Howie lies prone on the bed completely relaxed after his shower wearing only a pair of white silk pajama bottoms. Soft classical music plays in the background. Occasionally a breeze flutters through the sheer curtains and chills his bare skin. Suddenly humming accompanies the classical music and he realizes that he is alone no longer. A small crooked smile spreads across his face and he lazily turns his head toward the direction of the sweet familiar voice. Sherl enters the room freshly showered hair still wet wearing only an open robe. She busies herself moving her freshly laundered lingerie from a wicker basket into her top dresser drawer. Howie watches his lover's every move savoring every glimpse of the roundness of her breast or the softness of her belly or the curls between her legs was worth the wait. She moves about so freely seemingly not even noticing he is in the room. She turns around toward him to retrieve an errant pantie that has fallen from the heap and as she leans down the entire front of her robe gaps open giving Howie a full view. As she rights herself after retrieving the lingerie her eyes meet the hungry eyes of her lover. His sexually intense gaze in unmistakable as his eyes drink her in. She looks down and realizes the cause of his intensity. She simply smiles back at him enjoying the affect she has on him. "Sherl honey, can you get that later?"

Without answering his question she turns back to the laundry and slowly puts the rest of it away continuing with her prior routine as if never interrupted, but she is contemplating her next move. Howie continues his fervent gazing imagining just what he would like to do to her. Sherl even more deliberately places each piece of lingerie in her dresser drawer allowing certain more choice pieces to dangle tantalizingly from her fingertip. Then slowly and casually she moves to close the window much to Howie's frustration. As she approaches the bed again, Howie rolls over and reaches his arms out to her shooting his sexually intense gaze undeniably at her.

She sits on the bed next to him as he moves to remove her robe. Sherl stops him, "In such a hurry?"

"Sherl you are so beautiful. I need you now," he pleads as his intense gaze takes on a little of a "lost puppy dog" look. She puts her finger to his mouth and indicates for him to roll back over. He hesitates at first, but then willingly obeys her wishes knowing that Sherl must have something in mind and her plans never disappoint. She slowly starts to massage his strong shoulders and the back of his neck. Her soft hands are surprisingly strong. "Sherl that feels so good." She takes her time and moves her hands massaging down his back squeezing firmly the sides of his waist and then lower around his hips. She presses her hands hard against the base of his spine and just under the band of his pajama bottoms. She straddles her body over his legs so that she may put all her weight into the massage.

"Oh Man Sherl that feels great." She then moves down even lower under his pajamas and starts to squeeze his cheeks. Soon the pajamas have become too much of a nuisance and she gently tugs them down as Howie lifts his hips and allows Sherl to easily remove them. Once freed of the pajamas she restraddles his legs and leans over and teasingly licks the base of his back. Howie lets out a groan. The sensation of Sherl's warm and wet pussy pressed against his leg and her soft tongue on his back and his increased sensitivity to her scent starts to drive Howie wild. Howie attempts to roll back over, but Sherl stops him and holds his arms down to the bed. "Sherl, I need to touch you," Howie pleads. Sherl softly responds "Not yet." Still holding down his arms she leans over and more zealously licks and bites the flesh on his back. Finally confident that Howie will obey her wishes she releases his arms and once again massages his ass starting from the hips and then moving in and down toward his balls. She firmly and slowly almost torturously slowly massages the back of his thighs moving closer and closer to where he wants her to be. He parts his legs slightly to allow her greater access. Howie's groans increase in frequency. Sherl gently bites his ass as her hands move to cup his balls and then slowly massage them. "Oh Sherl yes. . .yes. I want you."

Howie attempts to roll over and this time Sherl permits him. His erection springs up much to Sherl's delight as he releases it from underneath himself and she continues massaging and then sucking his balls and then running her finger from between the balls
and up and under his shaft. Back and forth she moves her finger as Howie almost involuntarily grabs at her breasts hanging from the robe. He squeezes them and then tugs at her hard nipples. She slowly draws her mouth from the base of his shaft to the sensitive head kissing, sucking and licking every inch of his hardness.

Howie's hands make their way from her breasts to her head. "Sherl take it all . . . take it all." Her wetness is soaking his leg now and her scent is overwhelming him. Sherl eagerly engulfs his entire erection with her mouth until he feels the tightness of her throat around the tip. He thrusts against her mouth as she sucks his hardness and continues to fondle his balls. In and out he moves the waves of pleasure overwhelming him. His legs start to tremble and she feels the cum pulsing in his in his hard balls.

She sucks and licks even harder holding the base tighter and squeezing his balls more firmly unable to wait much longer for his delicious explosion. "Give it to me Howie . . . I want it now. I want you to cum in my mouth." With one last strong thrust against her mouth he explodes with a roar releasing almost all his cum in one powerful shot. She greedily swallows his fluids as his cock spurts out the little remains and then she licks up the excess not missing a drop. She slides her body up to his and passionately attacks his mouth, His own taste in her sweet mouth being one of his favorite experiences. She relentlessly probes his mouth with her tongue not for a moment letting the intensity decrease with her slick hot pussy now soaking his belly. Almost having to free himself from her mouth Howie insists on moving his mouth lower as he rolls Sherl on her side saying clearly to her in their own private language "your turn." He then moves her on her back her robe falling to the bed completely exposing her body to him. His lusty kisses move down her neck as she sighs and then across her shoulder blade and then he cups her left ample breast and at first gently kisses the nipple and then attempts to suck at the entire breast. He moves to the right breast and gives it similar attention, then moving lower. His kisses and licks move to her naval and then around the soft roundness of her belly. He begins to salivate as her scent encompasses him. Sherl's soft sighs have turned to gentle moans as his lips move down toward her soaked pussy. He gently kisses the tops of the curls as he massages her soft inner thighs. Sherl's moans increase in volume as she spreads her legs slightly more for him as in invitation. His mouth moves to her inner thighs, which he kisses, and ever so gently bites. Soon Sherl can feel his tongue on her lips. He slowly licks her lips savoring the taste. "Mmmm Sherl . . . so good." He spreads her thighs a little wider and then teasingly touches the tip of his tongue to her throbbing begging clit. Her entire body convulses at the touch. "Oh Howie" breathlessly escapes her lips. His tongue unabashedly continues sliding in and out of the wet folds and then quickly he plunges his tongue into her vagina and then up and over her clit again, but this time more aggressively and satisfying. Her body spasms again as she grabs for the mattress and then grabs for Howie's head. "oooooooOOOO" she almost screams. He continues to plunge his tongue into her vagina and then tightly up and over her clit in a quickening rhythm amazingly his tongue seems to go deeper each time. Sherl is becoming dizzy with pleasure. Every nerve ending on her body seems to be at attention and her body is awash with warm tingles. The pleasurable sensations overwhelm her and soon she feels completely weightless. The shocks just spread and spread seeming to never stop. All sounds have been muted and she hears a faint buzzing only occasionally interrupted by her lovers' irregular breathing and his masculine voice singing her praises and proclaiming his adoration.

She continues to float and soon there is something different . . . a different sensation and then Howie's gasping mouth is over her own gasping mouth. His body slightly damp from perspiration is pressed against her heaving chest. Then she realizes that her hips are grinding rhythmically against his as his hard cock slides in and out of her. He lifts her back slightly as he finally frees her of the robe. The only sound she hears now is her own ragged breathing and that of her lover and the sound of her vagina eagerly taking him in. They move together as one for what seems to be a most amazing eternity. She tightens and relaxes her pelvic muscles in order to increase his pleasure as him being pleased pleases her. Howie's response to this is immediately indicated by his louder groans and almost growls. He lovingly runs his hand through Sherl's still damp hair and mouths against her lips between gasps "Oh Sherl . . . you are such a beautiful woman."

Over and over again he proclaims his undying affection. Sherl responding back similarly. Their movements quicken to a frenzied pace. Sherl feels completely dizzy and almost ready to pass put as her body begins to convulse uncontrollably. His hands continue to fervently explore her body and each placement of his hands seems to, if possible further ignite her fire within.

"Oh my God, OH MY GOD, you feel so . . . so good," Sherl screams out filling the room with her deafening moans. He thrusts even deeper and harder and then finally erupts. Sherl screams out his name as his hot cum fills her pussy. He collapses on top of her and for a moment both are completely spent and lifeless. He slowly starts to kiss her lips and face to help bring her down safely. Sherl continues to gasp for breath and then pulls his mouth to hers as if she may be able to receive oxygen from him. She desperately tries to revive herself and soon her breathing starts to slow and a sense of complete tranquility and well being encompasses her. She wraps her arms tightly around Howie who continues to tenderly kiss every inch of her face and neck, wiping away the beads of sweat that had accumulated on her forehead. With his hands he thoughtfully brushes her hair into place and then rubs the nape of her neck with his first two fingers. Once she is completely relaxed, Howie eases out of her and rolls on his side as he continues to run his finger from the nape of her neck across her shoulder and down the outside of her arm. Sherl sighs with utter satisfaction and a huge smile creeps across her face.
"Sherl . . . happy?"


He smiles a crooked grin back at her and continues to caress and kiss her face and body. She runs her fingers delicately across his back. They quietly savor their exquisite experience.

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