My Stories

* Someone To Call My Lover *


Chapter 14
By Kevin

As she lay her head on my shoulder, my arm wrapped around her, my fingers lazily running up and down her side. I turned my head and we lightly kissed, then lay our heads back against the side of the tub. It seemed like FOREVER since the evening started, but the feeling of complete relaxation and contentment that we shared now was so peaceful I could have died a happy man if God had decided to take me right then and there, but it seemed he had yet other plans for me...indeed for us.

As we lay there, we heard the access door open slowly. Glancing over, I could see Arnold...hmm, was that his name...I'd been thinking with my dick for so long this evening I couldn't even be sure I had the right name...slowly walking toward the hot tub. Seeing the half shocked, half dismayed look on Donna's face as she looked over at him, I then looked back to his face, which held the biggest "cat that ate the canary" grin I had ever seen.

"I figured I'd find you kids up here," he said lightly.

Still trying to figure out what was going on, I looked at Cindy and said, "What's going on...?"

She said, tentatively, "I'm not quite sure. I have an idea, but..." then, looking inquisitively at Arnold, she continued, "The note...?"

"Oh, come on, Babe, I was just cutting you a little time. It didn't take a genius to figure out that you two wanted each other like a kid wants a Game Boy Advance, but you didn't seriously think I was going to let you out of our little bet, did you?"

"Well, to be honest, I knew it wasn't your style, but there is a first time for everything..."

"That's true, but tonight isn't going to be one of them, so you're just going to have to pay up," he said with a chuckle.

Still looking confused and feeling even more confused than I looked, I ventured on, "Would somebody please let me in on whatever is going on here?"

"What do you think, Donna, should we tell him? Nah, let's just show him..." and with that, Arnold proceeded to disrobe.

"Geez, Arnold, we've been kind of busy. We might need a few minutes to..." she stopped as she casually reached for my dick. "Well, no, never mind..." she said as she wrapped her hand around me, finding the answer to her concern.