My Stories

* Full Moon *

Chapter Six

"Delicious, Princess." The pleasure in his voice caressed her. Using the unrelenting grip in her hair he tipped her head forward and brought her lips once more to his. She opened her mouth under his and could taste herself on his tongue. She shuddered in reaction. He pulled away to look into her eyes. Passion was written across his face like pain, his breath hard, panting.

"I want to watch you as I make you cum for me," he whispered harshly. Again his finger slid into her cleft and then another finger joined the first. Her body clenched in unchaste hunger to hold him within but he slid his damp fingers out again. He traced up her tender flesh to rub lightly against her clit. Sherl inhaled sharply at the bolts of pleasure from his fingers as he rubbed them quickly back and forth against her. Her lips parted and thighs tightened as she began to grind her hips, wanting more.

He pulled her mouth to his for a hungry kiss but kept his eyes trained on passion growing in hers. He dipped his finger in her once more, sliding deeply to rub her inner walls then out, then in again, then out in a slow fuck. Her wetness slid over his palm and he rubbed at her clit with a damp thumb. She slid her hips forward onto his possessing finger, wanting more, needing more, fucking herself on his hand.

Her soft cries were captured in his mouth as he slid a second finger into her, burrowing strongly to find the button deep inside of her. He pressed it with his fingertips then flicked it lightly, then again and again in an insistent rhythm. She was jolted to the threshold of a crushing orgasm. Suddenly, she was close, so close, right on the edge and let out a muffled scream of frustration that was swallowed by the werewolf's mouth.

"Yes, yes..." he hissed as he felt her body clutching his fingers. Her hands pulled at his lapels as her hips rocked against him in mindless lust. Harder and harder, she thrust against him, encouraging him to push deeper into her. He could feel her nearness to climax.

"I want you to cum for me Princess," he whispered. " I want to feel you, I want to taste you as you cum...." His breath came in harsh pants; he growled as her hips pumped against his fingers. She was so close, so very close. Eyes intent on her, he watched her mouth open to suck in a deep breath and hold it. She arched, stiffened and thrashed, crushing herself on his hand as a powerful orgasm crashed through her in a howling blaze. Firmly, he brought her lips down to meet his and he took her cries into his triumphant mouth.

Rapt in the throes of pleasure, she had not seen the couples that had silently come into the room. Clothing was loosened and hands roved and stroked and began to pleasure themselves and each other. Voraciously they watched the two in the chair, the elegant brunette and the rugged dark man, silently and intently. Their eyes avidly devoured the scene before them. The woman's white panties were stark and visible in the dim light as they watched the dark man forcing the delicate woman to submit to her own climax.