My Stories

* I'll Be Dreaming *

As I was standing there I could feel his hot breath on my neck. It felt so good just to have him near. There was always that thought, right in the back of my mind. What if? What if this happened, What if that happened? I always managed to put those thought away from my mind. Especially when he was near.

"Are you ready?" he whispered in my ear. The feel of him pressing against me from behind gave me chills all down my spine. "I'm always ready for you." I urgently replied. He always got me hot and bothered and then stalled... I hated that.

I felt his fingers slowly reaching around my body and he turned me around with one gigantic twirl. I loved it when he did that. It always was better when he was telling me what to do and making me do it, then when he expected me to know what to do.

I always enjoyed it more when he was slightly rough. He always seemed more masculine when he was that way. Of course there was usually only one way to make him behave that way... I slowly slipped down to my knees. As I slowly unzipped his pants I heard him moan just the slightest bit. I could tell it was from pleasure. I glanced up just enough to see that his eyes were already closing. I smiled and took him, all of him, into my mouth...

I woke with a start on that Friday morning. That's when I realized that it was all a dream and none of it had happened. Damn, I thought to myself as I got dressed and headed downstairs, where my roommate Terri was already making breakfast.

"So, how did you sleep, sunshine?" she asked in that "way to happy to be morning" tone of hers.

"I slept fine until I had another one of those dreams again."

"Don't worry you'll find out soon enough who he is." She replied. I knew she was just trying to be helpful. But, between you and me, it wasn't helping one bit.

It all started the month before. I was running to my office to get am conference call and there it was pinned to my locker door. A note, with a white rose was pinned to it. White roses are my favorite. The note wasn't signed so therefore it intrigued me even more. I began getting them everyday after that. All the notes were in the same handwriting. And, they were all equally "dirty",

Yet in a way they were romantic. This guy sounded like the guy I had been looking for my entire life. But, I finally had to face the hard truth when I never found out who he was.

After that I began having these dreams about how he might be. My dreams were always close to the same thing. Him touching me in exactly the right spots and in exactly the right way. He always took control,
yet was still gentle enough not to hurt me.

So, I bid Terri goodbye and headed out the door. I was always late on Friday's. But, I finally made it. I took notes on the meeting, what I could and borrowed from other people to copy what I didn't get.

I finally made it home late that night, still thinking about the note I had received that day. I changed into my green lace nightie and jumped into bed dreamy eyed. It wasn't much more then ten minutes and
I was fast asleep.

Sitting there in my bedroom at my desk I couldn't hear anyone come in, but it wasn't long before I heard a whisper in my ear. "Why don't we get wild tonight, you have some fun we don't usually have?" I turned
around and there he was completely naked except for his white with red trim ankle socks and his gorgeous smile.

He leaned down and kissed me softly on my forehead. It gave me the chills instantly. He loved giving me the chills and he also loved receiving them.

"I thought I would surprise you tonight. I don't do that very often and I thought tonight would be a good chance." He said as he casually sat down on my bed.

"Well the thought was very nice but I have homework that I'm workin..." He swept me up into his arms before I had the chance to say anything else.

I stood there for a moment savoring in the tender kiss. Then I reached my arms around his neck and we kissed deeply. I moaned in pleasure and he could feel him grin. I called it his idiot grin. Even though I
thought it was incredibly adorable.

His hands reached up and ripped my shirt off and he leaned down and kissed me breasts. All I could do was stand there. I could even move, I was his for the taking, his to do with whatever he pleased. I was sure that whatever he wanted to do to me was something I would enjoy. It usually was.

While looking into his beautiful eyes he threw me unto the bed and jumped on top of me. All I could do was laugh and let him. He was kissing me all over now and all at once he stopped. He got this look
on his face and I could tell he had thought of something new to do.

He went down so that his mouth was lined up with the zipper of my pants. He began t use his teeth to undo the button. He finally tired of trying to get them down that way and ripped them off too. Then all that was left was my bra, panties and socks. I always left my socks on. He knew that and learned not to bother them. He then took my panties off with his teeth and ran his tongue along my clit. I shuttered a good kind of shudder and he stopped.

Then he unhooked my bra and started rubbing my breasts together and kissing me all over. All at once I couldn't help myself and I pulled him toward me and kissed him with all I had. He apparently liked what
I had done and we both started rubbing against each other very fast.

I all of the sudden had a thought and stopped. He glared and looked at me questionably. I grinned at him and made him flip over. I slowly went down so that my mouth was right at the tip of his cock. He was so
stunned that he just lay there. I slowly licked the tip of him and he quietly groaned. I began to slowly take him into my mouth. At first I was sucking slowly and carefully but as he made more and more noise I
went faster and rougher then ever. Harder and harder I sucked on him until finally I just couldn't take it anymore and I got up and looked right into his eyes and said...


"What?" he said in a hushed voice.

"Fuck me I said, in the chair in the corner.You sit and I will sit on top of your dick. I have always wanted to do that and was to chicken to say anything to you."

As he sat down he was still grinning at the fact that I was being so adventurous. I was usually really careful about what I said I wanted to do to him. I constantly had things I wanted to scream out to him but didn't for fear that he would think I was too horny and wild.

I sat on top of him hard but not hard enough to hurt him. He moaned and said to do it again. I slowly went up and down. He liked that and so did I. We went at it fast and furious for almost an hour. We had never been able to go that long before. It was the best we had ever done.

By the time we were finished we just laid there in each other's arms. He finally left at about 3 am that morning.

When I woke up I found that I had had the most intense dream yet and had "wet" my bed. I grinned to myself and cleaned everything up.

I went downstairs and Terri asked if I had another dream. I lied and said no. I told her that I was fine with not knowing who he was. I would find him eventually.

As I went to bed that night I grinned to myself. Tonight I was shooting for a dream that lasted until more than 3 am. Tonight I'm going for 5 am.

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