My Stories

* The Man of My Dreams *


There he was, sitting across the room. I had wanted him for over a month. Finally he was within my reach. I straightened my skirt, fiddled with my hair and walked over to him. I was nervous, as I got closer to where he was sitting at. I had a drink in my hand that I had
not touched. I decided to offer it to him in order to start up a conversation.

"Hello Howard, my name is Angel."

"Angel, what a beautiful name that is. Might I ask what brings you to this party?"

"I went to school with AJ's girlfriend. We were dorm mates. I haven't seen her in a few years and she called me up asking me if I would like to come to her party tonight. How is it you came to be here?"

"I was in town."

(I asked him that question already knowing the answer)

"Well Howard, how would you like to dance with me?"

"I'd love to Angel, there is nothing like dancing with the most beautiful woman in the room."

When he said that, my stomach quivered, my knees shook and I instantly felt a wetness beginning between my legs. Maybe this night would have the ending I had hoped for when I came to this part.

As we walked to where everyone was dancing at, he held me close to him. A slow song was playing as turned to each other to have our dance. Our bodies were pressed close to one another. I could feel him growing hard against my stomach, our bodies starting grinding against the other. I knew everyone was staring at us, but I didn't care, I had him in my arms.

As we were dancing I whispered to him "would you like to leave and maybe go get some coffee somewhere?"

"I'd love to Angel. I'd like more than just coffee though."

We agreed to meet at the elevators in 5 minutes, after giving our farewells to our host. The excitement was growing in me.

I was already at the elevator when he walked up to me. We embraced each other and started kissing as if we had never kissed someone before. Our tongues wrestling with each other, I felt my knees getting weak. The doors on the elevator opened up and we entered. As the doors closed behind us, we started kissing again. He kissed my face, then
moved lower to my breast. He took my nipple into his mouth and sucked on it, making it as hard as a pebble. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. We quickly separated from each other although reluctantly as another couple entered the elevator. They glanced at us and our desire was still showing on our faces and they guessed at what we had been doing.

They quickly exited the elevator at the next floor. This time we stopped the elevator so we wouldn't be disturbed anymore. His mouth once again started its assault on my nipples. I could feel the dampness between my thighs. He slowly pulled my dress up and then removed my black silk thong. His hand slipped down and he gently opened up my lips and rubbed till he found my clit. Then without any warning he put his finger inside me. I lost my breath and his touch and could feel an orgasm working its way through my body. All my attention was centered on the feelings his fingers were creating. Just as I was on the verge of my orgasm, he quickly removed his fingers. My knees were weak and I could barely hold myself up.

He started the elevator back up and pulled my dress back down, but kept my panties in his pocket. We got to the lobby and called for a cab. He gave the driver his address and the driver sped off. I decided to get a bit flirtatious while we were on our way to his apartment. I leaned over like I was very tired and put my head in his lap. I then unzipped his zipper and pulled his somewhat flaccid dick out of his pants. I caressed it and slowly lowered my mouth onto it. As I was moving my mouth slowly up and down, I was twirling my tongue ring around the head of his dick. I felt him growing hard inside my mouth but didn't want him to get too excited so I tucked him back into his pants and zipped them back up and sat back up in the seat. The cabbie looked in his mirror at us and knew what we had been doing.

As we arrived at his apartment, Howard asked the cab driver how much the fare was, and he replied, "No charge for the show I got, I never even turned the meter on."

We went up to his room as quickly as we could and locked the door behind us. It was a matter of seconds before we had all of our clothes off. We stood and took in each other's nude bodies. He was gorgeous, tanned all over, perfect muscles-not too large but just enough, and you could tell he was comfortable with being nude in front of me. I wondered what he thought about my body, as it was far from perfect. But the look he was giving me, he had no complaints at all about my body.

He walked to me and embraced me in loving hold. His hands slid all over my body sending shivers all through me. He picked me up and carried me to the bed and laid me down upon it. He moved his head down to my awaiting pussy, dripping with desire. As his tongue danced around my clit I was once again worked up to an orgasm, hoping to
complete it this time. As I was about to come though, he once again pulled back. I was in agony. He walked to his dresser and pulled out a silk blindfold and some silk tiebacks. He asked me if I would mind being tied up. The thought of not having control or even being able to see what he was doing to me was exhilarating. I agreed and he set to work.

He put the blindfold around my eyes and then softly tied my hands to his bedpost. They were loose enough that I could free myself if I wanted to. After I was tied up and blindfolded, he disappeared for a moment. He came back and my senses were going wild. I heard a lighter light up, and then smelt a candle burning. I was completely aware of what was going on around me. I felt the bed move as he sat back down. He dropped a bit of the hot wax from the candle onto my nipple, then down my belly and finally onto my clit. It was a wonderful mixture of pleasure/pain. I could feel the wax hardening especially on my clit. Then I felt something cold dripping onto me and as each drop landed on me, his tongue licked it right back up. I assumed it was ice until I felt it enter me. It was a Popsicle and he was fucking me with it! The sensation was something I had never felt before. The coldness moving in and out of me, and as he finished fucking me with it, he once again put his mouth on me and licked up all the flavoring from my soaked pussy.

I felt my bindings being taken off and my blindfold was removed and my eyes had to readjust to the light. Howie then rolled me over onto my stomach and entered me from behind. Almost like doggy style, but I was completely laying down on the bed. He moved in and out of me increasing his pace as we went along. We must have fucked like that for at least 30 minutes when he rolled over onto his back taking me with him. I was now laying my back to his stomach. Moving like this, he was hitting my g-spot perfectly. This time when I was ready to cum, he didn't stop. He kept moving and when I screamed out in ecstasy he came with me. Our bodies become one.

We looked into each other's eyes and knew instantly that we were made for each other. We slept together the rest of the night and when morning came we made love again. It has been 2 years since that night, Howard and I are still together and the sex just keeps getting better and better.

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