My Stories

* The Seduction *

Chapter 2

When Madison arrived home, she went straight to the hall closet and got out the suitcase, which was locked, darn it! He knew her too well. Behind the suitcase was a shopping bag with a red ribbon tied in a bow and her name across the front. She put the suitcase in the hallway and picked up the bag. "What is he up to now?" she smiled again. "That man is really something."

She set the bag on a little chair by the hall phone, and took the suitcase out to the car. "What in the world is in that bag…I wonder if I should look now, or wait. Well, if he wanted me to wait, he would not have put it where I could find it so easily." Justifying her temptation to peek in was easy, since he knew her well enough to know that is just what she would do. Inside was a pretty box, wrapped with another red ribbon and a little tag that said… "Go into the bedroom before you open this."

Madison almost raced to the bedroom, tearing the ribbon off as she went. Inside were some things they had been talking about for awhile. A few new battery powered toys! And these were not little racing cars! They were from the Parcilla's in the mall...OH BOY! There were also a few videos at the bottom with a note, put one of these in the VCR first.

She turned on the TV set and then inserted a video. This looked interesting. As she watched a very handsome man, similar in build and height to Howie came on the screen. His hair was longish and brown, also cut similarly to his. He was dressed in a business suit, and sat down on a couch in what looked like an office. The camera panned over to a huge executive type desk and sitting behind it was a beautiful woman, dressed in a dark blue suit with her shiny dark hair up in a bun and black framed glasses. (Obviously the boss in this situation.)

The man looked slightly uncomfortable, as the woman stood up, statuesque and truly lovely. She started to unbutton her top button of her blouse and the camera panned back to the man on the couch. His eyes were wide, he breath was shallow and he kept fidgeting with his briefcase, which was on his lap. She lowered her glasses and looked over them at him, and it was very obvious to anyone what she had on her mind. As though she was pulling him to her with her eyes, he rose off the couch, dropping the briefcase on the floor. He started to move towards her but before he could reach her, she moved around to the front of the desk, slid up on top of it and put her high-heeled foot out in front of her where it landed right in his crotch. He stopped still, and looked down at her silk stockinged leg, caressing it with his right hand. He then slipped her shoe off and leaned over to kiss her toes.

Madison could hear her small gasp as the man started to lick her toes through her stockings. Howie had done that once, and even seeing someone else doing it now, brought a small thrill to her.

The man released her foot and it went right back to his crotch where her delicate foot started to massage him through his trousers.

By this time Madison had pulled up her summer sundress and was fingering herself. She was so sticky with her own fluids that she considered putting a towel under her, but she was engrossed in the movie. Madison slipped out of her panties while watching the man started to fondle the woman's breasts through her suit and blouse. The woman in the movie arched her back to give him better access to them. Her glasses came off and were tossed somewhere behind her. Reaching up to her hair, she took out a few pins and the soft hair cascaded down around her shoulders.

The man started to unbutton her blouse, but got impatient and ripped it open down the front, exposing her breasts. She was wearing a lacy white bra with the center of each cup cut out to reveal her large rosy nipples. He leaned forward to take one in his mouth while his hand was busy on the other, rolling the tips around with his tongue and fingers. Her voluptuous breasts filled his mouth and hands with their heavy warmth.

As she watched the man and woman on the tape, her hand reached for the shopping bag and brought out one of the toys. Oh, this was nice; a very large penis shaped vibrator. And, it was already loaded with batteries. Howie thought of everything. She leaned back onto her pillows and brought her legs up, spreading them wide. Placing the vibrator near her clit, she turned it on a low speed and moved it gently around her mound. Mmmmmm..... That felt good.

Tingling sensations were running through her, that familiar warmth was spreading from her chest down her belly. She dipped the first inch into her lips and brought it back out. In and out, just the tiniest bit at first, then a little deeper. The couples on the screen were writhing against each other now, the man's pants were down around his ankles and her skirt was pulled up around her waist. She could see his hard cock sliding in and out of the gasping woman's pussy. Every time it came out she could see her juices coating the thick shaft.

Madison felt so warm, she had to take her sundress off. She peeled it off over her head and tossed it on the floor. Now, she could see her pussy over her sweetly curved mounds, and watch the vibrator going in and out of her warm damp entrance. She imagined Howie standing at the end of the bed watching her. He loved to do that, and it aroused her to think about him.

In fact she became so excited thinking about him, and watching the couple on the screen that without even thinking about it, she started moving the toy in and out deeper and faster. She could feel the pulsating waves of pleasure as she plunged the toy in and drew it back out. Almost as if she had timed it, the man on the screen stiffened in release, and she could feel herself reaching the edge and abandoning herself to pleasure.

Gasping for breath she lay there watching the couple on the TV kissing and moaning in their afterglow. The man really did remind her a lot of her sweet Howie. What time is it? She looked at the bedroom clock and realized she had been in another world for almost 45 minutes. The mail was probably here by now, so she quickly dressed and went out to the mailbox.