Hosted Stories

* Jezabel *

*Jezabel, kiss and tell/ You use your body, just to cast you spell/ And sell your story/
You're just a Jezabel, kiss and tell* ~~~"Jezabel" Ricky Martin

We watched Howie walk out onto the dance floor, right to our girls. I smirked over at
him. "He took the bait," I commented. "Was there any doubt?!" he said, "I mean they're
hot and damn look at them grind with each other! If I wasn't with you, I'd be in the
middle of them like that!" He snapped his fingers to prove his point. I laughed and
kissed him quickly, then returned my attention to the dance floor, feeling him do the
same, his head resting on my shoulder.


Howie danced with the two women, feeling both hump up against him to the beat of the
house music. He had no idea that they were here on a mission. A mission to tempt and
torment him with their womanly wiles. A night he would never forget. He had watched
them for awhile from his private booth, their moves turning him on. One was about his
height with a voluptuous figure. That far away he couldn't tell what color her eyes were
but he could see them shining with fun under the lights. Her normally shoulder length
curly hair was piled up into a messy ponytail, some auburn curls falling down to frame
her face. But as a typical red-blooded American man, Howie could not help but stare at
her bouncing full breasts constrained under a form fitting velvet top. God, how he
wanted to see those bad boys bouncing above him..... The other woman, apparently her
friend, since they danced like they knew each other, was a hair shorter, her wavy black
hair loose, flowing down to the middle of her smooth back. Her light brown skin shone
and sparkled under the lights and Howie so wanted to caress that back. She was wearing
a scarf type top that tied in back, giving Howie quite a view. Her shapely hips were
encased in leather pants that creased in some interesting places as she danced with her
friend and other guys. Howie finally got the nerve and danced his way between them.

The three danced for awhile but then Howie invited them back to his office for a drink.
It was then he found out that the curly haired beauty was Terri and the black haired vixen
was Sherl. They talked and drank until Sherl "accidentally" went into his office bedroom
instead of the bathroom. Terri, with a coy look, asked him why he had a bedroom in his
office. Howie blushed and told them it's not what they think, he doesn't bring girls here.
He sometimes loses track of the time when he's working on club business and a bed is
more comfortable than a couch. The women exchanged glances and Howie's heart beat
just a little faster.

Sherl and Terri acted as one mind and, placing one of their hands on Howie's chest,
pushed him into the office bedroom. They pushed him until the back of his knees hit the
edge and he fell onto his back, a *what the hell* expression on his face. Terri tore off his
shirt, the buttons flying every which way as Sherl found the silk scarves. Her and Terri
quickly attached Howie's wrists to the headboard. Howie was so shocked, he couldn't
form a word. He just looked from Terri to Sherl, then back at Terri, a terrified look in his
eyes. The women just looked at his helpless form, then looked at each other, sexy smirks
on their lips.

"W-w-what are....." Howie started but was silenced by Terri's finger on his lips. She
looked into his eyes, seeing a mixture of fear and excitement. Now he could tell her eyes
were a blue gray, very pretty eyes to look at. She let her finger glide down his chin and
neck, feeling him shiver as she trailed down his firm chest. "Just relax," she said, "We're
not going to hurt you." "Tease, oh yeah," Sherl chimed in, "but you'll love it." Sherl sat
down on the other side of him, her finger tracing his six pack. She leaned down and
kissed him softly, finding his lips just as soft as she expected them to be. Sherl left his
lips to suck down his neck, letting her tongue flick his skin. Terri filled the void Sherl's
lips left, kissing him harder, her tongue hungrily finding his. The sensation of two pairs
of lips giving him attention was overwhelming for Howie. He let out low groans, feeling
the arousal consume his body. The women lifted their lips from his body and looked at
each other and at him breathlessly. They smirked and kissed each other, leaning over his
body to do so. "Oh good god!" Howie said, his voice low with extreme arousal. Terri
and Sherl parted, giggling at his reaction. "You liked that, didn't you?!" Terri teased. "I'd
say he did," Sherl smirked, lightly stroking his erection through his pants. Howie threw
his head back and let out a growl from deep within his throat.

Howie whimpered as Sherl withdrew her touch. She just smirked and her and Terri
removed his pants and boxers, revealing his impressive manhood. Howie saw them
exchange a *wow* glance and it was his turn to smirk. He wanted to taunt them, but
knew he was in no position to tease. They would just keep him restrained longer and it
was too long already. He was aching for his hands to be free so he could touch them.
Howie groaned as they tied up his ankles. They giggled. "You want to touch us?" Terri
asked innocently, her smirk not as innocent. Howie nodded desperately. "Tell us what
you want to do, Howie," Sherl demanded, running his fingers up his leg, resting high on
his inner thigh. He gulped, his throat was suddenly dry. "Um, I want to undress the two
of you and touch ever part of you," he said. Terri sat down on his other side, letting her
fingers rest opposite of where Sherl's were. Howie moaned and the women grinned,
knowing they were getting to him. "Go on," Terri encouraged, her fingers brushing
against his shaft. "Oh god," Howie's hips jumped and he went on breathlessly, "And do
whatever you wanted me to do! Just please do something.....anything to me!" Terri and
Sherl knew it was time for just pleasure for poor Howie. He sounded so pathetic and had
this puppy look on his features.

Sherl and Terri took their positions between Howie's legs. "Shit!" Howie yelled as Sherl
licked at his tip. Terri's tongue tickled him at his base and then licked his balls. Sherl
sucked at his engorged tip as Terri took of his balls into her mouth. Howie howled with
pleasure, his breath coming in shallow gasps. Sherl took more of him into her warm
mouth, her tongue swirling around his stiff member. Terri continued to lavish attention
on him as well. They similaniously lifted their lips from Howie and stood up on opposite
sides of the bed. Howie groaned with obvious disappointment. His cock was so hard it
physical hurt and he wanted a release in the worst way.

Sherl took off her leather pants, revealing her leopard print bikini underwear. Terri
discarded her top, her full breasts still hiding under her peek-a-boo lace bra. Howie's
head became a ping pong ball as he turned to Sherl, then Terri as they disrobed before his
very eyes. His mouth watered as they stood completely nude before him, watching his
lustful expression. "Please," he begged, twisting his wrists. "Should we?!" Sherl asked.
"Girl, you know we should...*grin* you know you want to feel those hands on you just as
much as I do!" Terri replied. They released his ankles, then finally his wrists.

Howie layed there, shaking his wrists after they had been in one position for so long. He
didn't know what to do or who to do it to. But the ladies made it easy for him. Terri
climbed up on top of him, bending her head to kiss him. She felt Howie's fingers tangle
in her hair as he pushed his tongue into her mouth greedily. She let her body rest on his,
her full breasts crushed against his firm chest. Howie rolled them over so he was in
control. Terri moaned as Howie's large hands cupped her breasts, molding them roughly.
"So beautiful," he murmured before lowering his mouth to one succulent mound of flesh.
Terri writhed under him, the feeling of his hot tongue playing with her sensitive nipple
was almost enough to make her cum.....almost. She moaned and ran her fingers through
his hair, pulling him back up to her lips. "Sherl looks lonely," she whispered to him,
looking over at her friend who was idly playing with herself as she watched Howie and
Terri. Howie gave her a sexy smile and rolled off her onto his back. "Sherl, baby, come
here," he beckoned.

Sherl made her way to the bed, climbing atop Howie. She kissed him on the mouth,
opening her lips when she felt his tongue wanting inside. When they broke, Howie
directed her breathlessly, "Sit up." Sherl did so, her knees on either side of him, looking
at his face, searching for what he wanted to do. Howie placed his hands at her smooth
hips and guided her higher up onto his stomach. He kept scootching her up his body,
leaving a trail of her arousal. Sherl smirked as her hot core was above his face. "Hang
on, baby," he said with a sexy look, before diving into her snatch.

Sherl gasped, her legs nearly giving out under her as his hot tongue explored her folds.
She gripped the headboard for dear life as he licked around her slit, finally diving in,
tongue fucking her. Howie held her at her hips, but let his right hand in on the action.
"Shit," Sherl cried out as his finger replaced his tongue and his tongue found her clit. She
grinded herself down, rotating her hips to the rhythm of his sucking and fingering. Terri
watched Sherl humping down on Howie's face and saw that he was extremely turned on
by how he was pleasing Sherl.

Terri crawled between his legs and licked his swollen tip. Howie moaned into Sherl's
cunt, the vibrations bringing her closer to her release. Sherl moved faster, letting him
know she wanted it. Terri devoured his hard cock, her sucking matching the fast pace of
his mouth on Sherl. By now Sherl was urging Howie on, telling him to make her cum
now. His lips latched onto her clit just as Terri raked her teeth up his shaft. Howie
moaned, sending shockwaves through Sherl. She came with a shout and Howie licked up
her sweet juices.

As soon as Terri heard Sherl's monstrous orgasm, she lifted her mouth off Howie's
aching cock. Sherl collapsed on the bed next to him, needing to recuperate after that
release. Howie was still left unsatisfied and Terri was teasing him. He rolled her over
onto her back and thrust his erection into her wetness. Terri screamed at the sudden
invasion. He filled her completely and he was buried to the hilt. Howie didn't move for a
few moments, to let her get used to his thickness and size. He couldn't help moaning,
"God, you're so tight!" Terri wanted him to move within her, this was killing her so she
grabbed his firm ass and said in a lustful voice, "Fuck me, Howie, fuck me hard and fuck
me now!" This was all he needed to hear and he withdrew from her warmness, slamming
back into her full force. He rammed his cock deep into her fast, just the way she wanted.
Terri wrapped her legs around him, screaming as he fucked her deeper. Howie leaned
down, latching onto one of her hard nipples. He bit down just enough to make it hurt, but
in an erotic way. Without warning Terri's climax hit her hard and fierce. Howie felt her
clamp down on his cock but he wasn't there yet.

After Terri calmed down a bit, Howie rolled them over again so he was on his back, still
hard inside Terri. "Ride me, baby," he husked, looking deep into her stormy blue eyes,
now dark with passion. Terri's fingers gripped his chest as she slowly rose and fell on
him. Howie guided her, his hands on her smooth hips. He watched her as she threw her
head back in pure pleasure. His eyes drifted to her plentiful breasts, bouncing slightly
from her movements. One hand left her hip and cupped her tit, his thumb rubbing the
nipple over and over. Terri groaned and quickened her motions. Howie grinned as her
tits bounced more, making him harder, if possible. "Terri, god.......mmmmm........make
me cum!" he said. Talking dirty during sex was something that turned him on and found
it turned on women as well. Howie's other hand fondled her breasts as well. He molded
and caressed her ample chest as Terri humped down on him, his words and actions
bringing her to that edge again. "You feel so good around me.....I want to feel your cum
on my cock!" Howie cried out. Terri couldn't hold it in anymore and let the first blissful
waves of pleasure wash over her. Howie felt her tighten again and thrust his hips up
against her, grunting as he felt his balls tighten. They both exploded at the same time,
accompanied by a third scream. Terri collapsed on Howie and looked over at Sherl, who
had gotten herself off along with them.

Howie turned to Sherl, caressing her flushed face. "I'm sorry, babe. Let me rest a few
minutes, then I'll make it up to you," he promised. Sherl just smiled and gave him a kiss
before he dozed off. The two woman fell into a contented sleep soon after.


Howie kept his promise and fucked Sherl in ten positions before the night was through.
Terri slept for awhile, that double orgasm left her spent. But Howie pleased her too as
Sherl was pleasing him. Sherl made a phone call right after sunrise while Terri and
Howie slept in each other's arms.

"Kristy, I can't thank you enough!" she said quietly. I laughed on my end. "So it was
good?!" "Good?! Good doesn't even begin to describe it!" Sherl replied, "And thanks for
the instructions. Everything was where you said it would be. The door, the scarves...."
she drifted out giggling. "Oh man, I can just imagine what you two put him through!" I
laughed, "but I'll pass your thanks along to Nick. He's the one who told me where the shit
was." Sherl thanked me again and hung up to take a shower. I hung up as well and
curled up next to Nick's warm body. I smiled as he rubbed my back. "Everything work
out last night?" he asked, his eyes still closed. "Yep, Sherl just called to thank us," I
replied, "Howie will be one happy man this morning." "Finally! Now I won't feel guilty
when I'm not the only one who goes into the studio with the *I just got laid and damn
good* look!" I smirked against his chest. "And just why do you think you'll have that
look this morning?!" I could hear that look, his half pouty half shocked look. He finally
spoke, "Because I helped your friends get Howie." I sighed. "Well if I must thank you, I
must." I rolled over onto my back, ready to let him have his way with me. "Stop that!"
he whined, "You know you want me as much as I want you." I laughed, "Just fuck me,
Carter." And what do you know, he listened to me!

*~*The End*~*

By Mistress Kristy