My Stories

* If They Knew *

Chapter 2

We talked for about an hour. I found out his name was AJ McLean; he's a professional singer. Twenty minutes later I was in his Escalade heading for his house. When we got there he had me sit on the sofa, he lit a fire in the fireplace then went into the kitchen to fix us both another drink. I shrugged off my leather jacket. Underneath I was wearing a leather mini skirt and a sleeveless man's undershirt. I was also wearing a garter belt and stockings and knee high, black leather, spiked heeled boots with chains and silver tips. I noticed several skin magazines here and there. I got up and walked over to the fireplace to look at the pictures propped along the mantle. I smiled; I thought I recognized him; he's a Backstreet Boy.

While I was looking at the pictures he came back into the room and handed me my drink, then he reached over and stroked my hair. He had removed his leather jacket and shirt; he still wore his tight jeans and boots. I noticed he had quite a few tattoos on his arms.

We made a little more small talk then he asked, "There were whole lot of men in that bar better looking than I am but you chose me, why?"

I smiled over him over the rim of my glass, "You're my type, none of them were."

He smiled, "You like the skinny, no ass type then?"

I smiled again, "Not really, I can just tell you're my type."

"All right, how can you tell that?"

I grinned at him, "I can smell it on you."

He laughed," OK I'll buy that. You aren't one of those boy band groupies are you? Looking to put a notch on your belt?"

I shook my head; "I listen to it occasionally but didn't recognize you until I saw these." I said pointing to the mantle. I sat my drink down and started running my hands up and down his chest. I was hungry but I was hornier. I knew I was going to get what I wanted then what I needed. He sat his drink down and pulled me tight to his chest and kissed me roughly. While he was kissing me I reached down and started rubbing his dick through his jeans; I could smell the pre-cum oozing from his dick.

He groaned and started running his fingers through my hair and smelling it, "God, you work fast."

"I know what I want. I want you to fuck me so hard it hurts, all night long."

He looked down at me and smiled, "I do like a woman who knows what she wants."

I looked up at him, "You going to give it to me?"

He grinned, "Anything the lady wants." He took my hand and led me to his bedroom. It was all done in black down to the black comforter on his black lacquer bed.

I watched as he undressed and lay on the bed with his legs spread and started jerking on his dick. He grinned at me, "Your turn. Put on a show for me."

I smiled and pulled my shirt over my head then reached behind myself and unzipped my skirt, letting it fall into a pool around my ankles then kicked it aside. I lowered my panties and kicked them into the pile with the rest of my clothes. I was about to undo my stockings when he said, "Leave them and your boots on and come over here."

I walked over to the bed and propped on foot on the edge of the mattress, exposing myself to him. He reached over and ran his fingers up and down my slit. "Why don't you stand there and play with yourself for me."

I reached down and started pushing one finger deep into my pussy rubbing my clit in slow circles with one of the other fingers. It only took a couple minutes and I threw my head back and came.

AJ got off the bed, came up behind me, shoved his dick deep into my pussy and started fucking me. He was hard and rough -- just my type. He ran his hands up and down my body. He took my breast in his hand and started to play with and pull on my nipples. Every nerve in my body seemed to come alive under his rough touch.

He reached up and pulled my hair to one side and started kissing and nibbling on my bare neck. I moaned loudly and deep in my throat my "motor" kicked in and I started purring softly.

I heard AJ chuckle, "You like this huh? You're purring just like a satisfied cat." He started moving his big dick in faster and harder. It only took a few more minutes of that and I came, HARD. For all the self-control I have learned over the centuries this orgasm was so powerful I almost couldn't stop myself and "changed" then and there, but I was able to get myself under control at the last minute.

He stopped and pulled out once he felt my orgasm. He gave me a couple minutes to gather my wits then lifted me up and laid me flat on my back in the middle of the bed. He lay between my legs, propped them on his shoulders, and started to lick and suck on my pussy. He licked and sucked on my clit then would work down and dart his tongue in and out the opening then run it around the entrance. I was moaning and writhing on the bed. I reached down and ran my fingers through his red hair. I then propped myself up on one elbow, moved his hair to one side, bent one leg and laid it flat on the bed so I could watch him eat me. After several minutes I threw my head back and moaned, "Yessssssssssss, eat me. Make me come."

He redoubled his efforts and I could hear a growl escape my throat and came again. Again, it took every once of my self-control to not "Change."

After he finished he got to his knees, licked his lips to get the rest of my juices off of himself. He then bent down and kissed me, running his fingers through my hair. He wrapped his hands behind my head and pulled me into a deeper kiss, probing the inside of my mouth with his tongue. I reached up and ran my fingers through his mass of hair then let it roam down his back until I reached his taut ass. I let my hands roam over the hills of his ass. I then moved my hand underneath him and started to stroke his hard dick. I could feel him move up on his knees a little bit so I could get to it easier. The head was running with his pre-cum that I used as a lubricant. After several minutes he moaned into my lips, reached down, and stopped my hand. He pulled his lips off mine and smiled down at me, "Hmmm, you are so good. If you had kept that up I would have come and I don't want to do that just yet. Too much more fun to have." He rolled me over onto my stomach and pulled me up onto all fours. He pushed my hair to one side so he could look at my face. He then took a hold of his dick and put it at the entrance of my pussy, rubbing it up and down my slit then slid it inside and started moving it in and out. I moaned loudly. He started working harder and harder. I turned my head and looked back at him, his face was red and running with sweat. His eyes were shut, concentrating. He must have felt my gaze because he opened his eyes and looked at me smiling, "You like?"

I grinned, "Oh yea. Why don't you stick a finger in my ass."

He smiled, " You got it." He put one of his long fingers in his mouth, wetting it, then in one motion buried it deep into my ass, wiggling it around.

I moaned and moved back, driving it deeper into my ass. He continued to fuck me, and then added a second finger into my ass. "If you like my fingers in there how do you think you would like my dick up there?"

I grinned, wickedly, back at him; "I would LOVE it."

"You got it." He pulled out of my pussy and started easing it into my ass. Once every inch of it was buried deep he started fucking away. I was getting close to another powerful orgasm and I knew this time I would have to "change," I couldn't control it any longer. I had him pull out and prop himself up against the headboard, crawled on top of him and lowered myself down onto his big dick and started to ride him. AJ groaned and told me how much he loved it.

Finally, after only a couple minutes of riding him my orgasm overtook me and I "changed". My hair thickened and grew into a thick mane. I could feel my eyes change; my incisors grew down into fangs and my nails elongated into claws. I howled at the top of my lungs as the "change" finished.

I could tell AJ was getting close to coming; he was humping up into me and moaning. Finally he reached out and clutched the bedposts, threw his head back and started to come. I sunk my fangs into his shoulder and started to feed.

By the time he finished coming I had finished feeding and had changed back. He pulled me tight to him and kissed me tenderly. "That was the best I have ever had."

I smiled at him; "I aim to please."

He chuckled, "I loved it. Give me a bit and we can start over."

I snuggled up to him and rested my head on his chest, hearing the heart beat quickly deep inside his chest.