My Stories

* Down By The Sea *

Icella wandered along the deserted beach, she cherished these days of her holiday when she could just kick back and relax. Doing exactly what she wanted and having no one to answer to, days like these were rare and Icella climbed up the rocks to her usual sitting place, looking out over the cool blue waters of the ocean that rolled and washed against the rocks below.

A figure swimming strongly caught her attention; glimpses of the tanned muscular torso of a man in the waves below brought her to her feet. Icella thought he must be mad swimming in such a dangerous place, the undertow was strong around the rocks, she climbed down to the waters edge searching the waves for him.

A deep voice called up to her "Come on in, I've been waiting for you."

Her eyes caught sight of a pair of broad muscular shoulders of a green eyed dark haired guy, making her gasp softly as she felt her privates contract at the mere sight of him. He was magnificent, she moved along the rocks to the beach again, watching him swim along towards her; just where the waves broke he stopped and beckoned to her.

For as long as Icella had lived on the island she had not seen anyone else swim on this beach, that's why she came here, to swim and sun bathe on the rocks, among other things. Peeling off her clothes she smiled to him and waded into the surf in her bikini, her long red hair hanging well passed the rounded firm cheeks of her ass.

He watched her as she swam towards him, his eyes locking with hers as she began to tread water near him.

"I'm Kevin, I've seen you here a few times but you looked like you were... enjoying yourself," he grinned.

Icella flushed slightly; quite sure he meant he had seen her pleasuring herself on the warm sun drenched rocks where they had met.

"Oh... I didn't realize any one else swam here," she managed to answer him, her eyes traveling down his floating form, she couldn't see his legs in the depths but was quite sure he would be tall. She smiled shyly, "you should have let me know you were there, I would have been more careful."

He moved closer to her in the water, his eyes looking deeply into hers as his hand reached up and wiped a wet strand of her long red hair from her face. "Quite the contrary, I would not have spoken to you at all if I had not seen you being so at ease with yourself," he murmured to her.

Icella shivered at his touch, she suddenly felt as if she wanted to feel his touch all over her body, her pussy felt burning hot against the cool water that surrounded her floating form. She opened her eyes to stare into the depths of his; he seemed so close to her. "I'm glad you let me know you were there, I'm Icella," she murmured to him as he lowered his lips to hers, brushing her gently along her sides with his fingertips.

Icella felt as if liquid fire moved through her veins, her body responding to his kisses swiftly, she felt her nipples tighten as he pulled her into his arms, deepening the kiss. They floated there exploring and touching each other, Icella didn't realize how far from shore until she opened her eyes and couldn't see land on any side of her. She panicked for a minute, but Kevin held her firmly against the muscular expanse of his chest.

"Its ok, I know the way back, relax Icella enjoy the water against your body, I've seen you swim here often, you are at one with the ocean."

Icella relaxed against him as he soothed her, his hands running over her body, over her breasts, finally reaching the mound between her legs. Her body shivered slightly at his touch, his cool long fingers finding her hot beneath the thin material of her bikini.

Icella felt his fingers slide along within her folds; he did everything exactly right, her body quivering and writhing against him as he slid his fingers inside her hot swollen hole. Moving two fingers inside her, his thumb pressed firmly against her clitoris moved rhythmically, giving her the finger fucking of her life. Icella could only groan and sigh with pleasure as he teased and tortured her eager body with his fingers.

As he listened to her breath coming in ragged gasps Kevin realized she was ready to orgasm and slowed his pace, bringing her back to the edge of control. Icella gasped out a long sob of pleasure mixed with disappointment as she broke her kiss and looked up at him.

"Why did you stop? It was feeling so good," her full lips pouted up at him her large eyes flashing with desire.

Kevin moved his body against hers. Icella realized she was totally naked in the water with this man she had just met but she didn't care. She wanted him to fuck her until she begged him to stop; she had never wanted anything more in her life.

Kissing her cheek gently Kevin moved out of her arms, "I want to show you something first." Before Icella could think or say anything, Kevin dove beneath the water, she watched the roll of his broad muscular shoulders and chest disappear beneath the water. Followed by the well toned small of his back and sleek contours of his ass cheeks, which kept going forming a long sea green tail, with huge fins finally splashing into the water next to her.

Kevin was half fish, a Merman! Icella's hand flew to her mouth, her wide eyes staring at him as he swam around her finally surfacing just in front of her.

"That's impossible, this... this is some kind of joke!" her eyes open wide as he reached for her hand.

"No Icella, just not often seen but you were worth the risk, I have never seen such beauty or such sexuality as when I watched you totally naked bringing yourself to orgasm on the rocks. I want you Icella. Come, be with me."

Icella looked down towards where Kevin's crotch would be, "I want you too Kevin... but how do you um... you know?" she asked awkwardly. Kevin chuckled and pulled her into his arms; capturing her mouth with his he kissed her passionately, bringing the arousal within her back to the surface. As he wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed her against him, she could feel the hard bar of his cock pressing at her opening.

She moaned softly and ground herself against him, moving her clitoris against his hardness bringing herself off against him as they kissed deeply. Kevin groaned also as he felt her body move against his, taking his cock in his hand he guided it's head into her, the water making his firm but gentle entrance into her horny hole swift but extremely pleasurable.

With each thrust into her hot swollen pussy Kevin's whole upper torso tensed, relaxing as he withdrew, Icella let her hands wander over the contours of his muscular chest, shoulders and back. Her body rolling and moving against his, her hips scrunching and grinding against him as his long hard cock found sanctuary deep within the inner heat of her over and over again.

Kevin covered her with kisses as he worked himself within her, sucking both her nipples randomly and letting his tongue find hidden pleasure spots along her neck and jaw line. Icella could feel the strong push of his tail, forcing him up into her tight eager hole and raising them both out of the water as he fucked her, her wails of ecstasy floating across the water.

As Icella's center grabbed him in a vice like grip, Kevin's cock pulsated and throbbed within her until it spasmed violently, spewing forth a rich ejaculation of sperm into the depths of her own orgasming hole. She milked every last drop of his seed from his oversized cock as it pulsated in wave after wave of pleasure around him, coating his shaft with a layer of her own cum in the process.

Kevin moaned long and deep as his finished loading her full of his juice, holding her tightly against him as they floated together near the shore. Icella laid gentle kisses along his lips cheeks and eyes, her tongue tasting his lips, probing the depths of his mouth gently, as her body shivered with the aftershock of her orgasm.

When they finally separated Kevin cupped her face in his hand, his other hand rolling a nipple gently between forefinger and thumb, making her pussy contract wantonly. "Same time tomorrow Icella?" he murmured gently against her lips as he kissed her. "Sure... same time again tomorrow," she replied huskily, as her feet touched the sand beneath them and she began to wade ashore.

Looking back at her merman as he swam off into the breakwater, her heart leaping at the thought of repeating the day's performance she smiled and set off towards her clothes. Icella already looked forward to the next day, anticipating their next meeting and the wonderful lovemaking with her man from the sea.

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