My Stories

* The One *

Part Two

I protested when he gave me his bed - "The couch is fine for me". He stood firm, and wouldn't hear of it, he said after all, it *was* his fault I was stuck here, after saying goodnights, we both retired. I lay in the bed, not being able to sleep, and worried about my friend sleeping out there on the couch, finally listening to the rain put me to sleep, until at 3 am I woke with a start, sat bolt upright in the bed confused as to where I was, it took me a couple of seconds to remember what had happened the previous night, after my heart had
stopped pounding I was fine, but my mouth was dry and I desperately needed a drink, putting on the dressing gown I found behind the door, I went out to the kitchen, walking past the lounge room, I noticed that he was still awake and sitting on the couch staring into the fire, not meaning to disturb him, I meant
to go quietly back to my room and forget about the drink, unfortunately I kicked the door with my foot and the resultant agony in my big toe made silence impossible.

Hopping around and swearing as silently as I could under my breath didn't make a big difference; he looked up and caught sight of me in the doorway, my face twisted in agony, trying not to yell out. He started laughing and even though it wasn't in the least bit funny, I couldn't help myself, I hobbled into the
lounge room and sat down on the couch, he smiled at me and said "I hope I didn't wake you. I was doing my best to be silent, but I often don't succeed". After I assured him that he hadn't woken me, we fell into an easy conversation, laughing occasionally and just getting along. He noticed my toe was red from kicking the door, and attempting to ease the pain he leaned over and started rubbing my foot slowly, looking ready to jump away if he hit an area too tender. I closed my eyes and was enjoying the feeling of his hands on my foot immensely.

Suddenly, the storm returned with a vengeance. An enormous clap of thunder sounded right overhead - so loud it made the walls shake. I jumped 3 feet off the sofa, and screamed in panic. Next thing I knew I was huddled beside him in front of the fire, making small whimpering noises. I'm sure he could feel me shaking, so he did the natural thing - took me under the blanket he was using, and held me tightly, murmuring inconsequentialities in my ear until I quieted down, and my shivering subsided.

I have always been terrified of thunderstorms, and I felt like such an idiot screaming like that, but it was nice under the blanket with him, soon my breathing returned back to normal and I looked up at him, opened my mouth ready to apologize, aware that I must look a fright, with my hair a mess and tear tracks down my face, he looked at me, and his expression was something I hadn't seen before, a mixture of longing and sadness, and then he kissed me, his lips were warm and soft, it was a gentle kiss and stirred all sorts of feelings in me, however I wasn't ready for this, and I pulled away, he looked crestfallen and quickly apologized, he looked quite devastated and I felt like a heel, I reached up and put my finger on his lips, silencing his apologies, placing my hands on the side of his head, I pulled his head down to me and kissed him back, our lips meeting, enjoying the sensations, his arms went around me and he held me to him,
still kissing, this time with more passion and desire, my hands caressing his back, and his hands warm on my body, touching me through the gown.

He stood up, and held his hand out to me, answering the unspoken question in his eyes, I grasped his hand and he pulled me up, capturing me in is a warm embrace, his body hard against mine, our lips meeting with rising passion, it was warm in front of the fire, and the gown was only a hindrance, I dropped it on the floor and returned his caresses.

He looked at me; I looked back, deep into those wonderful eyes. "I didn't plan for it to come to this," he half choked out. " Nor did I," I replied. "Serendipity is a wonderful thing." He looked at me his eyes caressing my body, with a quirky smile I asked, "Well, do I pass the test?" He answered me in the
best way he could, running his hands lightly over my body, watching me shiver as his caress tickled. He started swirling his tongue around my sensitive nipples. First one, then the other sprang to attention, and I closed me eyes as I abandoned myself to the sensation. Picking me up bodily and carrying me into the
bedroom, he laid me gently on the bed, my eyes closed all the while, gently, he continued his caressing of my body lightly running his hands over my tummy and breasts, and up and down my inner thighs, moving closer but never quite touching that most sacred of places.

Lost in a world of sensual pleasure, the feeling of his hands on my body arousing me, awakening feelings and memories of past encounters that I had thought long buried, his hands on my breasts touching and teasing, lightly pinching my nipples, and down my stomach, not touching me where I desired to be touched,
teasing me. It was like a small death when he stopped, I opened my eyes and made a sound of protest, he looked at me and said, "I don't want to force you into anything you don't want, I only want to give you pleasure," smiling up at him and seeing his serious eyes I replied "You are giving me pleasure, I want you to, you aren't forcing me into anything". With that he started again, his hands caressing and stroking me from head to toe, slowly ever so slowly, with almost precise movements, he ran his hand up the inside of my thigh, and up and across my pubic hair, then gently with one finger he traced down the lips of my cunt I moaned softly with the feeling of intense arousal that shot through me. He covered his body with mine, and we kissed passionately, our tongues dueling like swords, his body hard on mine, I could feel his erection pressed into my leg, my hands caressing his bare skin, he had a very male smell about him, musky, and his skin was soft, and I wanted him with the very core of my being. His lips kissed searing trails of fire down my face, my neck, and my nipples, he licked and sucked and bit on them, his hands caressing my body, his tongue licking its way down my stomach and down my inner thighs, not quite touching my aching lips,
his fingers slowly caressed my pussy, gently opening my lips, exposing my erect clit to the cold air, his tongue gentle at first and then more sure, flicked across the tip, I shivered, and then moaned as his tongue expertly played my clit, licking and sucking, then as his tongue explored the moistness of my pussy, probing and darting into my tunnel, licking all around, finally coming back to my clit, he buried his face in my center, his mouth and tongue and hands were stroking and licking and sucking, teasing me and drawing me into a quickly spiraling ride of ecstasy, fire burning in my puss, my back arched as his tongue completed its spell on me, I cried out in a mixture of desire, ecstasy and release, my breath coming in gasps.

He kissed his way back up my trembling body to my waiting lips, our tongues mingled, sharing my juices with me, he raised himself on one elbow and looked at me, pushing my sweat damped hair out of the way, his fingers tracing a line of sweat down my face, I shivered under his touch, my arms embracing him, feeling his hard dick pressed into my stomach, I pushed him back onto the bed and straddled his waist, facing his feet, his dick was standing straight and proud, a small drop of pre cum pooling on the tip. I leant down and ran my tongue around the tip, feeling his body convulse under me, his hands on my back and reaching round and caressing my nipples. Slowly, I ran my tongue down along the side of his dick, and around his balls and up the other side, my hands gently stroking the full length of his dick; I felt rather than heard his gasp as I slowly engulfed his dick with my mouth. Each proud inch disappearing slowly from view, gently swirling my tongue around the tip and the sides, scraping my teeth along his full length as I moved my head up and down, his dick glistening from the coating of saliva in the dim light of the room, bending down again, I ran my fingernails up the full length, my tongue and mouth now working in and out,
in ever increasing tempo.

Then suddenly he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me away, he swiftly rolled over until he had me pinned under his hard body, I was about to protest, but he covered my mouth with a hard kiss and murmured in my ear, "I want you now, properly, do you want me?" Of course I wanted him, I wanted to feel his hardness inside me. Shifting on the bed, I opened my legs and took hold of him, with one long slow thrust he buried his full length in me, I gasped with desire, as his dick stretched me and filled me up, raining kisses on my face and neck and nipples. Together we built up a rhythm, moving together him pulling nearly all the way out me thrusting my hips at him on the down stroke. Together we meet in a powerful explosion of friction his dick rubbing on my clit, my wetness and tightness exciting him. We move in frenzied dance, our bodies arousing and exciting each other. We come, in a tidal wave of desire and longing and fulfillment. Arms around each other we lay in a haze of spent emotions, talking about nothing much, almost without meaning to I say, "I love you." His arms tightened around me, and he whispered in my ear "I love you too." That night was the first of many, and we often look back and
thank what ever deity there is for making it rain on that night, so far our blind date has lasted for 5 years.