My Stories

* Fantasy *

The thought of a nice long candle lit bubble bath, where I can lie back and let the warm scented water gently relax my body as my mind drifts away seems like a slice of heaven.
*Sigh* Just thinking about it is enough to get my imagination going into overdrive. I can see it all unfold before my eyes...turning on the taps and adjusting the water temperature, lighting the scented candles...peach, to match the peach milk bubble bath I pour under the running water. The very air getting warm and heavy with moisture, as I begin to strip away the clothes I am in.

Feeling them start to slide down my body to form a warm pool of cloth at my feet before I step out of them and reach for a clip to hold my hair up away from the bubbles in the tub. One foot stepping over the edge of the tub and my toes testing the water before I step all the way in. Then the sensation of the slick warmth working its way up as I lower myself into the water. A sigh of pure satisfaction escaping my lips as I sink down and back, resting my head on a towel at the back of the tub and letting my eyes drift closed to further enjoy every second of this heavenly moment.

Inhaling the soft scent of peaches as I begin to move the water over my tired body, half-wishing for someone to wash me so that I could just lie back like a queen. Hmmm what a thought, why not, yes, I think a male bath attendant. I'll pick Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys. Yeah! He would kneel beside the tub and gently lather the sponge releasing more of the soft peach scent, and then with a gentle but firm touch start to bathe me. The feel of the soapy sponge sliding over the skin of my neck, across my shoulders, down my arms. The building excitement of wondering if he will wash all of if, or me there are areas he will leave for me to do. Feeling that gentle quiver start in the center of me with the hope that he will choose to the former. Then the feel of the warm water sluicing over me as he rinses that which he has already washed.

My nerves are now all fully awake, waiting hoping, Kevin's touch while not in the least improper to this point as changed the tired achy feelings in me to ones of want and anticipation. Watching him through my lashes as he lathers the sponge once more, my tongue slides out to moisten my suddenly dry lips and a soft sound escapes me drawing his attention to my face. His eyes locked with mine. I feel the soapy sponge at the top of my breasts, my breathing almost frozen in my chest awaiting his movement downward. My eyes never leaving his, they silently plead for his hand to move. The relief is almost explosive when I feel him slip lower to begin to circle my breasts, getting closer with each to my now straining nipples.
With a quick gasp of breath I move enough to have him pass over one nipple with the soapy sponge and nearly cry out from the shear excitement of it. Instantly the rest of my body comes alive wanting his attention too, but he is very dedicated and takes his time to assure he misses not one inch of each of my breasts. Then his eyes drift away from mine to watch as he rinses away the soap he has just to tenderly applied to my large swollen breasts and I hear his intake of breath as he gets his first real glimpses of them without the bubbles and soap. For a long moment he just stares, his hand with the now wrung sponge poised in mid-air. Still. His head starts to lower excruciatingly slowly and I know he is about to bath my breast yet again, but this time not with the sponge and soap, but rather with his tongue.
I squirm under the onslaught of that tongue and moans erupt from me when his lips close over one nipple and he starts to suckle me. I feel the invisible cord that runs through my center tug at the core of my sexual self. I want more, but part of me holds back, waiting to see what else this wonderful man will do. I pout when he lifts his head and starts once more to resume my bath. Disappointment begins to flood me when he reaches once more for the soap and sponge and starts to wash my torso, and then my legs, never once touching the heated part of me that I most want him to explore.

Just when I am sure I will die of want, I feel the sponge at the top of my inner thigh. Now I hear his breathing, quick and not quite steady. Could it be he is as excited as I? Do I dare reach out to touch him also? I want to so very badly. I want to feel the warmth of his skin beneath my fingers. To explore his chest and see if his male nipples are as sensitive as my female ones.
I lick my lips thinking about tasting his skin, and the movement draws his eyes to my mouth. Time seems to stop while I wait for whatever comes next. Then in a flash of a second that seems to take a lifetime, his mouth descends to mine and our lips brush softly as his whispers into my open mouth, "Touch me." just before our mouths meld and our tongues start a dance as old as time.

Reaching up slowly I start to unbutton his shirt, sliding my hand over the now exposed flesh of his chest, raking my nails gently over his nipples and I feel his hand without the sponge now at the apex of my thighs. Arching up from the water I press myself against his open palm and feel his fingers begin to trace the folds of me.

Without quite knowing how, he is now also without clothes and his body available to my damp explorations. Pulling my mouth away from his I shyly remark that if he remains on the outside of the tub that there will be a lake of water to clean up. I watch as a slow smile spreads across his face and he begins to stand affording me a full view of all of him.

Reaching down he tugs on my hand until I too am standing and then steps into the tub with me. Our mouths melt together once more as our hands resume the lovely explorations of one another. Slowly he turns me to face the rear of the tub and places my hands on the wall to brace me in a slightly forward bend. I try to look over my shoulder at him but am unable to see him. Then I feel his hands slide down my back to cup my buttocks and gently squeeze and kneed.

My knees start to shake and a liquid warmth begins to flow from between my legs. I feel him move down my body and somehow just know that now he is kneeling behind me. I am a little embarrassed at the position, but very excited too. I feel so naughty with my backside in the air and his face level with the part of me that is now throbbing and producing more and more slick moisture as proof of my growing passion.

When I feel him gently open me with his fingers and softly run the tip of one over the tight bud between my folds I cry out and begin to move back against him. "Please" is all I am able to say, hoping he will understand what it is I am begging for and almost die when he does and slides a finger inside my hot wet throbbing core only to remove it again and have me writhing wanting more.

I try to turn myself around wanting to touch him and draw him into me, to bring him to the fevered pitch he has me teetering at. He moves quicker than I though and is now once more standing behind me, and I feel the hard throb of him against the crevice of my bottom as his hands slide around to grasp and kneed my breasts. "Oh Please" I beg, panting and wild with want. "Fill me, ...take me...

With a primal groan of want I feel him shift slightly to bend me further and then the glorious joy of the hard maleness of him at the very opening of me. I try to move back to bring him inside of me, but he moves with me, teasing still, until I am sure I will pass out if he doesn't enter and fill me. Then when I am sure I can take no more he slides into me from behind and I shatter around him into a million shards of colored light. Soaring high above my mortal self to a place of heavenly sensations. My body contracts around him, drawing him deeper still into me. The muscles inside me moving over the hardness of him, rippling with the waves of ecstasy I am feeling.

Just as I start to drift slowly back into myself I feel him start to move. Long, deep, strokes that bring him almost completely from me, only to return to fill me completely and once more I soar past the very stars in yet another orgasm. My body now bucks and bumps against his, wanting more still. His hands never idle, one still caressing my breasts and aching nipples, the other now slid lower to gently toy with the hard nub above the opening he is so wonderfully exploring with the full hard length of himself.

Before I am even able to begin the decent back, another mind shattering orgasm rocks me and thorough the emotion bliss I hear and feel him join me in the heights of physical release.

As the mists of pleasure slowly evaporate, I realize I am still lying in a now tepid bath, my own hand lodged between my still quivering thighs. I sigh half-sad that he was only a fantasy, and yet still feeling the wonders that even as a fantasy he was able to produce in me. Standing to reach for a towel, I smile softly and think maybe I will try the raspberry bubble bath tomorrow.


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