My Stories

* Hot Pants *

Jamie had been working at the massage parlor for three weeks; she was backpacking and had taken on the work to earn a little extra cash while she traveled. She was around five foot two, with short curly brown hair and chocolate brown eyes set in a finely boned well-proportioned face. Her figure was slender and flat stomached, her breasts and buttocks full and firm, in high heels and a tight skirt with a skimpy crop top she was simply irresistible.

Jamie enjoyed her work, most clients were polite and tipped well and occasionally she would even find herself quite attracted to some of them. The job was relatively simple, she would take the client to the room, let him shower while she prepared the massage table, lie him down and rub hot oil all over him and start massaging. The trick was to get the client to ask for 'extras', which she would charge a fee for over and above the price of the massage.

The list of extras available would usually include, a hand job, a naked or body-to-body massage and if the girl wished to offer, a head job or sex was made available to regular clients. Each girl was in control of what they offered; they got very little of the house charge in order to encourage them to offer more in the rooms.

Jamie had her favorite customers and quite a few regulars that would request to see her at least twice a week. She took her time slowly spreading the warm oil all over their bodies, by the they were totally covered in oil they had usually asked what was available and chosen their 'extra'.

AJ was Jamie's favorite client; he was usually quite tense but extremely sexy, thin but well muscled. He would request to see her whenever his busy schedule allowed and that had been six times in the last three weeks. AJ was the only client that had Jamie wet and horny by the time they made it to the room, he had what she called animal magnetism. Sure, she knew he was one of those Backstreet Boys and she had started to look forward to his visits with a passion.

He was the only part of her work that she ever took home with her and she would think of him while in the bath, in her bed even while sitting on the couch in her lounge watching TV, his image would torment her until she had no other option but to let her fingers move down to the puffy lips of her pussy. She would let her fingertips slide into the wet folds and move them across the throbbing tip of her clitoris, her sighs and gasps coming quicker as she fingered herself deeply until the horny needful feeling inside was satisfied.
Jamie knew it was not a healthy addiction in her line of work but she couldn't get rid of the obsession she seemed to have formed with her client.

What had worked in AJ's favor was that he had never touched her or groped her or asked her for anything more sexual than a naked massage and a hand job, he told her that she massaged his headaches away and that was the main reason he came to her.

By the seventh visit Jamie was practically naked before AJ had finished drying himself after his shower, he watched her as she warmed the oil and set out the towels on the massage bench for him to lie on. "One of these days I'm just going to grab hold of you and kiss you," his deep voice soaked in passion as he spoke; walking towards her he gave her one of his sexy smiles.

Jamie froze, her pussy clenching and unclenching at his words as she stood naked by the bench, she could feel her nipples harden and suddenly felt that it would be quite obvious that she had been wanting him to kiss her for some time. She stared at AJ as he walked towards her but she didn't move, his one hand gently cupping her face the other tracing a gentle circle around the puckered tip of her nipple.

AJ kissed her deeply, tasting her very soul as he pressed her naked body against his. Jamie was like putty in his arms, molding herself to him, his hand running all over the naked contours of her supple body. She could feel the hot pulsing hardness of his dick pressed between her thighs she took a couple of involuntary steps backwards until her back made contact with the wall.

They kissed like this for a while, his body moving against hers, grinding his dick against her pelvis and in and out of the space where her thighs met her pussy. Jamie groaned deeply into the kiss, her pussy on fire with desire she let her hands move over the muscular frame of his arms back and chest. The warmth of his hands upon her breasts, pinching and pulling at her nipples, he broke off the kiss and took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking it quite hard until she gasped then released it.

Jamie was quivering with desire by the time he stopped sucking her nipples. He looked deeply into her eyes, nodding his head as if he had confirmed something; he took up the bottle of warmed oil and began squirting it all over Jamie's breasts. She moaned as the warm oil ran down over her stomach soaking into the small tuft of hair over her pussy that she didn't shave then trickling down over the smooth hairless lips. AJ chuckled then began to rub the oil into her front, his hands sliding over her breasts, flicking the hardened points of her nipples.

Jamie parted her thighs as AJ slid a well-oiled hand between her legs, rubbing the oil onto her sensitive inner thighs right up to the hairless lips of her pussy. When she was completely oiled, he began rubbing his body up and down her front smearing the oil from her body over his as they slid and glided against each other.

When Jamie's breath started to become more like panting gasps of desire AJ slid his body upwards against her in one rapid stroke, burying his dick inside her oily pussy and driving it deep. Jamie was taken by surprise and cried out a loud "OH!" when his thick member shot up inside her, she lifted one leg and curled it around AJ's waist as he held her buttocks firmly then he started pumping in and out of her.

His kisses were as hard as the rapid thrusts he was delivering to her horny cunt. She clung to him as his dick pushed deep inside her opening her right up with it's thick swollen head.

Jamie's body tensed then shuddered with orgasm and she suddenly found she was empty, clenching on nothing as her cunt expelled her sweet cum from its mouth. AJ was on his knees at her feet, he lifted one of her legs over his shoulder and started sucking. AJ's tongue making her moan as it flicked across her hot throbbing clitoris, his lips rubbing and sucking at her deliciously juicing hole, drinking her juices thirstily as her hips bucked and shuddered with pleasure.

"Mmmm you are so sweet and juicy, I'm going to fuck you some more now Jamie, lean over the bench baby," he groaned as he grabbed her breasts and gave them a quick squeeze. Jamie did as she was told; she had wanted him so badly for so long she didn't care how he took her as long as he kept fucking her with his big thick dick.

Jamie felt him grab her hips, parting her pussy lips with the thick knob of his dick and driving himself into her, his long deep strokes filling the dark depths of her fuck tube, stretching her open as his shaft slid right up inside her. AJ poured more warm oil over her back and buttocks, rubbing it in as he fucked her. He kneaded her buttocks and oiled the tight hole of her ass, tickling her so she squirmed against his thrusting dick.

Jamie gasped as AJ slipped a finger into her ass; he fucked her in both holes simultaneously slowly introducing a second finger to her butt hole, then a third. When he felt she could accommodate him, he pulled the slippery length of his dick from her cunt and nudged it into her ass. Jamie groaned long and loud as he began fucking her ass, his shaft squeezing itself into the tight unyielding pocket of her back passage, sending a throbbing sensation of pleasure through her.

AJ groaned as the tightness of her ass gripped his dick, "I've wanted to screw your ass off since I first met you, god you're so tight!" he growled as his thrusts increased. Jamie was very close to orgasm by this time, her body tensing and arching as he slammed his dick between her buttocks.

"OH GOD!!" she cried as she began to shudder with another orgasm, AJ pulled out of her ass and wiped his dick off quickly before sliding it back into her pulsing pussy, letting the walls of her grip him as she shuddered with climax. "Oh yeah" he groaned as he began pumping away at her slippery snatch, holding tightly to her slender hips.

Jamie was so fuck hungry by now, her whole body buzzing on the peak of arousal, orgasms came fast and furiously for her as AJ's dick fucked her as if it was in fast forward. Her groans and grunts caused as much from the angry slamming of his pelvis driving his dick into her as from the sheer pleasure of the furious fucking she was receiving.

"Talk dirty to me… call me names while you fuck me, it drives me wild," she managed to gasp as he turned her over onto her back and spread her legs wide. Holding her knees up and apart as far as they would go, AJ stuck the thick end of his dick against the opening to her cunt, the head resting just inside her pussy lips but not entering her channel.

"You like it dirty slut? You want me to fuck your horny little cunt with my big hard dick, you beg for it bitch, beg me to fuck your whore hole slut!" he growled low to her. AJ watched Jamie's face transform as he spoke, the words giving her obvious pleasure she tried to arch her hips towards the swollen head of his dick that teased her just beyond the gates to pleasure.

"Oh yes, yes! Please fuck my whore hole with your big fat dick, fuck me like a slut please, please fuck me!" she pleaded as her fingers pinched and pulled at her nipples, her back arching off the bench enticingly as he watched her. AJ groaned deeply and drove himself inside her again, his dick ploughing deep and fast within her hot wet hole, "I'll fuck you slut, you like it like this, huh, huh? You like it nice and hard like a bitch in heat slut, huh? Oh yeah I'm gonna fuck you real hard slut, till you scream my name over and over," he panted.

Jamie orgasmed again, her body arching and shuddering as her cunt gripped his dick deep inside. AJ continued to ram the rounded head of his dick against the contractions, prying her open each thrust until his meat started to thicken and throb against the hot friction of their fucking. He held on for quite some time, his dick just a long rigid hardness of engorged fuck meat belting in and out of her cunt, her cries filling the room as he held her wide open with his strong arms.

Jamie felt herself explode into climax again, well beyond the fine line of control, she had lost count of how many times she had orgasmed and she cried out this time as she lost complete control. "OH AJ, AJ, OH YES! OH AJ I'M GONNA…" At that moment Jamie felt a hot flood of cum squirt from her as she orgasmed, the liquid coating all over her thighs and AJ's stomach as she twisted and writhed against him in ecstasy.

"Yeah that's it slut, you cry out my name while I fuck you till you lose control, cum on me bitch coz when I'm finished I'm gonna cum on you!" he groaned as his dick pulsed and throbbed inside her drenched pussy. Pulling out of her AJ stood back against the wall, and held out his dick "come here and suck it till I cum slut" he growled deeply.

Jamie climbed off the bench a little shakily and knelt in front of him, she took his dick into her mouth and felt his hands on the back of her head, his dick thrusting deep into her mouth so she had to swallow to take it's full length down her throat. "Oh yeah bitch, give me head, suck it deep down your throat like a good slut," he gasped as Jamie fucked his rock hard member with her pretty little mouth, her full lips suckling at him and massaging the shaft of his dick as she swallowed him down into her throat until he was completely within her.

Withdrawing him from her mouth she licked and sucked at his head. The hot stream of cum caught her by surprise as it hit her face but she opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out letting it wash over her, he came in her mouth and over her breasts as she knelt before him. Jamie groaned and massaged her cum soaked breasts, the hot pungent liquid running down between her legs and dripping from her swollen pussy lips.

When AJ finished he helped her up and they had a shower together, he soaped her down and she returned the favor, their hands sliding over each other intimately. AJ's hands slipped between her legs and he soaped her pussy lips, his fingers slipping in and out of her still swollen cunt as he washed her.

Jamie groaned as he massaged the bud of her clitoris into a hard pointed peak, at her groan he groaned and slid his dick between her thighs. AJ's dick was rock hard again and he used the tip of it to rub against the horny bud of pleasure until Jamie could take no more.

"Oh god, fuck me again before you leave AJ, please, I can't get enough of you being inside me," she murmured as he lifted her leg and slid his dick up into the heat of her sex. The hot water streamed over their rutting bodies, AJ grinding himself up inside her as they stood in the shower until they could no longer stand. Lifting her easily while she was impaled upon his dick, AJ sat Jamie on the vanity beside the shower and began to fuck her franticly while watching himself in the mirror.

This seemed to turn him on even more than watching her writhe and shudder with his every thrust, because as Jamie started rippling with orgasm around his pumping dick he began to groan. As she cried out with climax, AJ replied with his own cry, his dick pulsing against the clenching of her inner walls and he filled her with a hot load of cream in mutual orgasm.

They clung to each other, her legs wrapped around him their lips locked in a passionate kiss, their sexual organs pulsing against each other as he rested within her. Eventually AJ withdrew from her dripping fuck hole, they showered together kissing and stroking while they murmured softly to each other.

Jamie walked AJ out and he turned to her kissing her passionately right in front of the desk, looking deep into her eyes he smiled, "go get your things, lets get out of here," he said casually. Jamie looked at him surprised, "leave with you? Now? But my job, I don't finish here till 12am!" she rambled confused at his request.

Pulling her into his arms so she could feel the hardening length of his dick beneath his clothes he whispered teasingly to her, "I don't share my sluts with anyone, so your coming home with me where I can look after you." He winked as he looked down into her amazed expression and watched her wander off to collect her things.

Her boss caught her arm as she walked out, "Where do you think your going, your shift hasn't finished yet and there are two waiting for you in the lobby, have you lost your mind? He only paid for half an hour, you were in there for TWO HOURS!"

Jamie turned and smiled dreamily at her angry red-faced boss, "I quit," she said clearly and turning on her heel she took AJ's arm and walked out of the parlor. As they drove home Jamie relieved the hardness in AJ's pants by giving him a long teasing blow job, needless to say they spent the next few days fucking like rabbits until he had to leave for work again.

Each time AJ returned home, he would be greeted by a naked oiled Jamie waiting like a horny slut for him to fuck her in every way possible. Their relationship may have been based on sex, but it was the best sex either of them had ever had and it only seemed to get better as time went on.

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