Hosted Stories

* Forgiven *


A full moon illuminated the grace and tranquility of the rooftop garden. Small, white lights were suspended among the tree branches, creating a magical glow. The aromatic and intense smell of wild orchids and other exotic flowers perfumed the night air. And there, in the midst of this Garden of Eden, she stood, holding out her hand.

For several moments, he could only stare into her face and touch every feature with his fingertips. He could barely breathe. He was overwhelmed by emotion and sensation; that she was welcoming him back into her life again, without reservation.

She softly, gently, moved her lips against his, in a silent invitation. A kiss was never so enchanting. After months of yearning and wanting and needing, their tongues caressing each other's mouths was the most intense foreplay imaginable. One of his hands held her waist, and the other he placed on the back of her neck to bring her in closer.

Eventually his hands began to stray. His fingers relearned every inch of her body, each tiny crevice and each gentle curve.

Was her waist always this tiny?

How does her hair smell so wonderful?

She liked that. How come I never knew how much she liked that before?

When did she learn to make those incredible sounds?

How can her skin feel so soft?

Thank you God for giving her to me.

His hands gently grasped her bottom and he rubbed himself against her, tenderly, not wanting to force the moment. She loved feeling his hard, erect length between her legs, and was embarrassed by the sudden rush of liquid fire that resulted. She felt hot and light headed, her hands kept fisting his clothes and she tried desperately to rub her skin against him, like a kitten around its master's leg. She was intoxicated by his scent, the fragrance of his shower soap and his cologne combined. She wanted to lick him all over. She tickled his ear with the tip of her tongue, circling the flesh of his lobe before taking it into her mouth.

He could not help the shiver that scorched through his body when she did that, and the way she was moving against him, as though trying to absorb him into her body. He brought her face back to his and ravaged her mouth with a deep, passionate and blistering kiss. When he raised his head, her lips were red and swollen, and her cheeks flushed pink. The glow in her eyes made the moon hangs its head in shame.



Come here. Lie down with me.

He placed her comfortably upon the plush and luxurious blanket that rested on the rooftop floor. He noticed that there was champagne, fruit, cheese, biscuits, sweets…but those could wait for later. At this moment he only wanted to feast on her body, but she had other plans for him.

He realized that she was trying to remove his shirt; therefore he paused to take it off for her. She nestled back against him in complete contentment, embracing his form in her arms and stroking the smoothness of his skin. He felt the tips of her hair dance across his skin as she honored his body with her mouth. Her hands remained entwined with his as she played across his chest, taking his nipples into her mouth and pampering them until they were hard as pebbles. The skin on his stomach was particularly sensitive, and he reacted strongly when she planted soft, moist kisses on it, and rubbed her cheek against it. His stomach rippled under her ministrations. She unbuckled his pants and pushed them, along with his briefs, down his legs. He obliged her by lifting his legs so the offending garments could be tossed aside. She returned to him and felt his hardness against her breasts, his erection painfully engorged and begging for attention. She looked down to see that it was a deep purple red and his juices were glistening on the tip.

She continued her journey, letting her hair fall over his erection, tickling it and causing it to jerk in response. She heard his moan as she let her hair drape over him while she nestled between his thighs and began to lick his sac, taking it into her mouth and caressing him with her hands at the same time. He began to lift himself off the bed, groaning in pleasure and trying to grasp her head with his hands. She took her time, prolonging his pleasure. She circled her tongue along the base of his shaft, and then licked the pulsing vein that ran along his length, finally taking just the tip of his cock into her mouth. She repeated this again and again, each time taking more of his hard, engorged shaft into her mouth, but not allowing it to stay there.

Oh Jesus, baby…please…oh god…don't tease me…

Do you like that, honey?

Oh god, YES…don't stop…

Beads of sweat erupted along his forehead, and his hands fisted the blanket underneath him. She took his entire member in her mouth, allowing her tongue to swirl across him, and anointing him with her saliva. The sensitive tip rested at the back of her throat, and she began to hum softly, the vibration causing him to jerk wildly. Her hands held on to his thighs as she continued to lick and tease and affect him with her mouth.

Oh shit, baby, stop…

She ignored him.

Baby, I want to come inside you…please…

She paid no attention.

Oh my god…Isabelle…yes, that's it…

She did not stop sucking his shaft, even as his cum frothed inside her mouth. She swallowed it all and continued tasting him with her tongue, until he began to soften inside her mouth. Finally, he pulled away from her and pulled her up against him.

Oh god, I want to make love to you…he mouthed against her cheek.

Do it…please, just do it…

Are you sure?

Yes, she almost sobbed. I want this…I want you…don't stop touching me, please…

Tell me. Tell me where you want me to touch you.

Anywhere. Here. Touch me here.

His hand stroked the tiny pebble that was her nipple through her dress. His fingers circled the nub, teasing it, touching the delicious mound around it but not grasping it as possessively as she wanted.

Don't do that…

What? Do you want me to stop?

Yes! I mean no! I mean…

What? Tell me…his hot breath licked at her ear.

I want you to touch me…harder…oh god…like that…

Now his entire hand stroked her breast, he could feel her heart beat under his palm. She moaned and let her head fall forward onto his shoulder, her hands entwined in his hair. He pushed the straps of her dress down over her shoulders, kissing the exposed flesh along her neck and collarbone. He lovingly pushed her dress further down, until it pooled around her waist. Her breasts were exposed to the night air, and to his lips and tongue.

He took each deep pink tip into his mouth, lathering it with his tongue, and sucking on each one with careful deliberation. He nuzzled the skin between her breasts, the delightful friction of his beard causing her back to arch in pleasure. He clasped the silky material around her waist and pulled it down over her hips and legs. He stopped occasionally to kiss and suckle on her stomach, her thigh, the back of her knee, her ankle. He grabbed her feet and removed her sandals. He kissed the delicate arch of her foot, and began to make his way back up her body until she was writhing beneath his hands.

He could swear she was purring.

He dipped his moist tongue into her belly button, feeling her stomach ripple in response. His fingers stroked the skin above her wet center, playfully. She moaned. He grabbed her panties and pulled them against her mound, and she gasped his name, as he slid the fabric back and forth, back and forth, feeling it become wet with her juices.

He moved his hand underneath her panties, and cupped her in his hand, holding her. She began to rotate herself against his palm, until it was slick with her nectar. He moved up so he could look into her face.

Come for me, baby…I want to watch you.

Don't close your eyes. Look at me. You're beautiful when you come.

Don't be shy, does this feel good?

He slipped one finger inside her, delicately stroking the inside of her walls.

Do you know how soft you feel inside?

You are. Soft. And warm. And wet.

I love that I can make you wet like this, baby.

Does this feel better?

He slipped another finger inside.

I love the way you move. No, don't stop. It's okay. Just let it go.

She was undulating beneath him, staring into his eyes, her hands clenching his upper arms and shoulders as she rubbed and grinded against his hand. Her skin was damp and he kissed her nose, her lips, her cheeks. Her breath came in short gasps and moans, and he could feel her clenching around his fingers, trying to find release. When his mouth found an engorged nipple, she was lost. Her body shuddered under him and she cried out, trembling as her orgasm cursed through her body.

It was all the encouragement he needed. He moved between her thighs, not allowing her time to recover before he slipped his tongue into her moist folds. She was intensely sensitive from her first orgasm, and her back arched into the air and a scream of pure pleasure left her mouth. His hands held her hips down as he bathed her with his tongue. He licked her swollen clit over and over and over again, rotating it soothingly before lapping at it with greater force, and then starting again. It was the sweetest torture. She could not stop her orgasms, it was as though all pleasure was concentrated on that one tiny nerve between her legs. The more she came, the more he kept stroking her with his tongue, even when she begged him to stop, fearing that she could not withstand any more of these unbelievable sensations.

At long last, he lifted his head, licking his lips and grinning unabashedly. He missed the taste of her. He missed hearing her scream his name. He missed being inside of her.

He lay beside her quietly while she caught her breath, stroking her skin and nuzzling her neck. She turned in his arms and captured his full lips in a searing kiss, tasting herself on his tongue. She missed touching him, kissing him, cuddling next to him in bed. She fit against his body perfectly.

She opened her legs underneath him and wrapped them around his waist, her ankles locking against the small of his back. His shaft throbbed against her, and he moved his hips so that it rubbed up and down her wet slit. She bit her bottom lip and tried to move so that he could be inside of her. He only moved further away, returning to nudge her center again in delicious agony but keeping her desires at bay.

Please…I want you inside me…don't do that…

He smiled down at her wickedly.

Don't do what?

That…oh god…

She lifted her hips off of the bed completely but he only pinned her back down. He let some of his weight rest on top of her and with one hand; he guided himself slowly inside her, but only just the tip, running it along her wet, hot folds until she screamed out her frustration.

Please…oh please…just fuck me…

With one hard, forceful thrust he placed his entire length inside her, the movement causing her body to jump backward on the blanket. He grabbed on to her bottom, his fingers digging into her flesh as he pounded in and out of her, their collective gasps and moans filling the night air. Her nails dug into his back, his arms, and his shoulders- anywhere she could reach. The sweat on their skin mingled together as he kept one arm underneath her bottom and placed the other around her back so that he could hold her against him as tightly as possible. Her nipples rubbed against the soft, fine hairs on his chest and the friction was immeasurably pleasurable. She had another orgasm, throwing her head back and screaming his name, while he continued to thrust into her, her walls clenching and tightening around his shaft as her juices poured out of her. He did not stop. He moved one leg over his shoulder, opening her up further to him. He began to feel the familiar sensation building in his balls, but did not want it to end so quickly. He slowed his pace, rotating his hips against her and sliding his hard cock into her before withdrawing again. She was whimpering in response, clenching her walls around him as encouragement to remain inside of her. Gradually he increased his thrusting until they were both moaning in pleasure. When he neared his climax he grabbed her head and pulled her up to him for a deep, scorching kiss, his tongue mimicking the thrust of his cock inside her. With a lusty growl he emptied himself inside of her, and she came with him, trembling in his arms, overwhelmed by what had taken place.

He continued to hold her and move inside her until their breath became less labored. When he attempted to pull out of her she held on to him, locking him in place.

Baby, I don't want to hurt you…I'm too heavy

I'm fine…I just want to feel you inside me…it's been so long

I know. I missed you. I love you.

I love you, too.