My Stories

* Open Letter *

This is an open letter to your favorite guy. Open your mind and imagine your favorite guy reading this.

You know what would be nice? To sleep in bed with you . . . to feel your warm body pressing against mine, snuggled against you as I slept. No doubt I'd be dreaming erotic dreams from the feel of your body, and I'd wake, hungry for you. But I wouldn't want to wake you abruptly and demand sex from you, no matter how willing you'd be to give it to me. I'd want you to wake as slowly as pleasantly as I did. So at first I'd gently stroke your back, careful no to do it too lightly in case I tickled you. Then my hand would move lower, to your hips, and I'd place gentle kisses on your shoulders.

As you slowly awoke, my hand would become more assertive, and I'd start stroking your penis and balls. You'd snuggle closer to me with a sigh of contentment, as you finally become completely awake, realizing what was happening. Then you gently start teasing me, stroking my body with your hands, delicately kissing me with your lips, and softly nipping at my flesh. You'd move down low, so the only part of you my hands could reach would be your head, and you'd nibble and tease at my thighs, until I could almost bear it no longer.

I would spread my legs wide and part my lips, silently begging you to taste the juices that would be flowing freely by this stage. You'd grin evilly and bend down, lightly flicking your tongue over me, making me squirm uncontrollably. Your tongue would stroke me more firmly, feeling the hard bud of my clitoris, and tasting my arousal. You would slide a finger inside me, and I'd gasp in pleasure, feeling the tension building up inside me.

Now I'd take you by surprise and push you onto your back. I'd straddle your body, and move down lower, taking you into my mouth. I'd suck you gently, then flicker my tongue over the head, and then suck more firmly. Finally I'd stroke you with my mouth, taking you deep inside me. But not for long - I would be careful you didn't come yet, you'd have to wait for me.

I'd pull away to fit one of the condoms you left out onto you, and then I'd shift forward and slowly, carefully push you inside me. Moving very slowly at first, so as not to make you come prematurely, I'd rock my hips, feeling you thrusting deep inside me. I'd increase the pace, as my peak got closer, moaning softly with pleasure. I'd feel your body tense beneath me just before you came, and this would trigger my own orgasm, and you'd feel my body shudder.

Afterwards I would snuggle up to you; half wrapped around your body, stroking you and feeling completely relaxed in the after-glow. Slowly our breathing would return to normal, and the sweat would dry on our bodies. I'd run my fingers lightly over your stomach, tickling you, and you'd grab my hand and hold me closer. I'd press my hips against yours, and rub them gently, feeling you begin to be aroused again . . . .