My Stories

* When We OOOO *

It was a hot night, the temperature was still above 80 degrees and there was no breeze. Inside the condo, Howie and Sherl were finally about to relax together. They had spent all day together shopping, and playing like tourists, leaving them very tired. Hand in hand, they had explored the seaside, stopping often to exchange kisses or a quick embrace. Dinner was finished, and she was bent over the dishwasher adding the detergent, and he walked up behind her and placed his hand on her ass and slid it between her legs. Sherl smiled and wiggled her ass, and he rubbed her a bit harder. Howie couldn't be near her without needing to touch her. He pulled her back against him and kissed her neck and fondled her breasts. She turned around and put her arms around his neck and gazed into his eyes. "I love you," she murmured softly. He took her face into his hands and gave her a very soft kiss on the lips.

Smiling at him, she returned his kiss with one that said volumes about how she felt about him. He hugged her tightly and whispered into her ear, "I love you very much." They moved to the couch and Sherl's eyes sparkled as she crawled onto his lap facing him. The love they shared was so special and sweet, and sex was the best it had ever been for both of them. For ages they sat there kissing and holding each other close. Sherl was controlling the moment, teasing Howie with her tongue against his, not touching his lips, and rubbing her sex against his. Howie asked if she'd like to go for a late night swim. She was always ready to do just about anything, and climbed off his lap and headed for the bedroom to get her swimsuit. Quickly she dressed, grabbed towels and headed for the door. She watched as Howie pulled on his swim trunks, and then they went strolling toward the pool.

They both dived into the water and came up together. Their wet bodies touching gave Howie an immediate erection as they kissed passionately. "I want you right here, right now in the water", he said. Sherl gasped and looked around at all the condos facing the pool. "Don't worry", he said, "nobody's looking at this time of night." She just grinned at this crazy man she was in love with. "I bought you a surprise today when you weren't looking", Howie told her as he climbed out of the water and walked to the chair where they'd placed their towels. He turned around toward her and held up the small waterproof vibrator he'd bought.

Back in the water, he swam to her and held her tightly in his arms. She felt so loved and wanted when he embraced her. Turning her around, he pushed her against the wall of the pool and kissed her deeply, pressing his body hard against hers. Shivers went down her spine, in spite of the high temperature. He reached between her legs and began to rub gently. She wanted him as much as he wanted her and pushed against his fingers. Howie turned on the vibrator and placed it where his fingers had been. Sherl moaned and rolled her eyes. He smiled a wicked smile, and lowered her swimsuit and exposed one breast and quickly sucked a nipple into his mouth. Her body belonged to him, she'd given it to him without reservation the moment she realized how much she loved him. At this point she didn't care who was around. The combination of the vibrator rubbing back and forth against her clit and her nipple being sucked hard into his mouth were enough to drive her past the point of caring.

Howie was getting so hot watching how excited she was, and how much she wanted him in spite of where they were. He loved being able to turn her on this way. He just had to be inside her. He pushed the crotch of her suit aside and slowly pushed the vibrator inside her while rubbing her clit with his thumb. They kissed again and Sherl reached into Howie's swim trunks and exposed a very erect and hard dick. "Make love to me," her eyes said. Sherl rubbed him for a few moments then pulled him between her legs. He removed the vibrator and placed his dick against her. Looking into her eyes, he gently pushed himself inside her. He moved in and out slowly, enjoying the exquisite feeling he always had when they made love.

Sherl was a wonderful lover. She didn't wait to be made love to. She gripped his dick tightly with her muscles as he slid in and out of her. With her back still against the wall of the pool, she wrapped her legs around his waist and teasingly played with his nipples as he kissed her again and again. Howie took her into his arms and turned around and moved to more shallow water and leaned his back against the wall, and braced himself with his feet. She was now riding him, as he held her ass to hold her up. "Oh Howie," she moaned loudly and began moving faster, squeezing his dick hard. He began thrusting deep inside her again and again. Nothing mattered to either of them but the passion that made them one. Together they exploded with the fire of love, Howie deep inside her. She held him tightly, so much in love, so satisfied.

For long moments they held each other, wordlessly expressing their love. As the waves of her orgasm subsided, her breathing again returning to normal, she looked at him and couldn't help but laugh. "Who would ever guess that we would do this? We're such normal people," she chuckled. He hugged her close, smiled, and kissed her on the nose.

He helped her put her breasts back into her suit, and he pulled up his trunks and they were both presentable. They stepped out of the pool and toweled each other off, still exchanging kisses. He took her hand and they headed back to the condo. She squeezed his hand tightly, looked at him and said "the surprise was wonderful, wait 'til you see what I bought for YOU today."