My Stories

* Full Moon *

Chapter One

"The moon will be rising soon," the werewolf thought to himself as he drifted through the crowd of writhing dancers at the club, Gothic Noire. "I'll have to find someone to fuck soon or I'll spend the next month locked in my wolf shape." The moon's nearness was calling to his soul, even through the brick walls. He could feel his eyes shifting slowly from their natural beryl to wolfen gold.

His head lifted and his eyes glowed a brilliant predator green as they reflected the odd club lighting. The glow winked out as he turned his head, changing the angle of reflection. He leaned against the wall in a dark corner, delicately sifting through the scents looking for his prey. His sensitive nose was overpowered by the scents. There were too many warm, sweating bodies rubbing against each other in multiple parodies of sex. The aromas aggravated his need. Standing up, stretching to his full impressive height, he moved away from the wall and drifted like smoke through the dancers and the throbbing music, his cock semi-aroused in anticipation.

"I hate being in a rush like this every fucking month," he muttered to himself as he searched. "If the band only knew the truth about me," he thought to himself. He despised the curse that required him, every damned month, to bring a woman to climax before he could cum. But nothing less would generate enough power to keep control over his changes. Trying to find someone with enough passion to keep up with his need, and appetite, every full moon was a real pain in the ass.

Not having a woman of his own was his own damn fault and he knew it, but he couldn't afford to have anyone finding out about his true nature. "Oh, hey, you're cute, and by the way I'm a werewolf; is that okay with you?" he snarled to himself in a snide half-joke. "Oh Yeah, that'd go over real well. Then I'll have another freak chasing me cross-country with a shotgun full of silver." He smiled at his own wit, revealing the gleam of sharp incisors. "As if silver was really going to do me any harm."

A clean fresh aroma drifted through the cigarette smoke and alcohol fumes, catching his notice. He felt his cock rise to full erection, pressing uncomfortably against his snug leather pants in response. a perfume of baby powder, soap and warm frustrated woman drew his fascination. He followed the enticing fragrance to a female leaning against the wall, completely alone.

Shy as most predators tend to be, he drifted past her noting the waterfall of dark-brown locks that flowed down past her shoulders to swing at her hips. She had sultry brown eyes and wore a very short leather skirt. Her full breasts were contained by the pearl buttons of her tight white blouse. The black lights made the lace of her bra glow fluorescent white, making it clearly visible through the sheer material.

As she shifted her stance slightly, he caught a tiny glimpse of what had to be the edge of her white panties, also glowing under the black lights. His rigid flesh pressed insistently against his stomach as he studied the context of her delicate scent. He was pleased by the definite lack of a male scent hovering near her.

"So, she's not here with another male nor has she been touched by one recently. Good!" the werewolf thought, a cunning smile curling his lips. He walked past her through the door to the enclosed porch outside.

"Now, how to corner her and get her out into the parking lot for a fast fuck..." he thought to himself.