My Stories

* Keep it on the Downlow *
Part Five~~~Smooth Operator

"I can't fucking believe you've done this," Shawn muttered under his breath to Tone` as he swung the mallet. His handsome face was marred with flush anger lines as he worked in pitching the tent. The loud thud of the stakes served to punctuate his retort to her having invited her sister on their "romantic" camping trip.

"You could try acting more civil about it," she hissed, conscious of Kelly's close proximity. Her sister was shifting the contents of the truck to the site they selected along the heavily wooded area. Shawn vented his spleen at every opportunity. "I thought she would enjoy getting away from the city."

"This trip was supposed to be for us--alone."

"We can be alone."

"Right," he snapped. "Why don't we just fuck this minute in front of her and see how she likes it."

"It probably wouldn't be the first time," Tone` sassed back. "How many times at the apartment were you in such a goddamn hurry that you forgot to close the door? You'd shove your dick in me before I got fully undressed."

" I just don't like it," he muttered, crouched down. "You could have mentioned something, too. I didn't expert to pick the both of you up in front of the building this afternoon."

"Would you have been more agreeable?"

"No fucking way."

Tone` grazed his muscled thigh with her silky touch and purred. "Let's not argue. We'll manage to have fun." Her fingers reached between his legs and closed over the swollen front of his jeans. From its abounding heat she knew she had won this round. "I promise you, this won't be neglected in the least."

Shawn stared hungrily at her. "I think I need your mouth this very minute."

She hadn't counted on sucking him this soon. "It'll be dark in another hour. Kelly will be sound asleep in the other tent." Her hand squeezed his thickening bulge. "Think you can wait that long?"

Shawn covered her massaging hand with his, guiding her movement. "I don't know...I'm so fucking horny now."

He was throbbing in his pants. She rubbed him harder. "You need it bad, don't you?"

She felt the muscles in his body tense, then abruptly he removed her hand. "I don't want to cream in my pants. Let's go into the woods. I've got to grind your pussy something fierce."

From the tone of his voice she read the power of his want. Shawn literally go for hours before tiring, leaving her pussy in sore shape. If she permitted his massive thing inside her now, they wouldn't stop.

"Let's wait just until dusk. Please."

Shawn glared hotly at her, then spun on his heel. She heard his muttered, "Bitch," as he went off to assist Kelly in the unpacking.

Tone` checked her watch. AJ would be arriving in approximately forty-five minutes.

She smiled. Her promise would be kept. Shawn would have his fun.

But without her.

Kelly bustled about, attempting to block Shawn from her mind. She recognized his resentment for the intrusion, though she made no effort to explain it. Tone`, no doubt, had provided a suitable excuse. Even she had difficulty perceiving her sister's machinations--including her on this weekend romp without defining he reasons. It made absolutely no sense to Kelly with the exception that she was near the man who fired her body with sizzling heat.

Her awareness of Shawn transferred to her every action. As she bent to lift her gear, she was awake to his voracious gaze. His eyes were trained on her breasts, her ass, her legs. She recalled, with vivid clarity, the feel of his large dick as it plunged into her pussy, pushing her open until it could go no further. Even her gentle sigh as she slumped against the truck in exhaustion was a reminder of her soft whimpering as he fucked her. Both of them exchanged reminiscent looks until Shawn, with dark features, stormed off.

This was a mistake, she thought, watching the powerful shape of his buttocks and thighs. She had little desire to sit on the background, listening to Tone's moaning as Shawn fucked her. If she had any sense, she'd leave this minute.

Unfortunately, it was twenty-five miles from civilization with the only means of transportation available.

Darkness fell shortly thereafter.

Tone` was in her tent with Shawn while Kelly glumly went to her own. Tone` watched with stirring interest as Shawn discarded his flannel shirt and jeans for her express benefit. His dick, hugely swollen, stretched from his groin in a mighty arc.

He nodded to the sleeping bag. "Strip and get in."

Tone` cuddled the furred matting of his chest, woozy from the hard muscle that met her touch. Despite his faults, Shawn was extremely sexy and a hard man to pass up. However, she had made other arrangements. "I have to get something. I have a surprise for you."

"Oh yeah?" he inclined his head, then grinned. "Will I like it?"

"I hope so." She let her finger trail down along the rigid flatboard stomach, past his dark public thatch until she tickled at his distended dick. "Why don't you slip yourself in there until I get back?"

His Adam's apple rippled in answer to her tease. "Don't be too long, okay?"

She deliberately omitted her affirmative, replacing it with a seductive smirk.

Tone` moved quickly from that point. AJ's truck was parked down the road. She had told him in advance where they'd be camping and to meet her.

Shawn thought she went to fetch a surprise. Hopefully, his surprise would come to him.

What the fuck was she doing? Shawn thought, staring out at the darkness. Had she walked all the way into town? She certainly picked a helluva time for that, leaving him with a hard-on!

"What's the matter?" Kelly asked, her head emerging from her tent. She caught a glimpse of him in the nude. "Oh."

Shawn stepped back behind the flapping canvas. "You know, your sister is really fucked-up."

"Tell me about it."

He sighed. He bet she'd like him to go over to her tent and tell her all about it, then preceded to fuck her brains out. Well, he wasn't going to do it. He'd cheated on Tone` enough. Kelly was hot, but he had long decided his lust for her wasn't worth the aggravation.

His dick felt heavy between his legs. Hearing Kelly's voice made him stiff all over again, and recalling her slick body and how he plunged into it made him throb.

No! He growled, inwardly. Not a chance!

"Want some company?" she purred.

He clenched his teeth. "I don't think that's such a good idea, Kelly."

"We're alone."

"No shit."

She paused gravely, then added, "She won't be back for hours."

"How do you know that?" he asked gruffly.

"I've known that girl all my life, and I know how her brain operates. She 's with someone."

"Fuck!" Shawn smacked his fist into his palm and stormed back into his tent. That fucking little whore! How could she do something like this to him? Fucking bitch. His pride was such that another man couldn't possibly have entered the picture. Hearing it from someone else burst his bubble. Christ!

He got back into his sleeping bag and propped his hands behind his head. This struck right in the gut. Fucking some other guy! Jesus! What a bitch!

A second later, Kelly entered his tent with a mere blanket covering her nakedness. She bore a searching expression, very aware of his pain. "Shawn, I'm sorry I was the one to tell you..."

"Go back to your tent, Kelly."

"I feel awful now. I should have let her break the news."

"Does it fucking matter?" Though she sought to hide her charms, he could practically see them through the blanket. A flash of her flushed expression as he was slamming his dick into her pussy appeared before him. It was a hell of a thing to remember in the mist of his overwrought condition.

Kelly sank to her knees beside him, then placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. "Don't be angry with me."

"I'm not." Jesus, he wished she wouldn't touch him.

"I don't think Tone` knows exactly what she wants in life. She's behaved in a very unusual manner lately." Kelly shook her head. "Sometimes I don't even recognize her as my own sister."

Shawn felt his dick tighten from engorgement. Goddamn it, he wished she'd leave. He couldn't stand having her so close...The temperature was definitely climbing inside his sleeping bag.

"I just want you to know you one thing," She said softly. "I understand how you must feel about me--some little bimbo throwing herself at you, because you plucked my virginity. I want to defend that impression by stating you were always somebody that meant a great deal to me. I've always been attracted to you. There has never been anyone else. and after having experienced you, it's going to be some while before I find a replacement. You're a very satisfying lover, Shawn."

Kelly lowered her lips to his for a light brushing, then found a mere slip of a kiss wasn't enough. She deepened it, feeling his heat gather and draw her near. Gradually his tongue pushed its way into her mouth, escalating her desire. She moaned throatily, gasping at the bursts of excitement that erupted throughout her body. Her nipples stiffened instantly, her breasts swollen. Her pussy dripped with inflamed need. She quivered uncontrollably, dropping her blanket.

Shawn grunted hoarsely into her mouth, then with hot urgency, pulled her inside his sleeping bag...

*~* LATER *~*

Physically depleted, Kelly collapsed on top of Shawn, letting her head rest against his chest. She moaned as his dick fell from her pussy.

"Don't fall asleep on me," Shawn told her. "We're going to be doing this for a few more hours. And probably a lot longer than that..."

A beam of hope illuminated her eyes. "Then you want me?"

"Damn right I do."

"Oh Shawn..."

It was over, she thought with relief. The battle was won.

"Oh Man..."

Tone` was arched forward, clutching the metal rail over the bed as AJ's tongue slithered inside her bared pussy. He had the unerring ability to locate her hot spot with one decisive flick, sending her to heaven. As the dots of light parted from her lust- clouded vision, she watched him descend upon her saliva-drenched clitoris. Unstoppable, he bent his head between her spread legs to eat yet more of her pink flesh. Her skin prickled from the lazy slurps he took, shaking her to the core.

They were at a motel, having checked in nearly twenty minutes ago. Quite some time passed since her departure from Shawn's tent. Tone` prayed her plan had been successful.

This was so nice, ending up with her panties removed and AJ's tongue buried within the confines of her sweet pussy. He seemed as eager to maneuver himself between her soft thighs. The agonizing sweep of his tongue made contact with her throbbing clit, causing her anxiety over tonight's events to cease existence. He stimulated every fantasy she ever had with the power of his saliva-driven movements.

Juice seeped from her crevice, absorbed by his ardent surveillance. He pushed back the folds of her pussy and licked her swollen bud. The tip of his tongue was blunt, luring her into a hugely excited condition. If he persisted in such fashion, she would have no recourse but to cum again. And again. And again.

"Ohhhh..." she gasped, dizzy with sexual intoxication. It was an effort to keep her legs spread and force her pussy at his mouth. Her inner thighs tingled so violently that she was near collapse. Her moaning, however, forwarded AJ's enthusiasm to give her pleasure. The more she tossed and whimpered, the fiercer his appetite became. She clawed his head, plunging it repeatedly into her muff, then releasing it once he succeeded in stroking her swollen clit to distraction. The backs of her legs screamed pain as she stretched to meet each superlative slurp, always shivering convulsively as her exertions were rewarded. "Eat me," she chanted, "eat me..."

A blaze of raw heat seared her body as she incurred the spasms that divested her of steam. She rocked in front of him as he fastened his tongue to her love button, unable to dodge him until the final contraction tore at her. She gritted her teeth, then let the numbness take immediate possession afterward. Weakly, she sank to her knees. "Uhhhh..."

Minutes passed as she wallowed in tingling ecstasy. AJ had made her cum so hard she could scarcely regain her composure. When she did, she nestled herself in the crook of his arm with a contented smile.

"Glad you left your boyfriend?" he asked with a smirk.

"For someone who mastered the art of pussy-lapping--yes."

"I love it," he answered, "particularly when you respond to what I do."

"How can I not? You have superb instinct." She caressed his strong chest, wanting to stir him with her touch. "I think I made the right choice..."

He chuckled. "What do you think happened?"

"If my intuition serves me correctly, my sister should be in Shawn's sleeping bag, fucking his brains out."


Tone` smiled. "I figured she had the hots for him. She might have tried being coy about it, but I could tell. Shawn was definitely ready to fuck when I left, and Kelly looked frustrated. I just let nature take its course..."

"You arranged it."

"It was the only fair thing to do. Shawn is a nice guy. Who better to leave him with than my own sister? At least I know who my competition is..."

He watched as she slid on her side toward his swollen dick. "Hungry?"

She darted out her tongue to meet his bloated cockhead, then lavished it with saliva. She felt his body instantly jerk as she came in contact with his flesh, the forcibly submitted to the resulting pleasure she dispensed. She tickled the underside and traced the rigid helmet as she heard his satisfied groan. Her reiterated licks sent him into an uncontrollable quiver, then just as he seemed acclimated to the wonders she wove with her tongue, she took him down her throat.

"Ugghhhhhh..." AJ choked, obviously woozy with desire. He slammed his head back into the pillow, then rolled it from side to side in sweet agony. His fingers bore into her temple, steering her toward he wanted her to focus attention. "Oh yeah...Suck.Suck."

Tone` managed to consume much of it, but AJ's length challenged the limitations of her throat. He was very large. Getting her lips two inches from the base was a big accomplishment. She swooned as she felt the pulse in his dick reply to her observant strokes. His dick seemed to double in size as she fixed her lips feverishly about it. Slick with saliva, his shaft slipped easily in and out of her compressed mouth. Her tongue coaxed and teased, worshipped and gratified. She wanted him to enjoy this blow job as much as she was trilled by his pussy-sucking.

She ran her thumbs beneath the thick skin of his balls, loving them with delicacy. They were heavy with the fluid she yearned. Soon, she told herself. Soon...

She accelerated her movements, propelling him toward orgasm. She was curious to see how he could lengthen his pleasure before spewing his wad into her mouth. His dick pulsated with energy, liking its outpour of heat. She sucked him thoroughly, completely, taking his dick in her oral embrace. Her lips pulled at his stiffness, her tongue brushing the thick vein that lined its bottom, inviting him to emit his discharge.

Tone` got caught up in the trill of having his dick in her mouth. She rubbed her pussy against the bedding, moaning deliriously. Blowing him really turned her on.

And then, suddenly, he was pressing down on her head, his exhalations sharp and urgent. "Swallow," he commanded. "Uhhhhhhhhhh...swallow..."

A half-second later, the hot collection of thickness gathered on her tongue, followed by a series of harsh spasms that shook his body. Tone` obeyed his horse directives, gulping down his cream.

After several moments, Tone` lifted herself from the spent dick. She had wanted to feel it jerk in her mouth while he came, unwilling to sacrifice even one spasm.

Tone` was glad things had turned out the way they had. Kelly had her man...and so did she. AJ gave her the things she needed to make her life complete. Their office affair had evolved into a meaningful relationship. She liked having breathless passion with someone who appreciated her. AJ was more the likely candidate than Shawn.

Ah, Shawn...he had his sports, and Kelly. She was fairly certain Kelly would carry on the tradition of sexually satisfying her man.

The Hampton girls. What a team...

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