My Stories


Part Five~~Passion

The afternoon was ending. The expedition had stopped earlier than usual to make camp for the night because everyone needed to dry out their belongings that had gotten wet during the rain storm earlier.
Jonell had crept away from the others, seeking privacy enough to take a bath in the river. She knew the dangers of setting out on her own, yet deep down inside herself she realized that there was someone who had not missed her escape from the campsite.
She even suspected that he was following her.
She smiled to herself, pretending not to hear his shoes stepping on a twig, creating a cracking sound that broke the silence.
The river sparkled through a break in the trees up just ahead of her, and Jonell hurried her pace, a towel thrown over her left arm and a bar of soap in the front right pocket of her shorts.
She had known that Howard would follow her. She had made sure that he had seen her path of escape from the campsite.
A strange foreboding filled her. All the while she had been confident that Howard was following her. Could it be someone else?
Fearing this possibility, Jonell stopped short and swung around, her eyes searching the deepening shadows behind her, praying that the man she loved would be there.
When Howard finally came into sight, Jonell sighed with relief.
Howard stepped up to her and reached his hand out, placing it on her cheek. "Bathing in the river," he said a glint in his eyes.
"How did you know what I was planning to do?' Jonell asked softly. "Are you not only handsome and intriguing, but also a mind reader?"
He nodded down at the towel. "That is how I read your mind," he said, chuckling low. His gaze shifted. "And I do not believe my sense of smell fails me. Is that also a bar of perfumed soap in your pocket?"
Jonell glanced down to the bulge in her pocket. "You are right on all counts," she said, lifting smiling eyes up at Howard.
"But now that you are here, will you keep watch for me while I bathe, won't you?"
"I have my own reasons for coming to the river,"he said, reaching one of his hands to her hair and letting it drift through his spread fingers. "I need a bath also. Do you think the river is large enough for both of us?"
Seeing the heat of his desire for her in the depth of his eyes, Jonell felt her fingers trembling as she began unbuttoning her top.
As Howard began undressing, Jonell's eyes followed his fingers, watching as each new inch of flesh was revealed to her feasting eyes. Her pulse raced as he tossed his shirt to the ground.
She finally stepped out of the last of her garments, then kicked her shoes aside and stood feasting her eyes on the sight of him - his muscles, his tight firm buttocks, his flat belly that led to that valley between his hips where his passion for her was evident in the way his manhood stood out from his body ready, its purple tip shedding a tiny droplet of white, creamy liquid that he nonchalantly swept away between his thumb and his forefinger.
This simple, yet sensual act caused Jonell to sway somewhat and swallow hard; having grown wet herself, throbbing with wants of him.
Then she felt his eyes on her and stood as still as a statue might, allowing him to touch her everywhere with his dark eyes, enjoying it as though it were hid fingers or his tongue pleasuring her.
Howard stood with his legs spread wide, feeling the heat of his manhood as it throbbed unmercifully with need of being within her. He swept his eyes slowly downward to where the swell of her breasts gave way in a smooth descent of her flat, firm belly and the triangle of soft, feathering black hair that gave him much pleasure.
Hardly able to stand any further waiting, Howard went to her and cupped her breasts within his hands, finding them so warm and oh, so supple.
Bending, he flicked his tongue over one and then the other, hearing her gasp of pleasure kindling his own fires.
Waiting not even to kiss her, he swept her up into his arms and began walking her into the river, her head against his chest, one arm twined around his neck. He could hear her uneven anxious breathing, which matched his own.
Howard stopped where the water was just brushing against Jonell's breasts. He eased her to her feet, onto the pebbled floor of the river, then encircled her within his arms and drew her close.
"Make love to me," she murmured. "Oh, how I want you."
Howard framed her face between his hands and kissed her passionately, trembling with pleasure as her hands sought out that part of him that had become tender waiting for her caresses.
When her fingers began to move on him. The water warm and caressing in itself, the euphoria began claiming him. Slipping his hands down her body, finding the soft curves of her buttocks, he splayed his fingers against her and lifted her up, soon thrusting his thick shaft within her.
Jonell reached around and shank her fingers into his buttocks, urging him more deeply into her as she gave him a gentle shove. Then she twined her arms around his neck and placed her legs around his waist, locking her legs together at the ankles.
She closed her eyes as the ecstasy began swimming through her.
Howard groaned as he felt the pleasure rising... rising... spreading... spreading... this time much more quickly than the others. He thrust himself over and over again inside her, the heat scorching his insides, his desire a sharp, hot pain in his loins.
As the final rays of sunset flamed across the sky, rapture consumed Howard and Jonell, filling them, spilling over, drenching them with warmth and deep feelings of fulfillment.
Afterwards, Jonell clung to Howard, her cheek on his shoulder. She caught her breath, daring not to breathe, afraid that if she did, she would discover that this was just another illusion, one that she would awaken from with empty longings.
She was soon aware that this was no illusion. She sighed leisurely and tremors cascaded down her back when Howard began stroking her legs, his fingers moving slowly upward, his caress lighting her with desire again.
When his fingers teased circles around her belly, up to her breasts, just missing he nipples each time so that they strained with added anticipation, Jonell felt as though she might melt right into the water.
Howard took Jonell from the river and lay her down on a soft bed of moss. She closed her eyes and bit down on her lower lip to keep from crying out with rapture when he began making his way down her body with his tongue, awakening anew her every secret place with fresh desire.
When he began caressing her tender mound of pleasure with his tongue, she sucked in a wild breath and closed her eyes. The feeling were so wonderfully sweet, she felt as though she might be floating high in the sky, a bird with wide-spread wings, soaring higher and higher and higher...
Then Howard moved over her and filled her once again with his thick shaft. He held her hands above her head as he kissed her, his body thrusting maddeningly fast within her.
Surges of warmth flooded Jonell's body once again and she knew that Howard was finding as much pleasure as she by the way he groaned and continued plunging himself into her, continuing at this speed until his seed splashed against her walls. Jonell lay perfectly still when Howard rolled away from her.
"I've never been so content," Jonell finally said, her eyes still closed, feeling at peace with herself and the world. "I'm so very, very happy."