My Stories

* More Adventures *

The shades are drawn and the lights are dim in his apartment. He looks across the couch at me. I'm wearing a long, flowing skirt and a loose shirt; a hint of nipple is showing through my blouse, I'm wearing nothing else. The blouse flatters my curves; the skirt caresses my legs lovingly. As for him, he is wearing shorts, boxers, and a button down shirt. I was glad to get back together after having been apart for a few months. (I had missed you actually.) He had driven to my house, and took me out... We caught up on stories and were just back from going to dinner and a movie. (He spent a lot of the evening admiring my ass through my skirt, and from the bulge in his pants I noticed his interest.) We are sitting on the couch, watching TV, talking quietly. He leans over and start to kiss me, letting his hands wander my body, trying to arouse me. He smiles as he feels me tremble. He senses my hesitation, but forces his tongue into my mouth just the same. I warm into the kiss, finally, and relish the feeling of our tongues caressing each other, his hands roaming my your breasts, my thighs, touching briefly at the growing wetness between my legs.

I reach up and run my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer to me. He let me pull him closer, our bodies touching, until he is nearly on top of me. I can feel my nipples pressing against his chest, despite to two layers of cloth between us. He smiled quietly, and grabs both of my hands. Holding them together, He pulled my blouse up to expose my breasts to his view ... to his tongue... He begin to lick my nipples, biting them, kissing them... He could feel from my trembling that I'm growing more aroused.

For some reason that still eludes me, I start to fight. I struggle against his hand, trying to get away. He frowned and pick up a length of rope (how did that get there). Over my struggling, he ties my hands together behind my back. Holding my arms firmly, he pulled me over to a chair, sat down, and pulled me over his lap. He pushed my skirt up, baring my ass. He pauses to admire the ass he had imagined all night ... the ass he remembered so well form our previous encounters. He can feel me trembling. He assumes that I know what is coming.

He smiled down at me. "You fought me, dear."

I didn't say anything.

"I'm going to spank you for that one. I want you to thank me after each spank, is that clear?"

I nodded.

"Dear, that's not good enough. You're mine now...I assume you know what to call me."

He could feel me tremble again. "Yes, master."

"Good." And he started.

*smack* "Thank You, master." *smack* "Thank you, master."

"No-one has ever called me master before and meant it. I didn't think I would like it as much as I do."

*smack* "Thank you, master." *smack* "Thank you, master."

"I can't help but think how beautiful you are, your face, your perfect ass."

*smack* "Thank you, master." *smack* "Thank you, master."

I'm in his lap. I can feel that his interest is growing. He's as turned on as I am.

*smack* "Thank you, master." *smack* "Thank you, master."

Over and over again...he watches my ass turn, red as he spanks me. Finally, he stops.

"Have you learned your lesson?"

I nod. "I'll be good now."

He spanks my ass hard again. "Excuse me?"

"I'll be good now, master."

He smiles, and helps me to my feet. He stands, and pulls me to the vertical climber. He pushes down on one pedal with one foot, so that two pedals are even. I'm pushed against the vertical climber so that my back is against it. He unties my hands. "Hold the handles," he commands. I comply. My hands are tied to the handles. He takes a small pair of scissors out of his pocket, and cuts my shirt off my body. My breasts exposed, my nipples erect, a slight blush further underlining my arousal. Howie takes saran wrap and begins wrapping my arms to the climber above my head, securing my arms so they cannot move at all. He moves down my body, wrapping my torso, securing me so that I cannot move at all...he is, though, careful to leave my breasts free. With a lick to each nipple, I moan. Reaching into his pocket, he takes out a gag, and fastens it over my mouth. He smiles, and sucks one nipple into his mouth. He hears me muffled moan, and smiles. Just to make things even, he takes the scissors and cut off my skirt. He stands back to admire me for a moment. Naked, fully bound, gagged. He says I am again beautiful in my vulnerability.

He starts to tease me. He lightly strokes my body, playing with my nipples, fingering my wet pussy. He kneels before me, licking my pussy, driving me crazy. He can hear my muffled moans, but he ignore whatever pleas I make. He parts my buttocks, and licks me between my ass cheeks. I twitch when his tongue touches my asshole, but I relax as he pushes it in a small bit. He returns to my pussy, sucking on my clit, pushing his fingers into me. He feels me squirming and can hear that I'm trying to say something.

He stands, but lets one hand continue to torture my pussy. He loosens the gag. "Please, please let me cum," I moan to him.

He pinches my clit hard. "What did you say?"

I realize what I meant. "Please let me cum, master."

He puts the gag back on me without answering. After a pause, he took his hand away from my pussy.

"Look at yourself. You can't move. You can't talk. I could go out right now and leave you hanging there. I could go out and pick up another woman, bring her back here, and fuck her in front of you. Don't forget that you're mine."

He pauses for another moment, and kisses my forehead.

He kneels before me again and buries his face in my cunt. He licks my clit, flicking his tongue over it, while he slides four fingers into me. Once he feels that they are sufficiently lubricated, he slips one finger into my ass. He adds another finger to the first, and then another, stretching my anus. He's fucking my ass with his fingers and licking my shaven pussy as I trembled, moving as much as I can under the restraints. I know he could hear me moaning louder. He fucked me harder, and licked me more furiously, and I twitch as I approach my orgasm.

Finally, my ass contracting around his fingers, my juices flowing over his tongue. I scream my pleasure through the gag. I try to move, but given the saran wrap, I end up just tensing my body against the restraints.

He waits until I have calm down, then stands up and removes my gag. Without even having to be prompted, I say, "thank you, master."

"That's a good girl."

He drops his shorts and boxers. His erection is throbbing. "Tell me what you want dear."

I remember this from the last time. "I want you to fuck me. Oh, fuck me please, master."

He dropped his shirt. We are both naked. He puts on a condom and presses his cock between my legs. He take my legs and puts them around his waist...I'm supporting my weight uncomfortably by my arms, so he puts his arms around me to hold me up.

He enters me slowly, filling me up. He fucks me like that, secured to the vertical climber, unable to move, loving having me at his mercy. He is enjoying the feel of my tight pussy around his cock, and he can see that I like him sliding in and out of me, varying his pace. He leans forward and bites my neck; I shiver slightly at this. He kisses me deeply as he fucks me. His orgasm is starting to approach...I can feel his thrusts become harder, but slightly irregular. He groans in my ear as he cums inside of me.

After a moment, he pulls out of me, and lets me rest my weight on my legs. He kisses me deeply, and releases me from my bindings. I press myself against him, holding him tightly, kissing him deeply.

Exhausted, we go into my bedroom and fall onto the bed. I've got my arms around him; sleep comes quickly for both of us.