My Stories

* Rock Star *


"I love you!"

The girls squeal of adoration cut through the screaming applause of the audience. AJ smiled at the sound and took one more quick bow before starting down the cluttered backstage path. The mass of voices follow him in thundering echoes as he strolled quickly past the lines of congratulating hands to reach the limo parked outside. Inside, AJ leaned back, breathing deeply. His manager handed him a drink.

"Fantastic," said Michael nodding rapidly. "Couldn't go much better than that." AJ downs the glass bourbon.

"Thanks," he said, 1 being his mouth on his white satin sleeve. He picked up a pack of Camels and tore away the cellophane. "Beautiful audience. Not to like Sacramento." He smacked the package against his left palm and ripped at the silver folds. AJ's hands trembled slightly as he worked his way inside. "its so much easier to sing with such pretty girls all around." He flipped a cigarette out of the tight bundle and stuck it on his lip. AJ thrust a flame beneath the tip. "Thanks," mumbled AJ, taking a deep hit of the dry smoke.

"Johnny wanted me to ask you to drop by the Viper Room. He's having a . . ."

"No," said AJ.

"I told them you were beat, but he wanted year in . . . ."

"No," said AJ again. "I'm going back to my room and get some sleep. My nerves are edgy."

"I know, I know," said his manager, trying to console. "Look, Sherry, one of the companies promotion people told me that her niece is dying to meet you. I suggested, well, she might. . . ."

"Yeah," said AJ, closing his eyes. "Send her around."

Twenty minutes later, his hotel room door closed with a satisfying click, and AJ dropped slightly finally freed. He walked over to the bed; the sat down and took off his shoes. Taking up the phone, he punched the numbers his manager had written down.

"Michael? Looks good. Is she coming? Great. Have them to hold my calls. Yeah, I'll let you know. Not before 10." AJ sat the receiver back in its cradle and stepped over to the window.

The city stretched out in black glittering motions below. Even at midnight, the lights of transit poured yellow and red in mean streams. AJ sighed, imagining a room, so far away, where he could really rest; the chair, his chair, molded by evenings to his weary form; the piano, scarred and perpetually drifting from tones; the smile of a woman who loved him for more than vocal intonations. AJ looked down, and sighed again. The pack of Camels appeared in his hand. He lit another cigarette and poured himself a glass of champagne. A knock came through the door.

"It's Kalya," a young voice spoke. "Michael sent me."

AJ opened the chain the door cautiously. A girl of nineteen may be twenty, stood in the hallway, smiling broadly, wringing her hands. Into a decisive instant, AJ looked her over critically. She had pale brown hair, almost blonde, probably a touch of color to lighten it, curls added by heat in looping rings past her shoulders. Her eyes were green, probably colored contacts masking ordinary brown eyes. AJ smiled. Her breasts looked firm under the ruffles of her silky black blouse, not inflated but substantial. A slight tummy, delightfully feminine, could be seen where the blouse met her skirt. Lean legs encased in dark silk emerged from beneath us the hem of black leather. AJ wished for a fleeting moment she would turn around, but at the same time reached up to unchain the door. Samantha would do.

" Come in," he said smoothly. " Come in."

The girl seemed frozen as she suddenly faced her idol, but with a touch of his hand, she moved swiftly through his door. Her green eyes fixed firmly on him, a stare so hard that AJ felt compelled to turn away, walking ahead of her into the room.

"Make your self comfortable," he said. "Can I get you a glass of champagne?"

"Wow," the young woman muttered, looking around at the plush setting of the suite. "Sure," she said. AJ poured her a glass and refilled his own. He handed her the crystal flute and touched his to her with a paid gentle tink.

"Nice to meet you, Kayla, did you say?"

"Kayla," she said, gulping down a swig of the sparkling wine. The alcohol seemed to calm her at once. "You were great."

"You saw the show?" He asked, flattered.

"I wouldn't have missed it for anything," Kayla began to bubble with enthusiasm, having touched a favorite subject. "I'll be there tomorrow night, too. I saw your show in August, too. You are so great."

AJ gestured for her to sit us beside him on the bed. Kayla sat down with a us flop, spilling a splash of champagne over her hand. "Oh," she squealed. AJ gently is took a hold of her wrist and kissed the wine from her fingers. "Ooh," said Kayla, utterly delighted by the singer's attentive gesture.

I thought it went well," he said quietly.

"You were fantastic. I wanted you to sing 'Lay Down Beside Me' so badly and when you did, I thought I was going to faint, I got so excited.

"Kayla," AJ interrupted her babbling praise. I'm flattered, but all day long people talk to me about my songs, and I really just like to talk about other things. I'm a person too."

"Oh," said Kayla, blushing and thoughtful. "I didn't mean to act like a crazed fan or something." She turned away, frowning. AJ glimpsed the swell of tan bosom as her blouse sagged away.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked, his eyes still fixed on the slow rise and fall of her tantalizing bit of chest.

"Yes," she said shyly.

"I'm sorry," he said. "We don't have to talk about that, if you don't want to. I don't get to know people anymore, not really, and well, I'm a romantic. I like to hear people talk about love." Kayla looked into his dark eyes, touched.

"I understand,' she said.

"do you love him?" he asked.

"Yes," she said strongly, "very much. Madly."

"Is he handsome?"

"Oh, yes. I mean, he's just a guy, but I like the way he looks." Kayla stumbled over her words.

"He's lucky," said AJ, bravely. "I envy him."

"Jack?" Kayla laughed. "But he's just a . . . I mean . . . You've got everything!"

" I envy him, because he has you. When I signed my contracts, they gave me a king's ransom, but they never told me what it would cost."

"Oh AJ," Kayla's young voice rippled with pathos.

"I'm sorry," she said. "But we all love you, you sing so beautifully, and well, I love you."

"Do you?"

"Yes. Very much."

"It's not the same."

"Still," said Kayla, thoughtfully, "It's something." AJ turned at once and kissed the girl. She melted, overwhelmed by the touch of his lips, and as his arms wrapped around her, she gave herself away. Strong hands caressed her warm body as his kiss grew moist and feverish. Kayla threw her arms around him.

"Oh God," she moaned, "I love you."

They rolled over the bed, kissing madly. Pulling her blouse from the skirt, he found her breasts beneath. She yanked the silk over her head and unclasped her bra. AJ suckled her stiffened nipples, sending shivers down her spine. Kayla felt the hard knob of his manhood pressed against her thigh.

"Fuck me, AJ," she said, letting the words roll wickedly past her lips, savoring the thought as his hands roamed down to lift her leather skirt and squeeze her full behind. "I'll love you, AJ. I'll love you." Kayla licked her lips. "Fuck me, AJ."

He knelt between her spread long legs and looked into the sultry gaze of her eyes. Kayla shuddered in delight. AJ slipped his strong hands down the length of her lean thighs, indulging himself in a moment's anticipation. Taking hold of her white lace panties and with a sudden jerk, he tore the fragile fabric from her waist.

"Oh my God," moaned Kayla. AJ lifted the shredded panties to his face, and smiled as he tossed them away. Leaning down, he thrust his face into Kayla's dripping center, pushing his maestro's tongue between the lips. "Ooh," she whimpered and as he lapped, he wordlessly sang her favorite song. Kayla grasped his hair, filling her love with adoration. He tickled her hard clit.

Leaping forward as the shudders overcame her, AJ impaled his dick into Kayla's hole, thrusting with a wild mambo beat, he soaked her womb in his mad lust. He looked into her subdued eyes as the ectasy rippled through him, filling her love with adoration.

Spent AJ collapsed beside her on the bed, breathing deeply. Kayla leaned over to suck the scent from his receding dick. He teased her hair with gentle fingers, encouraging her devotions, falling into quiet lethargy. She moved up close bedside him, and pressed her lips to his. AJ kissed her, sweetly.

"Do you really love me?" he asked.

"Yes, AJ," Kayla said. "I love you."

"I mean really," he said, his voice falling dim. "Really?"

"More than you will ever know."

"I mean, if I come back, when the tour's over, if I come back, you'd go away with me?"

"AJ! Said Kayla sharply. "Don't tease me like that."

"I'm not," he said, sitting up. 'I'll be back in June."

"Yes," she said lovingly. "I'd do anything for you."

"You'll have to go," he said. "I have to sleep, and with you here I won't." Kayla giggled and blushed. AJ continued. "Tomorrow's full of press and meetings and appearances, and then there's the show to do and if I don't sleep, it will kill me,"

"I understand," said Kayla, reaching for her blouse.

"Here's some paper," he said, taking a pad from the hotel table. "Write your name and address and number down for me. I'll be in touch."

Kayla stepped over to the table and AJ watched contentedly as the naked girl scribbled, admiring the roundness of her bottom, still dripping with their juices. She handed him the pad, smiling lasciviously and pulled her skirt down.

AJ kissed her again, deeply, and led her to the door.

"I love you," she said, blowing him a kiss as the door closed.

"Goodbye, Kayla" he replied.

Walking over to his bag, AJ brought out a large scrapbook. Flipping through the pages, he came to a blank page, three quarters of the way through. Carefully, he taped Kayla's note onto the page.

"She was sweet," he thought, turning the page back. Melissa. Janet. Francie. Elizabeth. "One of the best," he said.

AJ replaced the scrapbook in his bag and picked up the phone, punching the numbers deftly.

"Michael? Yeah. Fabulous. You have exquisite taste. Did Sherl call? I had a feeling. No, I'll tell her. Listen, would you send Kayla some flowers? Yeah, she was sweet. Have them say 'dream of me, love AJ'. It's the least I can do. No, she already has tickets. All right. Goodnight."

AJ pressed down the cradle, paused and then lifted his finger to arouse another dial tone. He punched a longer set of numbers familiarly.

"Sherl? Did I wake you? Yeah. Good show, I think. I tried to sleep, but I kept thinking of you. I don't know, just a feeling. We must be in tune or something. Michael says I'll be home on the third for a week, but we have to spend the sixth and seventh at some resort. I know. I'm sorry. Maybe you could. . . I know. You know I will. I've got to get some sleep, but tell me again. I love you, too."

AJ hung up the phone and stopped to stare out the window. A plane roared overhead, tiny lights flashing, headed far away. He lit another cigarette, letting the heat fill his tired lungs. "so far away," he muttered. Looking down, AJ's heart sank in anticipation of another dark night, alone.