My Stories

*A Very Merry Christmas*

Part One

Christmas Eve - 8.10pm

Not again, thought Howie with a sigh as the opening of Slade's Merry Christmas Everyone began to filter through the bar. He'd already heard the song twice that evening and he was sure that the CD player was on a continuous loop.

He ordered another bottle of beer from the bartender. It was Christmas Eve, the season of goodwill to all men, or so the popular carol said. But Howie didn't feel in the Christmas spirit at all. And to make matters worse, Deema was late.

He looked around the bar and thought that he might as well be drinking beer inside Santa's Grotto. The bar was decorated with the most garish looking gold and red Christmas decorations that Howie had ever seen, and a tree that was larger than the one in the town's square, with a giant fairy perched on the top. It was a pity that the fairy couldn't wave her magic wand and make Deema appear in front of him, thought Howie. He was fed up with her always being late and with listening to her flimsy excuses, and would have to do something to end that relationship - as soon as the New Year arrived. New year, new start and all that, he thought.

The bar was a hive of activity, with groups of women wearing figure-hugging dresses in black, silver, gold and red, and wearing tinsel in their hair to signify the fact that it was Christmas. Howie sighed again; it was almost sub-zero outside and it amazed him that these women felt any warmth at all.

He glanced across to the entrance of the bar, but there was still no sign of Deema. Another familiar Christmas song filled the bar, and Howie took a long drink from his bottle of beer. He had been waiting for over two hours, and he suddenly decided that he'd had enough. If he left now, he would get home just in time to watch the Christmas special of Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Given the choice between spending the evening watching Regis hand over loads of money to some lucky contestant or staying in the bar listening to Christmas music, he knew that the former would win hands down. Perhaps he would see if Mike was at home and get him to come over too.

Howie tossed a few bills onto the bar and got up to leave. And that was when she caught his eye.

She was sat on a tall bar stool with her legs crossed, and one elbow propping up her face. She looked dejected, and her eyes hung low. She was wearing a long red dress with black high-heeled shoes, and a pair of Christmas tree earrings that had flashing lights on them. On anyone else they would have looked tasteless, but on her Howie decided that they looked cute.

She ran her fingers through her dark curly hair and her eyes met Howie's again. He smiled at her but she immediately looked away. Howie continued to keep his gaze fixed on her, until she turned to face him again. He held up a glass and mouthed the word "drink" to her. She shook her head and looked away towards the Christmas tree.

Determined to catch her attention, Howie slid off his bar stool and headed towards her.

* * * * * * * *

Oh no, he's coming over, thought Sherl as she watched him approach her. She had hoped that he would get the message that she was waiting for someone, but he obviously hadn't. She shifted uncomfortably on the barstool as he stopped beside her. Still, she couldn't help staring at the man with his shoulder length dark hair, his dark eyes and athletic physique. He stood as if he prided himself on his good looks. Sherl had met too many of his type and was not in the mood to meet one tonight.

He was wearing an expensive dark suit with a white polo neck top, which clung to the outline of his chest, so much so that Sherl could actually see his muscles rippling beneath his shirt.

"Hi," he said. "Can I buy you a drink?" Indicating to her empty glass, he said, "You've finished that one."

"No thanks. I'm waiting for someone," replied Sherl.

"So was I," he replied.

"He's just running late, that's all," said Sherl quickly.

Howie shrugged. "Okay, whatever you say."

Sherl sighed. It was pretty obvious even to her that James wasn't going to turn up.

"For what it's worth, I've been stood up too," said Howie.

"Who says I've been stood up?" said Sherl indignantly.

"The way you keep glancing at the door, hoping that he'll come in at any moment, and the way you keep looking around the bar, in case you missed him."

Sherl smiled to herself. She couldn't resist playing a game with the handsome stranger. "Okay, I'm rumbled. But I should warn you, I may not be waiting for a man!"

"And I may not be waiting for a woman," retorted Howie.

"Touché," said Sherl. "All right, you can buy me a drink?"

"What will it be then?"

"A Bailey's on ice," replied Sherl.

"Whew - a real Christmas drink!" exclaimed Howie. "Makes me think of long afternoons curled up by a log fire, roasting chestnuts over it and watching the obligatory James Bond film that is always on TV on Christmas Day."

Sherl shrugged. "Yeah well, I'm trying to get into the Christmas spirit, but I don't much feel like it."

"Nor me. Let's try to get into the spirit together."

"I don't think that's likely."

"With those earrings you're wearing?" asked Howie with a smile.

"Oh," said Sherl, reaching up to remove them. "I forgot I was wearing these awful things."

"Don't take them off, they're kind of cute."

"Okay, and how much have you had to drink?" she asked.

"No, really, I like them."

Howie ordered a Bailey's on ice and another bottle of beer for himself.

"Now that you've bought me a drink, you can at least tell me your name," said Sherl.

"Howard Dorough but call me Howie. What about you, or should I just call you Lady in Red?"

Sherl laughed. "Very funny! My name's Sherl."

"Sherl," repeated Howie. "That's lovely."

He held out his hand and she took it in hers. Her fingers were long and shapely and she gripped his hand lightly. Suddenly Howie began to imagine that she was sat on the bar stool naked, that he could see her perfectly rounded breasts and firm hips. She held her arms out to him and he went into them willingly, caressing her breasts with his fingers, kissing her full lips, savoring and tasting her…

"So what are you doing in here? You're missing the Christmas special of It's A Wonderful Life," said Sherl.

Howie was still dreaming about holding Sherl's naked body in his arms, and he only vaguely heard Sherl speak. He was fascinated by her and couldn't understand why she held his imagination so much - and so quickly. He tried to gather his thoughts together and focus on the conversation.

"Actually, I'm not really a movie fan," he replied eventually. "I'm more of a quiz show fanatic. In fact, I was thinking of going home to watch Who Wants to be a Millionaire"

"But as it is Christmas Eve, you decided to give her just a little while longer to show up. The prospect of spending Christmas Day alone is looming up and you don't want to be alone. Am I right?"

Howie stared at Sherl, surprised that she had read him so easily. "And how would you know that?" he asked.

"I've been there" Sherl drank the last of the Bailey's and slid down from the barstool. "Well, it was nice to meet you, but I really should get going."

"Why?" asked Howie. "At least let me buy you dinner."

"I'm not hungry," said Sherl, pulling the strap of her bag over her shoulder.

"Well, I am. Keep me company?"

Sherl stopped and stared at Howie for a few seconds. She had two choices ahead of her. She could either walk out of the bar now and never see this gorgeous guy again, or she could agree to have dinner with him. And if she did that, she knew that she wouldn't be going home alone.

"All right," replied Sherl. "I guess I could eat something."

"Great!" said Howie enthusiastically. "Let me see if they've got a free table."

As Howie walked over to one of the waiters, Sherl opened her bag and found her lipstick and a mirror. She looked at herself in the small compact, applied some more red lipstick and ran her fingers through her hair again. As she put the compact back into her bag, she saw the corner of a condom packet peeking out from the top of her make-up bag. At least she was prepared, she thought with a wry smile.

Howie indicated for her to join him and they were led to a secluded booth at the back of the restaurant. A log fire was burning in the hearth. Sherl slid into one of seats and Howie sat opposite her. After they were given Menu's and Howie ordered a bottle of wine.

The waiter arrived to take their orders. Howie poured them both a glass of wine and settled back in his seat, taking a long drink from his glass.

"Looks like fate had a hand in bringing us together," said Howie.

"I don't believe in any of that crap," said Sherl.

"Pity. It can explain a great deal."

"Not to me."

Sherl watched him as he drank from his glass. She could feel the sexual magnetism that made him so self-confident, and she longed to know what it would feel like to kiss his gorgeous lips. She didn't care that she'd only known him for about an hour, she wanted to be naked against him, feeling his hard body against hers.

Howie couldn't take his eyes off her. "You're so beautiful Sherl," he said. The huskiness of the attraction he felt for her lingered in his tone. "Too beautiful to be alone on such a night."

Sherl looked away for a moment, but was drawn back to Howie. "Well, I - ohh," she gasped as she felt Howie's hand against her left leg. He had leaned forward on the table and was propping his face up with his elbow as he stared at her. With his other hand, he traced the length of her inner leg through her dress. Her heart jolted and her pulse pounded from the contact. Slowly and seductively, Howie's gaze slid downwards. He continued his movements, trying to find the hem of her dress. His dick became instantly and quickly aroused in the confines of his briefs, and the urge to take her then and there was so powerful, so overwhelming, and Howie had to constantly remind himself that they were in a public place.

Sherl looked around the restaurant nervously and anxiously while Howie caressed the inside of her inner thighs, making her tremble and her center become wet with the evidence of her arousal. The other diners were enjoying their meals, and waiters and waitresses hovered around bringing meals to tables, opening bottles of wine and singing along to the Christmas songs. Sherl tried to focus on the words to Last Christmas by Wham, which was playing throughout the restaurant in an attempt to quell her rising arousal. Instead, it had the opposite effect. The fact that she was in a public place and with Howie's hands running up and down her legs added immensely to the intense stimulation that she felt.

Howie's hand went higher still beyond the lace tops of her hold up stockings. On a whim, Sherl had been shopping in the mall for some Christmassy underwear, just in case things progressed with James. As Howie's finger hooked the side of the lace panties that she wore, she was glad that she'd taken the time to go shopping.

Howie felt the dry, wiry hair around the entrance to Sherl's sex and then the moist heat within as two of his fingers penetrated her soft folds. Sherl gasped again and bit her lip to stop herself from crying out. Howie's fingers continued to move within her, and his thumb began to caress her swollen clit. Shivers of anticipation drove through Sherl and she couldn't help moving against Howie as he drove her closer to orgasm. Howie felt her tighten against him, almost pushing him out of her then he felt her spasm against him, her brow now moist from pleasure. He could see the effort that it took for her not to cry out, and she put her hand over her mouth as she gasped, looking around the restaurant again for confirmation that she had not been seen.

As Howie slowly removed his fingers from her warmth, the waiter arrived with their meals. He placed them on the table, and looked at Sherl's flushed face.

"Is the fire too hot for you madam?" he asked.

Sherl gave him a horrified look and opened her mouth to speak, but Howie smiled at her and said, "She's fine, although it did get a little hot here for a time."

The waiter nodded at them and turned to walk away. Underneath the table, Sherl gave the top of his right thigh a short slap. The waiter turned to look at them again. Howie shrugged, and the waiter finally disappeared into the kitchen.

Without a word, Sherl's hand slid under the table. She caressed the top of Howie's thigh, then moved her hand upwards to the huge bulge in his trousers, just as he was lifting a forkful of pasta into his mouth. Howie gasped as she traced the outline of his hard dick through the fabric and dropped his fork. It made a huge clanging sound on his plate and several other diners looked up to see what the noise was.

Sherl quickly removed her hand and without batting an eyelid started to eat her meal.

"But," she said as she ate, "if you think I've finished with you, you're mistaken."

"Good," said Howie. "I was hoping I'd be mistaken."

"Do you live alone?" asked Sherl.

Howie nodded.

"Then it had better be your place. I live with a friend. We might wake her."

* * * * * * * *

They shared a taxi back to Howie's place after their meal. He was glad that he'd thought to tidy up a bit that morning, thinking that he might bring Deema back with him at the end of the night.

He opened the front door and turned on the light. Sherl surveyed the living area, particularly at the huge wide-screen television, the DVD player and the hi-fi system. One half of the room was given over to a large computer, around which was piled all manner of books, manuals and software.

"I guess that gives you a major clue as to what I do for a living," said Howie as he closed the door and locked it.

"You're obviously into computers," said Sherl. "What do you do specifically?"

"Software design and programming," replied Howie. "What about you? What do you do?"

"I work in PR," said Sherl, " and I handle big advertising campaigns."

Howie walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. The time for small talk was over. She was shivering slightly, but Howie guessed that she wasn't cold. He kissed her forehead lightly, then her cheeks, and he finally found her lips with his. His tongue explored the recesses of her mouth, and sent shivers of desire racing through her. Sherl was shocked at her own response to the touch of his lips against hers, and she had to remind herself that she'd only met him a few hours earlier. But as Howie continued to move his lips against hers, Sherl decided that it didn't matter. For tonight, Howie would be her Christmas fantasy.

She could feel the hard outline of his erect penis pressing into her thigh, straining to get closer to her. Howie's lips left hers and he gasped loudly when she reached to touch him through the fabric of his trousers. His hand left her shoulder and traveled to the front of her dress. He fondled her breasts, her nipples hardening beneath his touch. With his other hand, Howie slowly lowered the zipper of her dress, and pushed it slowly off her shoulders. It fell to the floor and Howie's dick hardened even more at the sight of her perfect body in front of him. She was wearing black lace-topped stockings, black lacy panties and a black lace balcony bra, which pushed her breasts up into a tight distinctive cleavage.

"Oh, god," said Howie as he looked her over seductively. He held out his hand, and Sherl took it. Slowly he led her into his room, closing the door behind them.

Sherl's arms circled around Howie, his body against hers as she found his mouth with hers again. His hands wandered over her back, finding the hook that held her bra together. Slowly he released it, letting the black lace fall to the floor, and he pressed her close to him so that he could feel the hard points of her nipples against his chest. He groaned slightly as Sherl tugged impatiently at the bottom of his top as she tried to free it from the waistband of his trousers. As she did so and felt his bare skin beneath she pulled the top over his head, and felt the wiry hairs on his chest as they tickled her. She suppressed a small giggle and released his belt and the zipper on his trousers. Howie shrugged out of them, and his shoes and socks. Sitting on the bed, he drew Sherl down with him, kissing her all the while. His lips left hers and traveled down to her taut brown nipples. Taking one in his mouth he sucked on it greedily, teasing the point to an even harder nub, snaking his tongue around it and moistening it within his mouth. As he turned his attention to her other nipple, Sherl traced the outline of his hard shaft through his briefs, then she pulled them down and off his legs.

Howie's fingers caressed the outline of her navel slowly and he kissed her neck, then her chest and stomach. He slowly removed her wet panties and the lace-top stockings, then his fingers reached into the warmth and wetness of her.

"You know," said Howie breathlessly. "Feeling you come apart for me like that, in the restaurant, it was pure heaven. I want to feel you come again for me Sherl."

His fingers moved deftly and swiftly in and out of her wetness, each stroke filling her with pure and explosive pleasure. Sherl relaxed against him, giving way to the strong sensations that surrounded her. The hardness of Howie's shaft pressed against her and she reached across to feel it. He jerked against her hand, and she felt the moist fluid that had gathered at the tip.

He felt Sherl's pelvis tilt against him and she pressed herself harder against his hand. Her wide eyes held his as she continued moving inside her, then finding the nub of her swollen clit. He pushed his fingers further into his wetness and she moaned, lifting her face to his and pressing her tongue deep into his mouth.

Breaking the kiss, Howie drew his hand away from Sherl's wetness but continued to stroke her clit as he rose from the bed and settled himself between her thighs. He pressed the head of his dick against her, and then removed it quickly. It was happening all too fast. He gathered his thoughts enough to try to remember where he had left his box of condoms. They could be in the bedside drawer, but he wasn't sure.

"Is this what you want?" asked Sherl, holding up a condom packet in front of Howie's eyes.

Howie smiled and took it from her. "Where did you get this?"

"I tucked it inside my bra, when I was in the ladies. Always be prepared, that's what I say," she said seductively.

Howie tore the small package open and slowly unrolled the condom over his hard length. He pressed the head of his dick firmly against her clit and pushed hard. Sherl groaned, and desperate to feel Howie's length inside her, she guided it inside herself. She made a sobbing moan as he guided it deep within, lifting her legs up over his shoulders to drive himself into her further. Howie began to thrust inside her, and Sherl arched her back as she pushed herself against his shaft. She closed her eyes and gripped the blankets on the bed, as her cries grew louder. Howie felt her grip his dick as he felt the first spasms of her orgasm, then he threw his head back in delicious pleasure as he enjoyed every second of her release.

Pushing against her, Howie tried hard not to let Sherl's cries of pleasure lead him into his own release. It would be so easy to just let go, he was so desperate to do so, and his dick jerked within her. The moment passed, and Howie stopped moving. Taking hold of the bottom of his shaft to stop the condom from coming off, he withdrew from her and lay on his back. He rolled Sherl over onto him, and as she straddled his thighs, he pushed himself deep inside her again. He reached for her breasts, playing with her nipples and teasing them back into hard points. He felt her tighten around him again as she moved, and he sucked hard on her left nipple. He gasped as she crested and pulsed around him. He held back, but desperately wanted to come deep within her.

Sherl tightened further around his dick as they kissed, and the sensation was too much for Howie. Their bodies collided against one another as they drove each other into climax, and their mouths stayed joined as Howie came, spurting deep within her, as Sherl reached her own release.

Howie had to withdraw quickly to avoid spilling the contents of the condom. He regretted this and wanted to stay buried deep within Sherl's warmth. Slowly he eased himself out of her, taking hold of the bottom of his shaft while he did so. Sherl rolled onto her side while Howie removed the condom, tied it round and disposed of it.

Sherl's eyes drifted closed, but there were no sheets or blankets left on the bed. Howie pulled a sheet from the floor and covered Sherl's naked body. He kissed her forehead and lay down beside her. He couldn't resist the temptation to play with her breasts, and a small smile crossed her lips as he did so. A lock of her curly hair fell into her eyes, and Howie moved it away gently.

* * * * * * *

Christmas Day - 8.15am

Sherl opened her eyes slowly and surveyed her surroundings. Howie lay stretched out next to her, naked and fast asleep. A surge of desire raced through her and she gazed at him hungrily.

He slept with one arm flung out and the other hand splayed across his chest. One knee was slightly drawn up, as if to shelter the cluster of dark curls and his penis lying partly erect against his hard, flat stomach.

Sherl licked her suddenly dry lips and her fingertips trembled with the urge to brush lightly over his smooth skin, to explore the muscular curves and hollows of his body at her leisure, while he slept on, unaware.

But her Christmas fantasy was over.

Sherl sighed and got out of the bed. She looked around the room and located her undergarments, trying to be quiet. She couldn't find one of her shoes, but then she saw it poking out from one of the blankets that they had tossed aside in their passion. Quietly she opened the bedroom door and closed it behind her, trying hard not to wake Howie as he slept.

In the living room she retrieved her dress and her purse. She dressed quickly, not bothering with her bra and stockings and she pushed them into her purse. Picking up her coat she opened the front door and with a sigh, she walked out of Howie's apartment and closed the door behind her.

Now she had to decide how she was going to get home to change and to her parents house in time for Christmas lunch.

* * * * * * * *

Howie stirred from his sleep and reached out for Sherl. He had been dreaming about her and the night of lovemaking that they had shared, and the thought of finding her in his arms on Christmas morning was his idea of heaven. He had never been so impulsive before, but he was so glad that he had made an exception for her.

When Howie felt nothing but empty space next to him he opened his eyes abruptly. She wasn't there. He closed his eyes again and rubbed them, hoping that she would be there when he opened them again.

She wasn't.

He jumped out of bed and called her name several times. He checked the bathroom, the living room, the kitchen, but it was true.

She had gone.

Howie made his way back into his bedroom and turned on the portable TV. Noel Edmonds was wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas on the news. Howie lay back on his bed and vacantly watched the television.

But when his gaze turned briefly to his bedside dresser, he saw the Christmas tree earrings that she had been wearing.