My Stories

* LA*

He came up behind her as she stood on the balcony looking down at the river of freeway light flowing through the night into the center of Los Angeles. His arms wrapped around her, enfolding her, giving her his warmth. She nestled contentedly inside his cocoon and nuzzled the top of her head against his cheek.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Cam said.

"But cold."

"LA or the night?"

"Both, maybe. The night for sure."

"Yes." But she was in no hurry to move, enjoying the view and closeness. Besides, with his arms around her, she wasn't cold anymore.

"Come inside, hon. The fire's beautiful, too."

Cam turned within his arms and slid hers up around his neck, tilting her head back and seeking his lips. Kevin bent to her, met her, nibbled at the corner of her mouth, licked his tongue across her lips and then pushed it deep between them. She opened to him, welcomed him, and caressed his tongue with her own.

Kevin's arms pulled her to him, her breasts beneath her sweater pillowed against his chest. He slid a hand
down her back to the base of her spine and pressed her inward to him. She wrapped herself around his legs,
climbing high against his thigh. He pressed back, the bone of his leg nestled in softness. She wriggled
like a pinned butterfly, pushing and relaxing with her hips.

"Mmmmm," he said after a while. "I don't feel cold now, but I still want to go inside."

"Why?" she asked, feigning innocence.

"Because the neighbors might object if I bent you over the railing."

"How much would they object?" Cam said, as if she were considering possibilities.

Kevin laughed, turned and opened the sliding glass door, escorted her through it.

They sat on the sofa in front of the fire. Before long, she kicked off her shoes and slid down to stretch out on the clearly fake and very comfortable tiger rug, where he watched her bask in the warmth of the fire for several minutes before snuggling up behind her. It was not long after that that he kissed her over her shoulder, nibbling his way down her cheek, and she kissed him back, turning her head to meet his lips. His hand, at first on her ribs, slid upward to cup her breast. She pressed into his hand eagerly.

Kevin kissed her ear, her throat, and her neck. Cam let her head loll back while he nibbled and sucked and kissed her throat. He slipped his hand under her sweater and trailed his fingers up across her ribs to cup Cam's soft fullness. He could feel the lace of her bra, that mystical garment, holder of the holy. He swept his thumb across the front and felt her stiff nipple respond.

Pulling her backward, Kevin urged her to lie down on the rug and then straddled her torso with his arms. He let himself down toward her, reached for her lips with his, found their soft silk, and kissed them gently.
His tongue slipped out only a fraction, traced across her pouty lower lip, and withdrew. It returned, licked lightly at her lip again, and then teased her upper lip. She held still, barely breathing. His lips
pressed hers more firmly, insisted, begged her to kiss him, but still she held back. Kevin ran his tongue over her teeth, put his thumb at the corner of her jaw and pressed, and when her teeth separated, ran his tongue into her mouth. Now she kissed him back.

The fire was warm and so were they. Kevin raised her up and pulled the sweater up over her head. Cam shook her hair, reached behind her back and unfastened her bra, pulled it forward off her shoulders and let her breasts fall free. Cam lay back again, smiling slightly, letting him look at her. Kevin took a deep breath, a sigh really, and lowered his lips to the tops of her breasts, cupping them beneath with his hand, each in turn, while he kissed the soft tops, kissed their outer sides and the fragrant valley between them, ran his tongue under them.

Cam's nipples were soft buttons against his cheeks as he nuzzled her breasts. At last, he moved to them. For a moment, his mouth was suspended above one tip. He blew a breath that felt hot to her. His tongue licked the nipple and blew on it again, and this time it was cool. Her nipples hardened to pebbles so turgid they almost hurt. He took one in his lips gently, and the soft caress was soothing and intimately erotic. The tip of Kevin's tongue teased the nipple's surface. She strained her breast toward his mouth, wanting him to suck it all into his mouth, nurse at her, drain her, and use her.

Kevin slipped a hand between her legs and cupped her center. Cam could not help but rise to his touch, seek it, let him know he could have it, let him know she was thinking of him being there where his hand stroked along her lips through two layers of clothing, thinking of what it would feel like when he put himself in her and began to move in and out. Cam moaned and hugged him as his fingers pressed inward, pressed her already damp panties into her moistness.

Wrapped in each other's arms, they hugged and kissed deeply and tumbled farther down into that special sex dimensionality where the real gradually dims and the urgent, tactile, desperate world of mating becomes everything. The smell of the wood fire blended with the smell of them. Up close, scents were magnified -- the faint perfume at her throat, the very different perfume left on her hair by her shampoo, his
antiperspirant intermixed with volatile scent from his armpits, the fragrance musk of her moistening center. He smelled/touched/kissed her breasts, and she inhaled his glistening presence.

When Kevin began to unfasten the front of Cam's slacks, she did the same to him and did not stop even when his fingers were faster and slid, cool at first, into her panties and through the covering scrub of hair and found the damp center. Her breath caught in her throat when he slid his finger downward to nestle between those wet and sensitive lips, but she released the button and hook that held his pants together and, as the sides parted, slipped her hand under the waist of his white cotton shorts and found his rigid, straining erection thrusting to meet her moist palm. She held him, slid her hand up and down, which prompted his own ragged breath in response.

His finger felt for her hole, found it, and easily slipped in to the big knuckle. She was wet, slick, aroused. Her hips urged him to push his finger the rest of the way in. She strained to get more when he reached
deep. She wrapped both hands around his pole and jacked it toward her stomach.

Kevin pushed his face away from hers, down over her neck, her breasts, her ticklish middle that pulled away from his kisses into a shallow basin framed by her hips. He kissed her stomach and bellybutton. He kissed the top of her bush and the very beginning of her legs, the valley of her groin, pushing her slacks and panties down as Cam lifted her hips to help him. He slid his face farther down and nibbled lightly near the top of her center. He pushed her pants and panties down around her ankles and helped her take them off, then turned and began to kiss his way up her legs.

He kissed lightly over her calves, and even more lightly in the soft flesh behind her knees. He trailed his tongue over her thighs mixed with intermittent nips and kisses until he reach the valley where they joined. Pushing her legs up and out, he spread her, pushed his finger into her again, gnawed on each of her outer lips and thrust his tongue as deeply into her as he could.

Finally, when Cam thought she would explode with tension and longing, he slid his tongue upward just a
little more and, stiffening and lengthening it, traced around and around the bump at the top of her opening.
What started as a sigh of relief rose up in her throat to a whimpering cry that faded off into a shuddering
moan. Cam's hips squirmed involuntarily and pressed forward, consciously and eagerly, inviting his tongue, seeking his tongue, demanding his tongue.

"Oh, jeez," she sighed. "Oh, god, that feels good."

Still Kevin's tongue avoided the tip, rolled around and around it instead, almost touching, then dipped downward and plunged into her again, pushing and reaching, then slid out and upward to roll around and
around the path that circled her clit. Cam tried to guide his tongue with her hips, reaching for it, wanting it against her there. Kevin's hands, which were on either side of her center, holding her open to his attack, pressed down and forward, pinning her to the floor and preventing her from succeeding. Instead, he dropped downward, avoiding what she wanted. He pushed his tongue into her again, slathered it inside her like a blind, slimy thing slipping and sliding in their mixed juices as it discovered her shape by feel.

Then Kevin moved forward suddenly and dragged the rough velvet of his muscular tongue right across the
most exquisitely sensitive top of her button. Cam's entire body jerked like she'd been punched in the middle, and her hands flew down to bury in his hair. She thought she was going to push him away, but by the time her hands actually found his head and twined in his hair, she could only for a moment hold him away and keep him from pressing in, but just for a moment before her will and fear collapsed and she shifted like a sail changing tack and pulled him into her, reveling in the feel of his tongue as it chased and traced and lashed back and forth and around and around and down and across -- Oh! Oh! -- across again.

Cam heard a whine in the distance and it was seconds before she realized it was her own voice, and even
though she tried to stifle it, even though she clenched her teeth and clamped her lips tight, the cry fought its way up and out of her nose, rising in pitch and volume. It turned into a series of panting, quickening breaths, which she realized dimly -- as if through cotton, through layers of blankets -- that those sounds of another woman in another room crying out her passion was her. She was coming, and she had no time to worry about sounds. Right there, in the magic spot at her center, the waves of pleasure -- though pleasure is such a weak word for it -- the waves of pleasure that had rolled up and out and through her suddenly reversed course and pulled inward, from her toes, which thrust and released, from the top of her scalp, which tingled and crawled and sent electric shocks downward. The waves flowed up her legs and down over her shoulders, then quivered her thighs and convulsed her stomach muscles. Then everything clutched and contracted and collided and exploded outward in a blinding flash like the birth of a universe, and she was coming and crying and coming.

When Cam came to her senses, she felt Kevin's warm tongue licking her folds gently. Although he carefully avoided her supersensitive clit, it was still too much for her, too much after too much, and she pushed tenderly at his forehead to let him know that, however wonderful it had been, she'd had enough.

He lifted his head from her middle and looked up, her face framed by the valley between her breasts.

"God," she said, "that was wonderful. But I can't take any more right now."

"Sure you can," he said, contradicting her. He raised up farther and slid his body along hers until he could
slip a hand under her neck to cup her shoulder and roll her toward him. His lips sought hers, and she welcomed them, smelling herself in the soaking wet hair of his beard. Their tongues met and they kissed
deeply. The fire was warm on her back, and he was warm against her front, and she could have cuddled
like this for hours. Perhaps, she thought, they would wake in the middle of the night, or perhaps the next

His dick was trapped between their bodies, strong and throbbing. She felt bad, because he had been a most
considerate and satisfying lover, and she resolved to make it up to him next time, whenever it was. She
buried her nose in the hollow of his neck and snuggled closer.

"You weren't thinking of quitting, were you?"

She sighed. "Well...yes. I mean..."

"Tough," he said. "It's my turn."


Kevin rolled on top of her, his legs wedging between hers. Cam didn't want to be hostile, so she relaxed
her thighs and let him in. He nestled his straining manhood into the damp notch and slid it up and down
between the lips, which were relaxed and open to him, despite her attitude.

"Mm.," she said -- a complaint, not a moan. "No, honey, later. Please."

"Screw that," he said. "I want you. Now."

"No, please..."

Kevin ignored her. He slid a hand down between them, cupped a thigh, and slid farther down toward her knee. He pressed outward and lifted her leg at the same time, which spread her open and raised her middle to him. Letting go of her, he guided his thick dick to her center, and pushed downward into the soft grasp of her opening.

Cam sucked in a breath, as Kevin pressed inward, stretching her. She was still very wet. Cam was of two minds -- pissed at his insistence but turned on by his desire. Kevin wanted her, badly. He was going to fuck her -- he was fucking her -- whether she wanted it or not.

His dick pushed up deep inside her, finding her depth, pressing at her cervix, filling her. He let his
weight settle onto her, spreading her thighs widely, letting his body drive his pulsing tool as deep as
possible. His balls rubbed against the cheeks of her ass, hair tickling the sensitive skin around her rear

"Yes," he said, "that's better." He rolled his hips, making his dick turn inside her, pressing against the
top of her center and her clit, which was no longer so sensitive that the pressure, the touch, was unpleasant. But, still, she thought, it was too much work. She decided just to lie back and let him.

Slowly, by millimeters, he pulled back. His dick jerked and twitched inside her as he dragged it outward ever so maddeningly slowly. Her insides seemed to collapse with suction as the plum-like head moved backward, the thick part of his column moving upward, a noticeable bulge pressing outward against her as it slid oh so slowly out. She tried not to care, tried to think of something else, but she was overcome with a growing sense of loss, of desperation. Her hands gripped his shoulders, her nails clawed inward and pressed into his flesh. He was leaving her; she was losing him. He would go away and never come back. The feeling was going, going. There was a catch at the back of her throat and a sudden moistness in her eyes.

He came out all the way until the head slipped through her outer lips and finally stopped with just the tip
still inside her, the lips pursed outward like a kiss. He paused there while she took a ragged, sighing breath, and then he began to sink it into her again just as slowly as he had left her. She gave a little cry of gratitude and spread her legs wider to welcome him, opening but not pushing back, letting him control the slow penetration, the soul-cleaving knife of his manhood slicing into her flesh, the burrowing, tunneling reach of his cock as it spread her, opened her, took her completely.

She clasped him to her, raised her arms from where they had lain passively on the floor to wrap
them around his shoulders and pull her breasts up to press against his chest. The light hair of his chest
brushed her nipples like small electric whips. Cam raised her legs, gripped his waist with her thighs and
locked her ankles behind his back, pushing her glove up onto the fat finger.

"Changed your mind?" Kevin asked, a hint of laughter in his tone.

"Shut up," Cam said through gritted teeth. "Fuck me."

Kevin pulled back fast this time and then shoved into her, then gave her several short but rapid strokes before beginning to slide the entire length in and out of her. He began to pump her steadily, forcefully. He wanted to defeat her, to pound her, to make her lie back and take it, but she was catching fire again and discovering new energy. Her hips twitched as he slid in and out, rolled in voluptuous circles, pressed forward and dragged back, making his dick roll and press and drag inside her. She pushed up when he pushed in, locked him to her with her arms and legs, ground herself against him as he tried to saw in and out, mashed her center downward so that the shaft of his dick dragged along her clit, sending out fresh shock waves that echoed through her body.

"Ooooh," Cam hissed. "You bastard. Couldn't wait, could you?"

He grinned as he moved in and out of her, knowing she was as eager as he was now. He reveled in the
tight grasp of her, felt her tighten and release as he slid in and out. He loved the way she fucked him back, opened herself to him, offered it all to him and took what she wanted at the same time. He began to slam into her, his hips slapping the back of his thighs. He would come in a moment.

"Aaaaaagh," Kev groaned as he pulled out of her entirely. Cam gave him a look of bewildered disappointment, but he quickly lay down beside her and pushed at her near shoulder, rolling her away from
him and onto her side. Cuddling up behind her, he used his hand to guide his dick back to her center and pushed forward. He pushed back into her until he was buried to the hilt and his wiry bush was tickling her
fanny. He forced an arm under her and wrapped it across her chest, cupping and fondling her breast, bending her back against him like a bow. His other hand slid around her thigh, pulling her hips back
against him as he pushed in and out. Then his fingers slid down into the vee of her thighs, spread her lips,
slid around his own penetrating prick for a moment, and then sought and found her clit. The bud was
exposed by the wide-stretched penetration of her core. His fingertip quickly found it and stroked it.

"Oh, god," she shuddered. "Ohmigod."

"So you want it?" he hissed, sliding in and out furiously.

"Yes!" she cried. "Yes, goddamn it! Fuck me!"

He gave what she wanted and she fucked him back. For long moments, moments from another dimension, he plunged in and out of her -- or she rode him. They both fucked each other as hard as they could. For those long alien moments stolen from elsewhere, they tried to merge, strained to merge, slid in and out and over and off the other, and almost lost track of whether he was taking her or she was taking him.

It was definitely his fingers that were stroking the top of her pussy, sliding over her clit and making
her whole body tremble. Cam's breath was loud, but not louder than Kevin's, which huffed in her ear as he pulled her back to him. She was also aware that it was her pussy that was clutching at him, almost
vibrating, and his stiff, iron-velvet dick was pushing in and out of her. It felt noticeably hot, like a
poker from the fire. She was on fire. Her breasts and cheeks were flushed.

Kevin felt her clutch at him and knew she was close again. Suddenly, he was even closer.

"Ohhhh," he moaned, a long, shuddering sigh.

Cam threw herself back at him, fucking him now, fucking herself, too.

"Oh, is he going to come?" she teased, doing her best to make him. "Do you like it then?" She rolled her
hips around and around on his stabbing erection.

"Shut up!" he hissed. "Just shut up and take it!" Kevin pushed her down, so that she was almost on her
stomach, and rolled his weight onto her butt. His hands pressed her shoulders to the floor, his body
pinned her hips, and he slammed his dick into her.

"Oh, shit!" he whined, and shot into her. Cam felt him convulse, knew he was coming, and exploded
herself. Cam pushed back against his forceful thrusts and then suddenly could no longer control her body as an orgasm even stronger than the first stripped her electrical circuits and left her jerking like a shock
victim. They twisted and jerked and slapped together, peaked in a last convulsion, and slowly collapsed into a puddle of limp flesh.