Hosted Stories

* Forgiven *


Kevin, are you busy?

No, honey. What's up?

I wondered if I could ask you something.


Uh, you know that Howie and I have been getting along really great, lately…and uh, he's been treating me like a princess, not that he didn't before, I don't mean that at all, that's not what I meant to-

It's okay…I know what you mean. He loves you. He loves doing things for you.

Um, yeah. Anyway, it's just that uh, lately, I mean, since that night, you know…he's uh, well, he doesn't, um, oh god…forget it…

What? Isabelle, it's okay…

It's just that, um, we haven't um, you know…

Made love?



I know that I probably shouldn't be asking you this and I don't even know if it's appropriate and I don't want to put in a precarious position or embarrass you in any way and I'm so sorry if I have but I just don't understand why he won't touch me or anything and I thought since you are his friend that you could help me figure it out because-

Isabelle! ISABELLE!


Sweetheart, I can't even make out what you are saying…you have to breathe and talk slower, okay? You're telling me you and Howie haven't had sex since that night?


And you think I know why?


Well, he hasn't said anything about it, but I am going to jump off the deep end and tell you that he probably doesn't want to pressure you into anything, or do anything to make you run away again. I don't think there is anything more to it than that.


I know that expression. What are you thinking?

I was thinking that, um, maybe he hasn't touched me because he just doesn't want to.


I mean, maybe he's just not attracted to me in that way, anymore…I just don't turn him on or whatever. Maybe we're better friends now than lovers.

Isabelle, I love you like a sister but I have to say, I think you've lost your mind!

Don't laugh at me! This isn't funny! Forget it, I should have known not to ask you!

Will you wait? God, how does a small thing like you move so damn fast! Come here, will you? ISABELLE, COME HERE.

What? You satisfied? I'm here. What is it?

I have worked and lived with Howie for almost 10 years. TEN YEARS. The only other girlfriend, if you want to call her that, was Claudia. That's it. He dated other girls, he had sex with other girls, but he never, ever, had another exclusive relationship until you. You mean everything to him. If you saw how he feel apart when you left, you wouldn't even question his attraction for you.


NO BUTS. Trust me. I know this guy. He is waiting to make sure that you want to do this. Stop analyzing this to death. Anyway, if you want it so bad, why don't YOU go after it?

I never said that I wanted it so bad! That's not what I said!

Uh huh.

I didn't!

Sure, whatever. Freak.


Nothing. Desperado, why don't you come to your senses…

What are you singing?

You're hearing things.

I AM NOT! You're teasing me, aren't you?


I hate you.


I really, really hate you.

So you say, but you're still standing here when your boyfriend's probably wearing out the skin on his palms.

That's an awful thing to say!

Then why are you laughing?