My Stories

* Full Moon *

Chapter Nine

Trembling in aftershocks of carnal pleasure, he released her wrists and enclosed her tender body in a fierce hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck, burrowing into him seeking comfort. Tears of humiliation and embarrassment made their way down her cheeks.

"It's okay, Princess, it's okay," he whispered gently, as he kissed her lips and then kissed her tears away. Gently, he lifted her from him and pulled out a handkerchief to wipe his seed from her thighs. He helped her rearrange her cloths the closed his pants with a satisfied smile.

The werewolf sighed deeply in relief both mental and physical. He would keep his shape- changing power under his control for another turn of the moon. He could now seek his wolf form without loosing his ability to return to human form. Gone also was the fear of being lost in a far more hideous form. A form trapped between man and wolf. At least until the next full moon.

He became aware of the sounds of the others in the room and remembered the audience. The intruders were oblivious to the two of them now as they moaned and writhed seeking their own pleasures. gently taking her still trembling hand, he led her to the stairs past a moaning, eyes closed, gripping his lover by the hair as he pumped himself into her mouth.

Sherl went into the ladies' room, now empty. She used the sink to wash her seared flesh and then fix her make-up.

"Oh God," she thought in humiliation as she remembered all those people staring. "All those people watching me being...being fucked." A minor tremor shook her and she suddenly realized the he had given her the best climaxes she'd ever had.

"Two! I had two orgasms," Sherl reminded herself in the mirror. She blushed furiously in confusion. And all those people staring at her, watching them... She felt both ashamed and exhilarated. "Oh, God, does this make me a slut?" she wondered.

"Shit!", she said out loud "I don't have any panties!"

Still puzzled over her behavior, Sherl walked out of the ladies' room into the main room of the club. He walked over and handed her a drink. Desperately she took the glass, drinking deeply.

"Shit, I just chugged a Lon Island Iced Tea," she said out loud. She felt the alcoholic fire go straight to her brain.

"That's what you were drinking before," he answered, a relaxed smile on his lips. He slouched against the wall. Sherl looked into his lambent green eyes.

"Yes, and look what kind of trouble that got me into," she answered, blushing hotly as memories of his body scorched through her. She took another, smaller sip. He only smiled. She could have sworn his eyes had been yellow only a few minutes ago...

The club music shifted and the sensual strains of Enigma flowed over her, stirring something within her. Violins and a heavy back beat floated around in her head. The sound of young male voices chant threaded through the music.

"Hey! Sherl, where have you been?" called a slender, dark-haired girl as she came out of the crowd on the dance-floor. "I've been looking all over for you! Did you hear? We missed the sideshow going on upstairs!" The loud music and press of people closed between him and the spent brunette. he slid away in the confusion.

"So," he thought as he headed for the door, "her name is Sherl," he slipped out the club and took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air. Cautiously, he made his way to a dark corner of the parking lot where he'd parked his bike.

Testing her name on his lips, "Perhaps Sherl will still be around next month," he thought. He pulled the scrap of silk that had been her panties from his pocket. He had her scent now so he could find her if he needed her again. Maybe he would seek her out before the next full moon. Perhaps he would even take her as his mate...

"Was he gone? That son of a bitch!" Sherl thought as she ignored Kristy and ran out of the club. She looked about the parking lot and heard the thunder of the motorcycle revving up. "That sounds like my Dad's old bike," she thought vaguely.

Looking toward the street, she watched him, his long dark hair flying as he sped away on a classic Indian motorcycle. He was smiling as he looked back seeing her. He waved a scrap of white fabric that used to be her panties.

She never even knew his name.