My Stories

* Tabu *


I was twenty-three and had just graduated from college. I held all the energy and enthusiasm normal for someone my age. Day after day I scanned the help wanted ads in my local newspaper. I dressed in my "corporate best", headed out the door full of hope and expectation. Each evening, I returned home feeling discouragement and despair. Everyone wanted someone with experience, someone older, someone " more reliable". My bank account was dwindling. I needed a job, and I needed one fast.

Looking for a position in my chosen field changed to looking for a position anywhere...doing anything I could to support myself. Once again, I opened the paper, found the help wanted ads and sat down with my pen, circling anything that looked promising. A new dance club was opening in a few weeks, and they were looking for cocktail waitresses. No experience was required, but I had some anyway. I had done some waitressing when I first started college. This job would be perfect. I could work at night and still look for the job I wanted during the day.

Scanning my closet I looked for something that was a bit sexy, but yet not too obvious. I wanted to look respectable, responsible, but also sexy. I chose a simple white sleeveless dress that made my skin glow. It was form fitting, but not overly revealing. The neckline scooped low enough to let the mind wander, but yet nothing was revealed. The skirt hugged my hips, ending a few inches above my knees. My dark hair was left down to swirl about my shoulders. Anticipation sparkled in the brown depths of my eyes. Stepping into a pair of mid-heeled white pumps, I grabbed my purse and headed out the door.

The day's air hung heavy, making breathing difficult. Clouds darkened the sky, promising an explosion of thunderstorms. My heels clicked out the tempo of my heartbeat as I walked down the sidewalk. 43, 44, 45, there it was 46 North Orange Ave. The building had recently been renovated, but still held all its' history. It had character, flavor. I walked though the heavy doors and into a long dark hall, the entrance. Intense, sultry music greeted me. My eyes adjusted to the dimmed lights and were immediately drawn to the center of the room. There sat a man, seemingly lost in thought. He was sitting at a table, leaning back in his chair. His legs stretched out in front of him. His hands were pushed into the pockets of his jeans. I noticed immediately the black curls flirted with the collar of his shirt. The music ended, he stood and walked over to the stage area. I watched him toy with something and once again, the same sultry music filled the room. Turning on his heel, he started to head back to his seat, when he spotted me. Without a word he held out his hand, motioning for me to join him.

"I'm here to apply for the waitress job." I said as I walked toward him.

Holding a finger to his lips he silenced me. Again, he held out his hand, urging me to come closer. I wove my way through the tables scattered about until I stood directly in front of him.

"Do you like the music?" He asked.

"Yes, it is wonderful." I answered.

"Then dance with me." Reaching for my hand he pulled me toward the dance floor.

"Sir, please," I resisted. " I am here about the waitress job."

"Do you have experience?" He asked.

"Yes. I did some waitressing in college."

"Good. You're hired. Now dance with me."

Before I could respond, I was caught up in his arms and gliding across the floor. At that point I am not exactly sure what I felt. I was confused, excited, concerned, all at the same time. Once thing was certain though, I was getting totally caught up in the moment. The music had a magical quality that lured me in and made me want to lose myself in it.

"Who wrote this?" I asked. I never got an answer. The only response I was given was a twinkling smile and arms tightening around my waist, pulling me closer. The music ended. Fully expecting our dance to be over, I started to step away from the mysterious man holding me. I wasn't allowed. Instead, he looked down into my eyes, and immediately started to twirl me around the room. Within moments, the song restarted and I was once again caught up in it's magic.

I can't tell you how long this went on.... the dancing, the music ending and restarting. I lost track of time. Occasionally I would hear thunder and knew it had started to storm, but that was the only outside force I was aware of. Not a word was spoken between us. We only danced, and looked into each other's brown eyes.

His were so dark and intense I felt as if he could see right through me and read my soul. I couldn't meet his stare for long, it made me tremble, and that brought a knowing smile to his face. The attraction between us was indisputable. His actions grew bold. Soon he was nuzzling my neck; placing light kisses on my collarbone, neck, shoulders, and ear. I pushed against him, halfheartedly trying to get away. He merely stopped for a moment and studied my eyes questioningly. I could not hide the passion I was feeling, and he could see it written all over my face. It was then he chose to kiss me for the first time. His lips met mine tentatively at first. The kiss was soft, sweet, and lasted only a moment before he broke it. His questioning gaze once again met my all-telling eyes and he kissed me a second time. This kiss was anything but tentative, anything but soft and sweet. This kiss demanded a response straight from my soul and I gave it to him. His tongue plundered the inside of my mouth. It held no more secrets. Mine explored his with equal exuberance. I was breathless when it ended. My head fell. I tried to hide the heated blush. His hands closed on either side of my face and lifted it until our gazes were locked once more. There was no smile this time. There was though, that silent questioning. Finding no regrets, no sign that I wanted this to stop, he pulled me close. Reaching behind me, he found the zipper to my dress and slowly lowered it. Time seemed to come to a halt. My senses reeled. Everything was magnified, down to the sound of each set of teeth on my zipper being pulled apart. The storm cooled air felt punishing on the heated flesh of my back. The light teasing of his fingertips as they caressed my exposed skin. Then it was over. I stood before him wearing only my undergarments. A rivulet of sweat ran down my spine. It traveled under the band of my white lace bra, under my garter, and soaked into the waistband of my matching panties. I couldn't have felt more exposed if I had been totally naked.

Snaking his hand around my neck he pulled me to him, searing my lips with his. Down my neck, to my shoulders his hands traveled. Grasping the straps of my bra he slid them down until my breasts were bared and my arms trapped. He took a step backward, and stood there, just looking at me. Gently he reached out and closed each hand around a breast. Lifting, slightly squeezing, he let his thumbs taunt my hardening nipples. A deep moan escaped from somewhere deep inside me and I once again flushed with embarrassment. Like before, I lowered my head to escape his all-knowing gaze. Again, he lifted my chin and wordlessly signaled for me to look into his eyes. With a slight tug he released my nipples and let his hands drift down my body. Tormenting me, he played with the elastic band of my panties. Our eyes still locked in their unwavering gaze. His fingers waltzed across the lace covering my most secret place. I could feel the petals of my sex swell with anticipation. Suddenly, without warning he dropped to his knees. Tiny feather light kisses were placed on my lace-covered mound. His breath felt hot against my skin and made me weak from wanting him.

My fingers tangled in his hair, grabbing fists full, pulling. My arms still trapped from the straps of my bra kept me from exploring him further. My panties were pushed to one side as his tongue delved deeply into my center. I screamed out with unexpected pleasure. It stopped as quickly as it started, leaving me gasping for air, my chest heaving.

Teeth dug into my thighs. The violent sound of my panties being torn away brought me to my knees. He lowered me to the floor, covering my body with his, covering my mouth with his lips. Grasping the cups of my bra he gave another violent jerk. It too, was ripped away. With my arms now free, I clawed at his back. I tried desperately to get closer to this stranger, now my lover. His shirt was a barrier. It had to be removed. Like a woman who has lost all inhibitions for the first time in her life I tore at him, at his clothing. The white cotton that minutes before had been his shirt, now lay in a tattered pile. His belt was jerked free and flung across the room. His pants were another frustration quickly disposed of. Shoes, socks, undergarments, nothing was going to stop me from what I wanted. I wanted him.

Flushed not from embarrassment, but from exertion, I sat straddling him. His chest was smooth, the skin soft, golden. I raised my hand and gingerly touched him, Then both hands where placed on the hard muscled surface. My fingers splayed. My nails raked. He simply lay there, watching my face, still not uttering a word.

I reached for his lips, so perfectly formed, and traced their edges. Leaning forward, my breasts brushed against him, my nipples hardening from the contact. My tongue flicked out and traced the same path my fingers had made. The results of my torment? An explosive kiss that sent ripples of pleasure throughout our bodies.

My need grew. My boldness expanded more than I had ever imagined, even in the most secret of my fantasies. I kissed, nibbled, even lapped at his skin. My teeth tortured, my tongue soothed. My hands took on their own mind. Across his chest I explored, down his rippled stomach and still lower. His erection was full, proud, and beautiful. I took the swollen flesh in my hand. My finger moved over the blossoming head and collected the single droplet of moisture that formed there. Bringing my finger to my mouth I suckled it, savoring the taste of my new love. I leaned down and closed my mouth over the source of the sweet nectar. I sipped. I relished. I inhaled his fragrance. He drove me mad with desire. Not willing to wait a moment longer I once again straddled his lap. Feeling his hard shaft slip between my soft folds, I began to move my hips in rhythm to the music still playing. The head of his organ was touching, teasing me bringing me close to completion.

He must have sensed this, for he sat up, grasping me close. My legs on either side of his hips and with one quick lunge he was inside me. His face nestled between my shoulder and neck. His breathe hot. His teeth biting. Capturing my shoulders, he pushed me backward, forcing my back to arch. My hair spilled down and tickled the tops of his thighs. His mouth sealed around my nipple. One hand supported my back. The other moved across my stomach, coming to a rest just above the spot where we were joined. His thumb slid inside and stroked where he knew I would feel the most pleasure.

I followed his lead and we moved together as if we were still dancing. Our tempo quickened. It became frenzied, wild. Together we spiraled to the pinnacle of our passion. Lightening flashed, thunder boomed. Everything went black, quiet.

I opened my eyes. I had been lost in a daydream.... taken back nearly twenty years. I looked at him. Age had not robbed him of his good looks, his intensity had only grown. He stood there, on the stage, looking out at the audience.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, twenty years ago a beautiful young lady came into the club looking for a job. I hired her. Then I married her." He turned and toyed with a few buttons on the sound equipment. He then walked over to me. Extending his hand he asked, "Do you still like this music?"

"Yes, it's wonderful." I answered.

"Then dance with me."