My Stories

* Someone To Call My Lover *

Chapter 2
By Kevin

Obviously, there was no way I could tell Donna exactly what was going through my mind at that moment. All of the incredibly erotic thoughts that I was thinking. How badly I wanted to be away from this place, with our bodies entwined, with the taste of her on my lips and the feel of her surrounding me, the touch of her perfect breasts, bare against my chest. God, the thought of those incredible legs wrapped around me as we made love was almost enough to send me over the edge and it WAS enough to give me an erection to the point I knew I better sit down before embarrassing myself.

I knew Arnold was thinking the same thing...damn him... As much as I liked them both, they had done a marvelous job coming up with the perfect cue system for our new studio, I still couldn't peg exactly what there was between them. I knew Arnold was married, happily from all indications, but there was a sexual electricity that just permeated the air when they were in a room together. I felt that Donna was every bit as attracted to me as I was to her, but where did Arnold fit into this whole scheme of things?

"No, of course's just...well..." I stammered, unable to say something halfway intelligent, feeling like a complete ass.

"It's just that you're perfectly lovely this evening," Arnold said, always the one with the right thing to say. I hated him even more at that minute.

When she heard that, an incredible smile and the sexiest twinkle I've ever seen, came across her face and into her eyes. I was about to become intensely jealous when it dawned on me, she was looking straight at me with that twinkle and smile.

Arnold excused himself and left for a moment. Donna took that opportunity to say, "Do you know how cute you are when you get flustered?"

Feeling a blush crawling up my face, I just said, "Well then I must be about the cutest thing in the world right about now." Summoning up all my courage I said, "I've really enjoyed working with you and I must say I've been a little disappointed that Arnold has done all the direct work with me. I find you incredibly attractive and would really like to be able to know you better, but before I do, I need to ask you if there is more between you and Arnold than just a working relationship."

Donna paused for a long moment, obviously giving the question a lot of thought. I didn't know if she was trying to think of a way of breaking some news to me gently or if she was really trying to analyze and answer that question to herself before trying to explain it to me. After awhile she began to speak.