My Stories

* I Love You *


Ora could hardly contain her excitement as she saw the taxi pull up outside her house. She watched him pay the driver and get out. The last time he'd turned up had been a complete surprise, she'd been watching TV and heard a knock at the door, assuming it was her Mother, she ambled to the door and opened it, and there he was.

AJ was as surprised at her reaction as she was. Ora started crying, through happiness of course, and sheer surprise. She had never forgotten the way it made her feel, this time there would be no tears, at least not until he'd left, and couldn't see them, for as much as she loved being with him, seeing him go was something she could never get used to.

Ora loved the way AJ looked and the way he walked, a sort of confident lope described it best in her mind, he was tall, to her eyes, especially in his new glasses, very very attractive and sexy.

At odd occasions it made her wonder how she ended up with someone as sexy and as marvelous as AJ was. She didn't really think about it that much, all that mattered, and this she knew, was that he felt the same way about her as she did about him, he loved her, and she certainly loved him.

She loved him with a passion, and she loved the way he made her feel she loved making him feel good as well, sometimes she wasn't sure if she succeeded. Other times she knew that she could make him feel really good, and that made her feel very special.

This time she had some more interesting ideas and experiences to try out. One of the things that brightened up her own solitary love making was the remembered sight of him laying on her bed, blindfolded, and wearing her restraints, and moaning as she teased him with caresses, feathers and ice. Another favorite scene she played over and over again was the sight, taste and feel of his cock, she loved the way he felt in her mouth, and the way he tasted and smelled.

As AJ gathered her into his arms she felt as if nothing else could possibly go wrong. He was here, and he was hers. She planned on giving him if not the time of his life, then as close as she could get, at this particular time. She walked into the lounge smiling as she saw his face. Earlier she'd done some re-arranging of the furniture, to accommodate at least one of his/her fantasies.

Leaning over the back of the couch she smiled at him and grinned wickedly. "See, it's the perfect height, for ALL sorts of things."

AJ came and stood behind her as she leaned over the couch, placing his hands on her hips, and pressing into her, she pressed back in to him, enjoying the feel of him. She moved her hips, then he laughed and swatted her on the ass, "Later dear, later. There will be plenty of time, but it does have its' possibilities."

He grinned at Ora's slightly disappointed expression. "Not been getting any lately dear? He said, You look hungry." Any response that she was about to make was lost in the feel of his lips on hers. Ora loved the way he kissed, at times he could be fierce and his kisses passionate bordering on painful, at others he could kiss her with a delicacy that touched her core and made all rational thought flee from her head. AJ's lips traced a path from her lips to her chin, to her neck. Ora felt the tingly little nips as he bit her gently; she literally melted into his arms.

If Ora were "hungry" as AJ termed it before he started kissing her, she was positively ravenous by the time he finished, hungry for his touch and for his loving. Ora could feel moisture gathering between her legs and warmth in the pit of her stomach. She trembled under his touch as his hands caressed her back and then moved onto her face, gently stroking and touching. His hands moved under her top and cupped her breasts, AJ pinched her nipples between his fingers, her eyes closed and she moaned, then he stopped.

AJ gave her a sly grin and said "patience dear". Ora looked down at his jeans and saw that she wasn't the only one who was affected by the contact. AJ followed her gaze, and gave her another cheeky grin, "You can say hello to Russell in a little bit, he's not going anywhere without me, and I'm certainly not going anywhere, I have plans." Ora smiled at him, "Well isn't that amazing," she said, "cos I have plans too, I wonder if they overlap." She reached down and stroked the bulge of his dick through his jeans; "I'm looking forward to finding out".

Ora wrapped her arms around him again, delighting in the close contact. She loved the feel of his arms around her. She could stay that way for hours, just being near him, part of him. He made her stronger, but this time her other need for him intruded on that. Her hands snaked under his sweatshirt, caressing and kneading his back in the way she knew he loved. She listened to the small sighs and moans he was making, and knew that he was feeling the same way she was. She led him to the bedroom, which was warm, and proceeded to undress him.

Ora loved the feel of his skin and the way he smelled, running her fingers over his chest, and across his nipples. AJ always said they weren't very sensitive, but she knew what to do to make them so. Rolling them between her fingers, licking and sucking on them, biting on them. Licking down his chest and gently blowing on the cooling trail, Ora could see the effect she was having. Sitting on the edge of the bed, her face level with his crotch, she wrapped her arms around his back and buried her face in it, reveling in the delightful smell of him, so musky and very male, his hair tickling her face.

Looking sideways she could see his dick, standing erect. She loved his dick. He called it Russell which made her laugh but sometimes Russell did seem to have a mind of his own. Now he was looking very inviting, "very edible," she murmured. Slowly Ora ran her tongue along the underside of his dick. She could feel his knees start to sag and grinned. Ora loved the way AJ moaned when she ran her tongue over the tip and buried it in his hole. She loved the feelings it gave her when she took him in her mouth. She was never sure if it was the fact that he moaned and sighed in pleasure, as well as the way his dick felt in her mouth. Warm and hard. Tasty. He was very sweet and she loved the way he tasted, sometimes she couldn't get enough of him but he always stopped her, by then he always had something else on his mind.

Today was no exception; he placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled away. This time she wasn't disappointed, she also had something else on her mind, something she knew he wanted to try.

Ora lay back on the bed and cupped her breasts together so that they formed a tunnel. AJ got the idea almost immediately. He knelt astride her as she pressed her breasts around his dick, delighting in the feelings that it gave her. Slowly he started to move his dick in and out. Ora could feel every inch of his hardness rub along the sensitive skin of her breasts. He pinched and stroked her nipples as he rhythmically moved in and out of her cleavage. She heard him gasp as she leant down and ran her tongue along the tip of his dick. On each up stroke, she was ready to lick or suck his dick. Ora eagerly sipped at the glistening pre cum from his tip, then watched as the rest was smeared between her breasts by his motion. AJ's dick glided smoothly between her cupped breasts. She could tell from the look on his face and the small moans that were coming from him that he was close to coming. Ora renewed her attentions to his dick, bathing the tip with her tongue and gently sucking. With a strangled moan AJ let go, strings of hot cum landed on her breasts, on her face and neck, on her hands. Ora could feel cum trickling from between her cupped breasts as his dick twitched and jerked within its warm prison.

Almost regretfully Ora moved her hands and released his dick. She licked his cum from her fingers and then gathered up the traces on her face and neck, savoring every last drop. She moaned as he started to lick the cum off her breasts. He sucked and bit on her nipples, then turned around and started kissing and licking down her body. Ora grinned with delight as she saw the delightful picture presented to her. She loved the way his balls framed his cock when faced this way. She loved making him jump when she started tonguing his balls. Carefully she licked his dick clean, getting the rest of the cum off. Gently she sucked one ball into her mouth, delighting in the feel of it moving around in its hairy sac. Ora licked and bit his rounded ass cheeks, and then slowly she ran her tongue over his puckered hole, gently pushing her tongue in. Her hands were busy on his dick, stroking and touching, teasing him to hardness again.

With a sigh he flopped down onto the bed next to her, Russell standing erect and proud. Ora loved the way he looked stretched out like that; she couldn't keep her hands off him. Touching and stroking, teasing his nipples, kneading his muscles, small feathery caresses that tickled him and made him twitch, she just loved touching him. And would for no other reason than to feel his warm skin under her fingers, it kept him close and gave her many pleasant memories for when he wasn't here. Soon his breathing evened out and in a little bit she could tell that he'd fallen asleep, not that she minded, because then she could also indulge in another of her favorite pastimes, looking at him. Ora could look at him for hours, tracing the curve of his face and chin, down to his shoulders, his narrow hips and long legs. She could describe accurately his body from her memory, but mostly she liked looking at his face. His narrow face, the nose he disliked, his lips that gave her so much pleasure. Marveling over how he looked when he was asleep, these were the moments when the love she felt for him threatened to overwhelm her. These were the times when she knew that she would give up everything for him if he asked her to, but pushing back those thoughts she concentrated on just drinking in the pleasure that his presence gave her, and waiting for him to wake up.

When he woke up Ora wasn't in the room. AJ stretched pleasantly, memories of the previous encounter making him smile. He hadn't meant to fall asleep but he knew that she would understand, she always did, but he did wonder where she was. He padded from the bedroom into the living room, expecting to see her there, but she wasn't and neither was she in the bathroom. The only place left outside, but since he was naked he didn't think that going out to check would be a good thing. He heard her key in the door. Ora came in carrying a plastic bag, "bread and milk" she said, "and you were asleep so I thought I'd go get a few things from the store. I was planning to be back before you woke up." AJ shook his head, not that it mattered, Ora came towards him and he jumped as she put her cold hands around his middle. She grinned, "It's cold out there." Ora laughed as AJ said, "no kidding, it is the middle of winter." She shivered and went to stand in front of the heater. "Mmmmm that's better" she murmured as the warm air got trapped in her skirt and warmed her up. "I'm sure you can think of another way to warm me up," she looked meaningfully at the back of the couch.

"Later dear, later," AJ said. She pouted at him, "you're no fun," she said. "Oh I'm no fun am I," AJ said, "in that case I'll just go." Ora's face fell as he said this, she knew he was joking but she hated it when he said it. Even though she knew he was joking, she could never control the feeling of utter despair that came over her when he did. She knew it was her deep seated fear of losing him that made her feel like this but she could never articulate this to him, or explain, so she just bit her lip and concentrated on trying to stop the tears from forming in her eyes. Tears were another thing AJ didn't like. Most of the time she was sure he didn't know how his casual threats of leaving affected her and she wanted to keep it that way.

"Want something to eat," she managed to say in a normal voice, "I made a casserole earlier this morning, it just needs heating up." Ora busied herself with the meal, getting plates and cutlery ready, setting the table and placing the casserole in the oven. AJ was watching as Ora moved around the kitchen. Everytime she looked up his eyes were on her. Ora smiled at him as she mouthed "I love you". AJ nodded his head and repeated her words back to her; it was no use trying to explain how he made her feel when he said that, but all she could hope was that he felt the same way she did.

She walked over and placed her hands on each side of his face. Looking into his eyes she kissed him, deeply and slowly, trying to convey some of the way she was feeling to him. AJ returned her kiss with the same amount of passion, his hands caressing her back, her hands stroking his body. How long they stood there locked together she wasn't sure; all she knew was that his kiss did things to her that no one else's could ever do. She could lose herself in his touch, in his kiss, in his presence.