My Stories

* Someone To Call My Lover *

Chapter 10
By Kevin

After hanging the sign and closing the door, I turned just in time to see to see Donna's bikini laying on the ground, her shapely ass descending into the water and the curve of her breast in profile as she looked back at me with that deliciously wicked grin she had a talent for flashing. Mother of God, this woman was going to drive me crazy and I was going to love the journey.

Stripping off the bike shorts (I must admit, I've never felt so endowed as when wearing them, they certainly were flattering) I joined Donna in the hot tub. The night was cold and the steam was thick coming off the frothing water. The tub was set at 105 degrees, which was perfect for my taste. The bubbleator on the seat-produced air bubbles from the outside air that when combined with the hot water of the spa mixed to tickle and tease my ass, dick and balls, making my erection complete.

For several minutes, Donna and I lay back, melting into the relaxing waters of the spa. The stars overheads were incredibly bright because we were high above the city lights and there were no lights at all on the roof. Her rather large breasts floated and swayed on the surface of the water, and from time to time I would stretch out on the top of the water, my dick breaking the surface like a periscope, in a teasing invitation to her. The desire for each other quite outweighed our desire for relaxation.

Crossing the spa toward her, I knelt on the floor of the hot tub. She was seated, and as I came toward her she spread her knees to allow me to kneel between them in front of her. Taking her face in my hands, I kissed her delicately on the lips, the tip of my tongue just barely caressing her full mouth. My hands traveled down her neck, along her shoulders, down her arms. Proceeding along her back, then circling around her sides until my hands were cupping the undersides of her beautiful breasts, holding them, raising them up out of the water, her nipples immediately tightening with the exposure to the cold air, bringing them to my waiting lips. My mouth and tongue alternately circled, licked and sucked her nipples, her breasts pressed together so that I could attack both at the same time.

"God," I thought to myself, "how I would love to have my dick nestled between these beautiful breasts, fucking them." The image of my purple head peaking out the tops of them then disappearing again as my hips thrust between her beautiful globes...the sight of ribbons of cum hitting her chin, her lips, her cheeks...maybe someday, I thought.

But back to the situation at hand (so to speak). Taking a deep breath, my tongue descended between Donna's breasts, down under the water over her stomach, along the hairline of her pubis and between her legs. Pulling her to the edge of the seat, my fingertips pulling her lips apart completely exposing her lips, pussy and clit to the water and the bubbleator that was directly under her, constantly pulsing against her sensitive tissue. My tongue swirled and circled her clit, swollen not only from desire but even more so from the warmth of the water. Releasing the air from my lungs I forced a jet stream of water and air toward her clit. It effectiveness was evident by the way her hips jumped and rocked. By placing my mouth on the seat, I could take in air from the bubbleator and continue my ministrations to her now lust filled body. Over and over I applied this technique, staying underwater for at least ten to fifteen minutes. With my mouth covering her clit, I brushed it alternately with my lips, my teeth, and tongue. Her hips rocked against me, her hand entwined in my hair pulling my tightly against her as her orgasm began. Even through the water, I could hear the moans and cries coming from her, emanating from her chest and lungs. Continuing to assault her pussy and clit, Donna came over and over again. Finally when she could stand no more, she grasped my face and physically pulled my head out of the water.

Just inches away from her face, staring into those incredibly gorgeous sexy bedroom eyes, my heart was thundering inside my chest.