My Stories

* The New Carpet*
"Oh, yeah, that's good."

"Yeah, fuck me."

"I'm fucking you."

"Yeah you are, fuck me harder, yeah, just like that!"

"Oh, my god."

"Oh, yes!"

"Oooh, I'm going to cum in you in you!"

"Yeah, cum in me, I mean wait, I mean, oh, YES!"


"YES! ! !"

"OHHHH! ! !"

"OH, GOD, YES! ! ! !"

"OHH! Oohh, wow!"

"Oh, yes."

"Oh, wow, I love you so much."

"I love you."

"You're so good."

"You're good too. It's so nice."

"I can't believe we just did it three times in a row."



"Don't pull out!"

"Okay." Kevin stayed where he was, right on top of Sherl. Not that he had any problem with that. He'd been in worse places before. "I don't know if I can get hard again so quickly, though." The third time had been enough of a shock to him.

"It's not that." Sherl's voice was a little strained beneath him, trying to support the weight of his hips. She was still pressed against him, keeping him as deep inside of her as he could.

"What do you mean?"

"Dammit, I told you when we started. I didn't want to get the carpet dirty."

They were in the middle of the living room, lying on their new carpet. The workmen had finally finished installing it yesterday, and Sherl and Kevin had decided to break it in by watching television. It had been Kevin's idea, over the objections of Sherl, for them to try lying on it naked. He had been very persuasive about it, he thought with a grin. Sherl had objected, but it was hard for her to object to something when that something involved Kevin's fingers moving over her clit. They tossed their clothes on the couch and after that, things just came naturally. When the first round was over for him, he found that he was still hard, so he decided to keep going until he softened up. The fact that he hadn't softened was a blessing, and soon he'd added his second and third load to the ones already inside her. Now he could feel the pressure of the cum held inside her by his penis, and he knew what Sherl meant. If he pulled out now, a large mess would come with him.

"Can't we just wash it off? I thought that this carpet was stain-fast." Kevin said.

Sherl glared at him, and Kevin suddenly realized he had just made a Male Mistake.

"The seats in your sports car are also stain-fast, Kevin. Would you like to make love there next time?"

"Sorry." Kevin gave her a kiss on the forehead and tried to think. Sherl didn't want to mess up the carpet, but his T-shirt was somewhere in the couch. that wouldn't be such a great loss, would it?

"Hey, stop shrinking like that!" She caught Kevin by surprise. "Huh?"

Sherl looked at him and said "You're getting soft. I'm going to leak out around you."

Kevin rolled his eyes and said "I just came three times, Sherl, and I'm trying to think of a way out of here. And it's not like I can get hard on command."

"Yeah, I've noticed." She could see that her last remark hurt him, and she was instantly sorry she'd said it. Despite her initial objections and the predicament they were now in, the last hour and a half had been lovely. She didn't want to thank him by insulting his manhood.

"I'm sorry, Kevin. I didn't mean it that way." Kevin gave her a look, but she went on. "This was nice, it really was. I guess he does need a rest, doesn't he?" She pushed herself up into him hard, trying to pressure-seal herself to him. It was a good idea, but she realized she couldn't hold on forever. Especially once he started to push her towards the bathroom.

The carpet covered almost all of the ground floor in aquamarine, connecting ht computer room to the living room to the dining room. Only the kitchen and bathroom were untouched. It was a definite improvement over the carpet that came with the house. Kevin had called that one the Orange Fungus. Who bought orange carpets, anyway? The bathroom was the closest uncarpeted area to them, nestled just fifteen feet away between the living room and the computer room. If Kevin could push her over the carpet to the bathroom, and then if they could get the door open, they'd be home free, and they could finally decouple.

Sherl could feel Kevin's sperm inside her, pushing their way back against his softening dick as if they wanted to fertilize the carpet. Sherl's carpet. Sherl was still a virgin, and she was very protective of it. She didn't want it stripped of its innocence so early in its life by Kevin's sperm. She slid her hand over his rear and cupped his balls in her hand, stroking them softly.

"What are you doing?" He was a little surprised when he felt her fondle his testicles. He looked down to see her smiling up at him. "Well, we can't have you going soft, can we?" she said, with a small squeeze.

"I just came three times," he repeated, but he wasn't objecting. If Sherl wanted to turn him on, that was okay by him.

"We can't get mad at each other." She said. "Not now. It's like Peter Pan. Think happy thoughts."

"Okay." Kevin tried thinking of something that him on. Something that would be guaranteed to stop his softening member. He found it. "Remember when we went camping in Yellowstone?"

Sherl closed her eyes and smiled. "Of course I remember. We had to get a new sleeping bag, as I recall."

"Oops, bad example, I guess." Kevin started to think of something else. "No, Yellowstone's fine." She said. "Yellowstone's great. That was when you finally got me to give you a blow job."

"Yeah." Their talk was having the desired effect. "I told you it wouldn't be so dirty." He said.

She could feel him get harder as they remembered her first honest attempt to make love to him with her mouth. She had been tentative at first, preparing herself for what she thought would taste filthy and awful. When she had finally touched it with her tongue, she found that it wasn't filthy, but tasted just like the rest of him. When she looked up at him and saw the rapture on his face as she swirled her tongue around the head, she had decided it might not be so bad after all.

Thinking back, she said, "That wasn't our only first if I recall." She remembered the "incentive" he had given that had disgusted her when he said it (it had turned her off to it, even). After she had finished sucking him off, she had told him that he didn't need to eat her out in return, and that she didn't want it. He backed off at first, but later that night he did it anyway, and Sherl had woken up to the most incredible feeling in her life. It was the night that t Sherl had decided to herself that it wasn't sinful to engage in oral sex.

"Well, that wasn't so hard after all." Kevin said. He was firm inside of her. Not stiff yet, but hard enough to keep their combined juices from leaking out of her. "At least, it wasn't hard then, but it sure is now."

Sherl smiled at his little joke. "Okay. I think you can push me over to the bathroom." She said.

Kevin shook his head. "My T-shirt's on the couch. We can use that to soak up the juices."

She looked at him like he was crazy. "Kevin, that's disgusting!" He bent and kissed her breast, maintaining his erection. "It's only a T-shirt. It can be sacrificed for the carpet."

She thought for a second. "What shirt it?"

"It's the shirt I got from the Shedd Aquarium."

She was shocked. "Kevin, you can't use that shirt!"

He raised his mouth from her nipple and said "Why not?"

She looked at him in disbelief. "That's a beautiful shirt. I love that shirt. Terri had me get you that shirt, and I'm not going to let you use it that way. Why couldn't you have been wearing your Hooters shirt today? I wouldn't mind using *that* one."

Kevin rolled his eyes and slid a little bit further in. "all right, we'll go to the bathroom."

Digging his feet into the soft carpet, Kevin began to push forward into her with all the power he could use. It was a tricky balance. Too much strength would make him slip back on the carpet. Not enough, and he'd just be pushing back into Sherl. Kevin struggled for a couple of minutes, sliding and flopping around as he fought to stay buried in Sherl's vagina. Two minutes work only moved her two feet, and already Kevin was feeling tired.

"Hold on. I'm going to try to lift you up." He did try, but found it was impossible: his need to remain inside of her kept her pinned to the floor when he tried lifting from above. They flipped over, but this was even worse. Kevin was too heavy for Sherl to push, and Sherl's position above him kept him from getting any significant traction on the carpet with his feet. They rested for a while, and she rode softly on his member, keeping him hard inside her.

Suddenly Kevin got an idea. "What if I sat up like this?" He said, placing his arms at his sides and pushing his torso up. Sherl started to go down, remaining perpendicular to him. "Wait, Sherl. You sit up, too."

"Okay." She said, pushing herself up to join him.

He put his arms around her to keep them together as he surveyed their position. They were both sitting up, facing each other and joined at the hip. Sherl's legs wrapped around his waist and rested on the carpet, while she sat on his lap. Kevin's legs were splayed out behind her. He moved them together and raised his knees, so that now only their feet and his butt were touching the carpet.

"Okay. Now I'm going to push off with my legs, and I want you to raise up and pull yourself into me with yours. Okay?"

She agreed, and he pushed his legs out as hard as he could. She pulled her legs in, and they slid forward about an inch. The move was jerky, and the sudden motion almost overturned the couple.

"Hold your arms around me, and I'll use my arms to lift our butts off the floor when I push."

She put her arms around his back, and pulled him up close to her torso. He could feel her hot breasts crushed against his chest, and his hard-on grew half a notch. "Mmmmmm. I feel like I could add a fourth load right now."

"Don't you dare, Kevin."

He pushed down on the carpet, and their bodies rose for a split second as he pushed back with his legs, and she pulled forward with hers. This time they moved a full foot.

"There we go." Sherl said. She kissed him and said "You are so clever." She wanted to keep Kevin feeling good and hard if they were to have any chance of saving the carpet.

'Shall we do it again?" He asked.

She said yes, and they began their slow progress towards the bathroom door. Every time they came down, she pulled herself a little bit forward, pressing her hips against Kevin's waist.

Each impact caused her to crash down into him, like a slow, hard fucking. Sherl found herself getting hot again from this new stimulation. Kevin was looking behind his shoulder at where they were headed and he turned back to face his wife. Sherl knew he was seeing her face flushed with arousal, and turned even redder with the realization that he knew she was hot.

"You like?" Kevin asked she nodded her head slightly. The next time they came down, she pulled herself forward, but kept her legs closed around Kevin's waist for a few seconds before allowing him to draw in his legs. Kevin gave her a kiss on the forehead and said "I thought you didn't want to go again."

Fighting to keep her head clear, she replied "I don't. We've got to get into the bathroom. Then we'll do it." She laughed quietly and said "This is crazy. We've already done it three times. When was the last time I was turned on this much?"

Kevin smiled and pushed them back further towards the door. They had only six more feet to go.

Sherl felt him getting stiffer inside of her as they closed in on the door. She looked at his face and said "Happy thoughts?" Kevin smiled and squeezed her nipple. She gasped softly, and pulled herself down on his penis steadily. Sherl's feet were now only one foot away from the bathroom door, and she began to guide Kevin on his last few pushes. "On our next one, let's angle a little bit to the right. My right. There we go." He lifted and pushed, and pulled their bodies parallel to the door. Relieved, Kevin reached up and grabbed the knob.

It wouldn't turn.

"It's not turning, Sherl." Kevin said. He turned on it harder, but the knob wouldn't budge.

Sherl looked at his hand, confused. "Is it locked?"

Kevin's eyes closed in frustration as he tried to strong-arm the door. "No, it's not locked. It's broken or something. It's not jiggling like it's locked."

"What do you mean, it's not jiggling?" Sherl's voice was getting desperate.

"Why don't you try it and see what I mean?" Kevin said, frustration giving his an angry edge. Sherl reached up and grabbed the knob. Sure enough, it wouldn't turn. Nothing even rattled in protest when she tried to turn it. Whatever was wrong inside had frozen the gears. She jerked the knob angrily, then sank back into Kevin when the door refused to yield.

"I guess it's the kitchen, then." Kevin was angry at the cheap doorknob. Their house was fairly new, and it was obvious that whoever had been contracted to build it knew how to cut corners. If there was one thing he hated, it was a half-assed way to do things. He planted his hands into the carpet and pushed himself forward roughly. He slammed into Sherl, and she feel back on his lap, holding her nose.

"Honey, are you okay?" Instantly his anger evaporated as he pulled his wife back up on his lap. She was holding her nose in her hands, still surprised from his sudden movement. "Let me see, honey. I'm so sorry."

She held he nose with a hurt look and said. "I'm okay. You didn't slip out, did you?"

Damn! He hadn't noticed! Frantically, Kevin checked his penis, and was relieved to find that he was still deep inside his wife. "I'm still inside you. I'm getting a little soft, though. Let me see your nose, honey."

He pried her hands off her face and inspected her nose tenderly. A small trickle of blood flowed from her nostril. Worried, Kevin prodded the structure of her nose.


"It's all right. Nothing seems to be broken. You're just bleeding a bit."

Sherl smiled weakly, but soon began to cry. Kevin held her in his arms and comforted her until she could get control of herself. "I'm sorry, Sherl. I was just mad, and I didn't think about what I was doing."

She snuffled it in, and said "It's all right, Kevin. Here, help me up."

Kevin protested. You're getting up? What about the carpet?"

"I don't care about the carpet, I just want to wash my nose. I can clean the carpet later."

She tried to get up, but Kevin didn't let her. "Uh-uh. The least I can do to make this up to you is to get us off this rug without staining it."

Sherl looked at him sullenly. "We've got to go all the way to the kitchen. If we just jerk around like this, my nose will start to bleed more."

"It's OK. I've got an idea. Here, I'm going to lean back. You come with me." He leaned back slowly. "Put your legs down by mine as you lean forward."

Awkwardly, Sherl rocked from side to side, moving one leg, then the other around them to rest against his. She was lying on top of him, spread out from his chest to his thighs. "OK. Now I'm going to put my arms around you, and we'll roll our way to the kitchen."

He held her and began to roll, but she stopped him. "Wait. You're not hard yet. You're going to slip out."

They sat in silence, waiting for Kevin to make himself hard.

Sherl said "This isn't going to work." She felt unattractive, with eyes puffy from crying and her nose trickling blood. She was doing her best to lap up the blood from her nose before any dripped on the carpet, and she imagined how horrible she must look to him.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Kevin stared up at her.

She realized she'd started to cry again, and knew he'd never be able to get hard now.

"Don't look at me."

"Why not?"

He was still staring up at her face, and she felt hideous. "I look horrible, and you need to get hard again."

His hands started to stroke her back, finding her soft spots and touching them lightly. "You look great. I love looking at you."

"I've just been crying, my hair's a mess, and I'm licking blood that's coming out of my nose. How could I possibly look great, Kevin?"

Kevin looked her straight in the eye and said "Maybe I like to see crying women drink blood."

She held his gaze for a few seconds, then they both began to laugh. Kevin could feel her walls contract around his cock as she laughed, an erratic jerking and squeezing that came from deep within her. Maybe he *did* like her this way. He'd started to get hard when he first saw her stick out her tongue to lap up her blood, sliding it above her upper lip to the bridge of her nose. It looked very sensual, and was made even more erotic by the fact that it wasn't supposed to be. Propping himself up on his hands, he reached up and kissed her on the lips, tasting her metallic blood through the saliva. Sherl recoiled a bit when he did this, but he remained there, leaning back against his arms, and she brought her head forward again and kissed him back. He was semi-hard now, and as their lips locked and he felt her tongue slide in, Kevin could feel the blood pulsing back through his penis.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed her kiss, which was one of the reasons he'd married her. For a girl who looked and acted so proper, Sherl had always been able to turn him on with her lips and tongue, turning even a pristine kiss goodnight into an erotic act. Right now they were anything but pristine, and that made it that much more erotic. Once their mouths were joined together, she sucked in, creating a vacuum in his mouth that she filled with her more aggressive tongue. She traced the gum line of his teeth briefly, then pushed her head into him to go back down his throat. He felt the hot breath from her nose as she exhaled onto his cheek, not wanting to come up for air. His own tongue was trying to push back into her mouth, but was pinned to his cheek. Sherl let up a little on her probing, and he took advantage, diving into her mouth before she could attack again. He was rock-hard now, and pulled his head away from her mouth long enough to say "I'm going to start rolling now."

"Okay." She said, and he brought his mouth back to hers. Joined together at the hips and mouth, they began to roll slowly away from the bathroom. When it looked like he might begin to fall out, she wrapped her legs around his and hooked her feet together at the back, trapping him inside. Whenever Sherl's nose leaked a little blood, Kevin would break their kiss and lick it up for her. By pushing his torso away from hers, he could widen one end of their bodies, allowing them to turn as they rolled. They turned away from the bathroom, then slowly rolled across the floor towards the dining room. They rolled up to the dining table and stopped.

Here was another obstacle. The dining table was large and wide, and there was only four feet of clearance between it and the wall on either side. The swing-door to the kitchen was just beyond, ten feet from where they lay. Kevin looked down at his wife. "Do you want to do the sitting thing again?" She smiled and nodded her head.

As he rolled over onto his back, they heard a faint jingling sound coming through the house, and Daisy trotted out into the living room. The sight of two naked humans flopping about on the floor was unfamiliar to her, and she cocked her head and looked at them.

Kevin saw the dog looking, and said "Daisy, go away."

Daisy stood there, trying to take in the unfamiliar sight and the odd smell. Kevin may have wanted her to go away, but she was intensely curious about this particular smell. She had smelt it before, of course, but it was always after they had created it. She was never allowed in the room while the two humans did whatever they did that smelled like that. Now they were right in front of her, and it was overpowering to her senses.

Wining a little bit, Daisy took a few steps closer to get a better look. Surely that wouldn't hurt. Sherl spoke, saying something stern to her. What could she be stern about? all Daisy wanted to do was explore this order.

"NO!" That was from Kevin, and it was very firm and commanding, and it made her pause. They obviously didn't want her to get a closer, but the smell was so intriguing. It looked like it was coming from the place where they were joined together. Were they mating? Warning or not, she had to get a batter look!

"Oh, god, Kevin, the dog is sniffing us!" Kevin leaned back and tried to push Daisy's nose away from their bodies. His effort only made her more insistent, and she ducked under his hand and buried he cold snout right between Sherl's legs. Sherl jerked with a squeak when she felt this, but didn't dare pull away from Kevin, who was frantically grasping to get some sort of a hold on the dog. He was finally able to grab Daisy's collar, and began pulling her away from their crotches. On her way out, Daisy tried to tale s lick, and ended up running her tongue lightly up the crack of his butt.

His arm found Daisy's collar, and he roughly pulled her around to his side before she could do any more strategic licking. The dog came with a yelp, and immediately assumed a submissive posture when she had done a bad thing.

Kevin looked at Sherl, who looked to him a little traumatized about the whole affair. Suddenly she started giggling, and he realized that she had been trying to keep from laughing the whole time. He joined in, and they spent the next minute just laughing together, waiting for it to pass so they could finish their trip. as they pulled each other up, she was still laughing in little spurts, and she twitched appealingly on his cock.

They passed through the dining room in same way they had approached the bathroom. They moved more slowly, being careful not to catch their feet in the chairs that were pulled in at the side of the table. After ten minutes f careful motion, they passed the table, and felt the cold tile beneath his thighs, Kevin leaned back to the floor and rested his aching arms. That wasn't all that was ached. As Sherl started to pull herself off him he stopped her, and they enjoyed a fourth time on the floor.

Sherl rode him slowly as he gently rolled her nipples between his fingers. She came first, and as she came down from her climax she bent forward to give him another one of her fabulous kisses. Kevin groaned into her mouth and added his fourth load to the mess that was already inside of her. after she felt him cum, she kissed his forehead and pulled herself off of him. Naked, they walked to the sink and wiped themselves off with paper towels, cleaning themselves off enough to walk to the shower without ruining the carpet.

That night, they talked about the day, and how it was nice to have so much time together.

"You know," said Kevin, "after talking about it, I think I'm ready to go one more time."

"Kevin, please, not now."

"Why not?"

"We did it four times this afternoon."

"And we can do it a fifth time tonight."

"Can't you go to sleep? Mmm. That feels nice though. Okay. You can give me a backrub. Kevin, I said a BACKRUB."

"This is part of your back."

"Kevin, a backrub is -- oh, Kevin, not know!"

"Why not?"

"Kevin, these are new sheets, and -- oh! Kevin, I just did the laundry yesterday. We're going to leave a wet spot!"