Hosted Stories

*Queen of the Night*

Queen Of The Night ~>

There I was standing in the pouring rain outside Chicago's Lyric Opera House. It was dark as night but the city lights made the streets mildly bright. I received a ticket to see the opera "The Magic Flute" earlier that day, knowing I had nothing else to do that night I dressed in a casual suit and took a taxi to the opera house. So here I was waiting to go inside and escape the rain. There were two older women standing in front of me I couldn't help but listen to them talk about the queen of the night.
"Marcy I am telling you, she is better than the old one! She carries her notes like an angel I haven't heard a soprano this good since the 1940's!"
"Angie, I am telling you this young girl cannot beat me! She has merely 25 years whereas I have 60 good ones." The other women started laughing at her friend. I couldn't help but smile. "And her names Colette? What was her mother thinking?"
"Marcy." Angie scolded her. By that time we were inside, the place was gorgeous. Dark marble floors, beautiful art the ceiling was extraordinary. I handed my ticket to the older man standing behind the tall box.
"Front row, your in for a treat young man." I smiled at him.
"So I've heard."
"Go straight and down hall three, and enjoy the show." He handed me my ticket and I followed his instructions. My shoes clicked against the marble as I walked to the hall. Gazing at all the artwork I nearly tripped over a women. It all happen so fast I don't really remember it. The floor landed my fall but the women managed to keep her balance.
"Oh! I am so sorry!" She knelt down. "Are you ok?" I looked up and met with the women's gaze. Her eyes were crystal blue and her blonde hair swept over her face.
"Yeah I just wasn't watching where I was going. My fault." Slowly I go up, my backside still ached from the fall. I grabbed her hand as she stood up with me.
"You don't look to well are you sure your fine I can walk you to your seat." I smiled at her. I just fell and she's acting if I got hurt bad. She wore a long black dress that fitted her just right.
"I assure you I am fine." She smiled back. Her gaze went to the floor she knelt down and grabbed my ticket.
"Hey your right next to me! Here to see my sister?" I took my ticket from her hands.
"Your sister?"
"She is The Queen Of Night." She exaggerated her sentence.
"Uh huh related to royalty. My name is Christina." She held her hand out. I accepted it and placed a small kiss on her palm.
"Nice, I'll take you to your seat you seem lost." She started walking towards the door. I went to catch up with her.
"Yeah its my first time here." I tried to cover my drawl but I don't really think she bought it as she cast a glance at me. "I'm here on business, and I got these and well yea."
"Oh, well that's cool, your going to love the opera!" Christina stopped and talked shortly with a man. I stood next to her and waited patently. I was dying to see what the inside looked like! She finally finished and walked inside. I followed on her heels until I was awe struck. Christina was walking down the stairs to our seat. The theater was grand, its ceiling was high up with angels and a huge chandler in the middle. "Kevin!" I looked down to the front of the stage. Christina was waving at me; I walked down into our seat. Before sitting down I glanced over the railing and viewed the orchestra pit. There was a violinist tuning up, it seemed like a small orchestra for an opera, but I really don't know much about this whole thing.
"Are you going to stand there all night or you going to sit?" Christina asked me.
"I think other people would be annoyed if I stood so I better sit down." She frowned at me. I sat myself down and looked up on the stage. "Hey what's that for?" I pointed to the teleprompter hanging over the stage. Christina looked up.
"That's the translation thingy, whatever the actors say its translated in English." I stayed silent for a moment. "You do know the Opera is in German right?"
"Huh? Oh yeah of course I knew that." Um so I didn't but I'm here for the music, not to know what there saying.
"Look! Here she is!" Christina showed me her sister's picture in the playbill. "Isn't she just gorgeous?" She was. I couldn't believe they were sisters. Her photo was colored, her hair was jet black and it seemed like her eyes were violet. She was full figured yet a slim women and she was breath taking. She was leaning against a wall, the outfit she wore was a black skirt that was slit up to her hip and showed her long tan legs. Her top was a simple black tank top that accented her breast very nicely for my taste.
"She is really pretty."
"You think so?" Christina sounded excited.
"Yeah I do."
"Great! You can come and meet her after the show is over! Would you like that?"
"Sure I would…" Christina shushed me, the lights dimmed and the orchestra started up. The curtain lifted and the opera began.

It was now the second act. The beginning was beautiful, hard to understand but nonetheless pretty. The queen came out once during the first act. Colette had a beautiful voice. The music flowed from her mouth with such beauty and ease; I noticed she would make eye contact with her sister Christina, when I looked over to her she her tongue sticking out. I guessed that it was a thing between them and left it alone. During intermission I asked Christina what was the problem. She told me that the queen has two parts; the most famous aria was in the second act. That's where the opera was now; the queen entered the stage dressed in a black dress with a midnight blue cape. When she started her aria I held a breath, she cascaded through her notes. She sung so gracefully it put me at ease. I looked up and she met my gaze, it felt like she was singing just for me. I realized she was! She never left my eyes, she held on through the whole song. When she belted her final note her voice rang through my ears like an angels voice, as she ended she raised her hand to her mouth and blew me a kiss. She was lowered into the stage to make it as she was disappearing and then she was gone. Christina leaned towards me and grabbed my hand. She pulled me out of my seat and dragged me out the doors.
"What the hell are you doing?!" She kept pulling me towards the exit. I yanked back and stood firm. "I ask again what are you doing?"
"Taking you to the queen." Christina's eyes lit as she cackled. She pushed me against the wall and kissed me. Her lips were hard on my mouth. Her tongue slid over my lips and she roughly pulled back. "Now be a good boy and stay quiet." Before I knew it there was a rag over my mouth and all went black.
When I awoke my head was throbbing. My vision was blurry but I could smell the aroma of sex in the air. My eyes adjusted to the dimly lit area, I realized my arms were hanging over my head. The cool feel of metal bonded my wrists. I tugged on the chain; it wouldn't budge, probably bolted to the damn wall. My head was still spinning, leaning it back my whole body felt the cold chill of the wall. I was naked and chained, some night.
"Wakey Wakey…" A soft whisper surrounded me. As if she was talking through speakers. In the shadows I saw a flame, it was moving closer to me. The closer it came I could make out a body behind the candle. The flame shone an area of white lace, the area became bigger and I saw the curves of this women. I tried to speak but my voice rasped. The woman stopped in front of me. She was familiar I had seen her but from where? My head was still cloudy and it was hard for me to concentrate. She smiled at me, was she here to help me? I didn't know but I felt safe yet strangely aroused. She moved the candle in front of me and waved it side to side, I trailed it with my eyes. The candle started to lean towards me; I could see the wax dripping off the side and felt the sharp burning pain as it hit my just. I clenched my teeth, the pain subsided. I looked at my tormenter; there was no sympathy in her eyes just a grin that played on her lips.
"Did that hurt?" She cooed, her finger traced my jaw. I nodded. "Oh I'm sorry." Her lip pouted out. "So so very sorry." She licked my neck. Her hands roamed all over my body. Her fingers were warm and soft. "Such a beautiful man, Très Beau." Her accent thickened. She was so tantalizing and I was in her control. Her hand grazed my back, sliding down to bum. She gave a squeeze I gasp, my arms pulled against the chains. I heard her smug chuckle, it was dark and sexy.
"How about if I take you lay you down on my bed and use you for my own selfish pleasures?" She looked deep into my eyes. I didn't answer, waiting a moment she moved closer. Her tongue probed my mouth, the freshness was sweet I wanted more I needed more. She was pulling back my head moved forward and she finally let pushed against my chest and I hit the wall. I sucked in air, "Are you ready my pet." She didn't wait for a response. The chains unhooked from the wall I was free sort of. She led me to the bed; her candle was still the only light. "Lay down in the middle." The sheets were silk, I slid on top of them easily, and they were warm compared to the concrete wall. Questions swarmed in my mind why was I here? How did I get here? She was locking my chains to the bedposts. Looking up I saw a red light flashing. Panic rose was she filming this? Use it as black mail to get me to pay up? Were people watching over the Internet? She kneeled next to me her gaze traveled to where I was looking. I looked away afraid of consequences. "Its only a fire detector." Her lips were upon my shoulder. "I hide my cameras in other places." I looked up wide-eyed. She didn't notice her eyes settled on my lower half. Thinking she would tease me of my condition I prepared for the worse. "I really admire your tattoo." Her finger traced my whole tattoo. "Very manly." Her tongue re traced it I was in glorified agony. Her hair, soft and smooth ran over my cock. "Your so sweet." Her tongue clicked. She blew softly at the base of my length. I felt her warm mouth wrap around my whole cock. Her tongue slid all around. Her teeth nipped, my teeth ached from clutching, and she bit harder. I let out a deep growl. "That!" She sat on top of my chest. "Is what I was waiting to hear." With a click of a button the bed moved so I was sitting upright but still lying down. "Hungry?" Her legs spread before my face. I looked up to me her smile. Her lips were a tender pink and clean-shaven. The first taste of her was sweet; the taste exploded my taste buds. I craved more; she pushed herself towards my mouth. One hand was rubbing the material over her own breast while another was holding her up. Her head was thrown back. My lips sucked on her clit, her moans were a delight. She was enjoying herself I took it upon myself for a tad pay back with my teeth I bit at her outer lip. She gasp and look at me, her finger waged at me as she moved back so she was positioned on my stomach. "Now why did you have to do that for?"
"Payback." Her ears perked.
"Well well well, don't you have a sexy voice." She laid fully on me. "Say something else." What was I to say? Let me go you crazy bitch?! I cleared my throat.
"If you let me free…" She immediately frowned. "Wait, if you let me free I can stay with you and give you a good time." I grinned quite sure of myself.
"Confidence, I like that in a man. I like you a lot too." Her finger dabbed my nose. "Lets see how good of a time you can give me." She moved to my arms, placing kisses around my wrist she un-bonded me. Each area that was red she took the time to kiss it. "Perhaps I should get bigger cuffs." I nodded. At last I was free I stretched and grabbed her by the waist. I set her under me, my knees locked around her waist. I finally noticed what she was wearing a soft white lace chemise. I took my sweet time and unlaced her front, when I pulled the material apart, she was gorgeous so beautiful.
"Why am I here?" I asked so boldly. My lips wrapped around her nipple and I suckled. Her leg wrapped around my hip her whole body arched. My hand rubbed her other breast as I kept my attention on the one I was on.
"You came to the opera." She rasped it, her hands slid through my hair. The opera, it was all coming back to me. She was singing to me so beautiful then that girl kissed me and I was out.
"Your sister was there." I liked below her breast and she giggled. I looked up to see an embarrass blush sweep her face. I raised an eyebrow. "Have I found a ticklish spot?" She shook her head no. I placed kisses all over that area until I couldn't hold her in place. Her smile was radiant, her hair was all around her face and she was breathing heavily. Her hand behind my neck pulled me to her lips. Looking me deep in the eyes she spoke soft.
"I'll explain in the later hours, first make love to me." After that there were no words needed. Our bodies clung to each other. Every movement brought pleasure to us. When I entered her the warmness was chilling, she was the right for me, ecstasy rolled through us and never left. There were moments where our eyes would lock and never leave each other's gaze until one of us had to turn away. The way she would scream my name was fierce yet I heard the urgency in her voice. Her hips would roll in rhythm with mine; we were never out of sync. I thrusted into her so many times I couldn't even begin to count. I felt her legs tighten around me and felt her walls clench. I felt her juices run out of her as her body wrung me dry. I stayed in her watching her catch her breath. Her eyes finally found mine, her arms opened and I eagerly went into them. My head found her shoulder and I rested upon it. Before my eyes shut she was softly singing the aria, her fingers were rubbing through my hair.
"Why am I here?" I felt her sigh. I just needed to know, after all that I still had the nerve to ask.
"I send a ticket to a man every night of my performance, Christina "accidentally" bumps into them and sends them her for my arrival where I then torture them but tonight you were different you didn't fight you went with things like you have been through this before." I knew she was grinning, and waiting for an answer.
"No ma'am this is my first time being captured. As long as it's with you I'll be drugged and chained anytime." I inhaled her scent. It was a coconut aroma, my mouth watered. If I had the strength I would eat her up again.
"Is that a promise?"
"Most defiantly." My eyelids closed and I fell into a deep sleep.
When I woke up I found myself in my hotel bedroom. There was no sign of Colette anywhere. Well of course not I wasn't with her. I looked at my wrists; there was still a hint of red to them. Getting out of bed I tripped over a small table. Bending down to pick up the papers I noticed an envelope that had Kevin on the front. Opening it slowly I pulled out a letter with another Opera ticket. It read…
My Pet,
Have you had your fill of the Queen? I don't think you have. I know you crave me; I know you want to be deep inside me once more. Come to my performance tonight and you will be able to return to my bed, Chains optional*
Love Always,
Queen Of The Night~

I folded the letter back up. She was right, I was craving her, her warmth her touch her scent. I would succumb to her and have her. Putting the ticket next to my wallet, glancing in the mirror I checked myself over, I heard a knock at the door. I smiled at my reflection and answered.
"Kevin! I am so happy to see you!" Nick bounced into the room. He didn't look well like he had seen a ghost.
"Are you Ok?" I placed my hand on his shoulder.
"No! I don't know…" He paced around the room. "See I had I think a little too much to drink and…" Her searched the room. "Are their two women in here?"
"No, and I really don't think your ok." I crossed my arms.
"I saw two women dressed in like leather and honestly they looked like vamps carrying you to your room! Then one asked if I wanted to join! So where are they?!" I couldn't help but smirk, those poor girls had to drag me, they must be used to it.
"I think you were just seeing things Nick why don't you go lay down and take a nap." I walked him to the door. He was just about to leave when I stopped him. A grin took over my lips. I'm sure Christina could use some company tonight.
"Hey Nick, um this may sound weird but do you want to go to the opera with me?"…

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