. His balls were heavy in her hand. The thick fluid they contained would flow deep in her pussy. Heatedly she rubbed her groin against his stomach, greasing him with her goo. After several moments, the room bore the smell of pussy.

Tone` put pressure on her clit, concentrating on his muscled body. Working her hips emblazoned the stiffened nub with jolts of sheer glory. As she moved, the very essence of pussy seeped from her core. The heat climbed in her loins as she massaged her inflamed breasts to a fevered pitch. Indifferent to the eyes absorbing her every action, she rubbed her breasts and faster.

"Ohhhh!" she moaned, detecting the tremors of gratification underway. Once again, she was caught up in this insane obsession for his body. It was a thirst that couldn't be quenched. She hurriedly pumped her crotch, smearing his leg with liquid pussy.

It was never like this with Shawn she thought. Never...AJ had the capacity to make her scream with pleasure. She intended to fully indulge herself... without guilt.

"Babe." he gasped, elevating his thigh to meet her urgent thrusts. "You need my dick badly, don't you? You've got to have that hard thing up your horny pussy, grinding. But first, you're going to cum again. You've got to cum hard, for me. Do it babe. Pretend you're riding my big fucker of a dick, and I'm pumping out your pussy! Let go. Cream against me!

Tone` closed her eyes and convulsed. She wrenched his organ in her grasp, skimming each successive wave of ecstasy until exhausted.

He caressed her nude body, profiting from each luscious cur. You're getting too greedy. Three orgasms and the evening is still young. I don't want you wearing yourself out before I'm through. He patted her bottom. "I want you to sit on me now. It's about time I got inside that pussy... I'm going to fuck you without mercy..."

She was struck by the thought of installing that monster between her pussy lips at this tender stage of recovery. She was still sensitive from all those orgasms, yet she was compelled to obey the persistent push of his hands on her ass. Grasping his shoulders for support, she lifted her buttocks over his dick until its swollen head was just inside the lips.

"Jesus," she murmured, convinced he'd folded his dick in half. He was so thick.

"Take it easy," he commanded as he engaged her with some length. "You have to enjoy it."

Slowly she shank upon him, groaning as she too the dick. Her very center seemed to split apart as his dick began to occupy space within her body. She threw her head back, savoring the penetration, then cupped her breasts as titillation consumed her. "Oh Man..."

"One precious inch at a time," he insisted as he engineered her decent. "Let yourself open up to it. Absorb the shaft slowly, delicately..."

Tone` gritted her teeth, flooded with sensations she couldn't begin to control. He groped her, pulling her farther down upon him, charging her solid muscle. Her love button stroked the incoming column as she moistened it in her succulent clench.

Finally, he was encased in her hot swirl of juices. She whimpered as she fought to contain him, shivering from the thickness of the upright boner. She faced him with a winded gasp, her eyes glittering with contentment. It was so different this though it were their first though it were their first encounter. Each session was fresh, exciting.

"It's all in you," he muttered. "The dick you've been fantasizing about. The one you fucked the other day...the one you pretended was fucking you while you beat off. Doesn't it feel good?"

She nodded. "I can barely hold it inside me."

"Oh, but you did before...and will again," he said, smoothing his hands masterfully over her ass. "Long after you've cum. You're going to climax several more times before the night is over. This is reality, Tone`...this is what it's all about..."

His promise of intense sex got her juices flowing. She shifted her hips, clamping securely to the dick that impaled her. "I'm going to fuck you until you're dry."

"Go ahead," he encouraged. "Do it."

She began thrusting against him, summoning her inner resources. He grunted as she pelted him with her groin, softening him with her slippery pussy. Her buttocks undulated in force despite his attempts to tame its movements. She shoved her pussy at him, stroking dick with hot lubrication. Her pussy was ablaze struggling to absorb his every inch. She rode him for all she was worth, rocking frantically to fuck tempo. His rigid thing passed through her like a fire poker, with balls whacking against her ass!

"Fuck me," he commanded, pulling at her delectable flesh. "Fuck me hard...fuck me good. Fuck me like you want to fuck your boyfriend, but couldn't...I'm going to fuck you until you forget all about him...about ever wanting his dick...It's mine you'll always dream about...mine that can give you this kind of pleasure..."

His hands came up to her breasts, gathering the billowy excess. She shivered as he pinched the nipples, affording them swift gratification.

"Uhhhh," she moaned, caught up in her own ecstasy. She no longer gave a dam if she was going to climax before him. His dick was wedged soundly in her pussyhole, standing high in he belly. The ache in her pussy left from all her rubbing diminished as the pleasure intensified. She grabbed at his shaft as she plowed forward, determined to meet the sweet rush waiting for her. "Give it to me..."

He clutched the slick body riddled with contractions, pounding his dick into it to deepen orgasm. He watched with fascination the contortions of her reflecting joy.

The afterglow, however, was short-lived. With her energy depleted, Tone` was in a state of collapse. Her body was so thoroughly ravaged she needed to convalesce. Unfortunately, the dick inside her hadn't spent itself and needed to be carried until depleted.

"You're going to get more than you bargained for," he said, flipping her onto her back without disengaging himself. Their limbs entangled, he suddenly positioned himself on top with his weight between her legs. "Much more...I'm going to stay stiff and inside your sweet pussy...and I'm going to fuck it until you beg me to stop..."

"Uhhh!" she whimpered as he sank himself into her warm, soaked pussy. She didn't have the stamina to be cocked just yet and merely allowed him access to the place where his hot wad was to be sent. She moaned as he pushed his stiff thing into her, digging the heel of her foot into his hammering buttocks.

"You like having me buried in you, don't you?" he rasped, feeding it to her. "That's a whole lot of dick pumping you, squeezing into that tight pussy. You made yourself so nice and wet for it, clinging to each inch. Don't you love cumming with the whole thing shoved up there? Does it stretch the walls of your pussy just to keep me deposited. That's it, grab onto it. You're not as tired as you think. We've only just started fucking. We're going to do this all night."

Tone` was in total agreement. Despite their having to be at work in the morning, she deferred the need for sleep in favor of fucking her brains out. She lost all track of time while he pounded her repeatedly, joining her groin to his in heated connection. She only hoped word of their exploits didn't reach the gossip mills. She had never considered carrying on with one of the celebrities from the studio--but she also hadn't counted on deriving so much pleasure from one, either.

It took forty-five minutes before he squirted his juice into her. Feverishly he slid his column in and out of her pussy, coating it with her juice. Each push into her warm pussy made it more difficult to oppose the urge to cum. Tone` was beyond caring, opening herself up to the huge dick that occupied her dick with fierce determination. He fought to stay inside, smacking her mound with his crotch until he felt no resistance. Tone` was so orgasm-ridden, she hadn't the strength to continue.

"Want me to cream inside your pussy?' AJ grunted, watching her sweat-dripped nipples shake as he sent the head of his dick all the way down. "Fair warning--I may flood you."

Getting her pussy soaked was a welcome departure from his endless rubbing. As it was her inner muscles had long since yielded to his persistence.

He quickened his strokes, wanting to savor the fit of her pussy, then spewed his goo. He gritted his teeth as he spurted his load, feeling it jet from deep in his balls. "On babe, take it...uugghhhh!"

His ramming didn't stop until he popped the last of his nut. Until that point, he forced as much of himself into her pussy, letting his convulsing dick benefit from her warm clutch.

They lay there for several moments until he mustered the energy to uncouple himself. Tone` moaned as his dick popped from her pussy, then gasped as his gooey fluid slithered down the inside of her thigh. Instinctively, she stroked her sore pussy, missing the ongoing friction of his hardness.

AJ settled upon his back, throwing an arm over his eyes and exhaling deeply. She knew he was recovering from their prolonged fuck, and gathered from his semi-erect state that she'd soon be getting more of the same.

She didn't think he would cum so much. She was totally saturated, his cum leaking from her pussy. She had to get up and do something about it. Jesus...they had fucked the other day, and the amount he shot into her was as though he'd deprived himself of sex for a month.

As she got up, his steel clamp fingers enclosed about her wrist.

"Where are you going? Not back to your boyfriend..." came his gruff voice.

His possessiveness surprised her. "Who are you to tell me what I will and won't do? I don't recall making any promises, AJ," she sassed.

"I'm not sharing you with him..."

"And I'm not good at following orders."

He pulled her wrist down to the pillow, pinioning her beneath him in the process. Before she could repel him, the force of his tongue filled her mouth. She was dizzy with desire, forgetting her sudden petulance, then whimpered as he plunged his stiff dick back into her pussy. He was even less merciful in his thrusts, slamming into her with all he had.

"You're not going to want him anymore, Tone`'re only going to want this...this dick...fucking your pussy..."


"I won't let you leave me...I won't let you go back to him...He's given up his right to're mine, Tone`...all mine..."

Only the sound of his rough breathing and their groins smacking together could be heard.

Breathlessly, Tone` submitted.

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