My Stories

* The Seduction *
Chapter 6

They took a quick shower to get the bubble bath out of their hair and then dried off before walking into the bedroom. Madison wanted to make this night one for him to remember also. As she opened her suitcase, she found a beautiful negligee on top. A new one. Deep red, lacy, with satin inserts in the bodice. Very sexy. She slipped it on and went into the other room to retrieve some of the goodies. "Let's see, strawberries, whipped cream, champagne, chocolates...this will do for a starter." she thought to herself.

Balancing the tray of food and champagne, she headed back to the bedroom. Howie had slipped on a satin robe that she had given him for Christmas last year. Placing the tray on the table next to the bed, she realized she had forgotten the glasses, so she went back to get them. She noticed the candles were burning down, so she blew them out one at a time. On her way back, she remembered she had slipped one of the videos into her purse as she left the house. She brought that back too. Giving him the glasses to fill, she turned to the armoire across from the end of the bed and opened it to find a TV and VCR inside. Excellent!

She slipped the video in and took the remote control back to the bed. "Now it is your turn baby, everything the woman does in this video, I will do to you." A big smile spread over his face. "What a woman!" he thought.

As the tape started they snuggled in together, eating the strawberries dipped in the whipped cream, and alternating that with an occasional chocolate. Madison's free hand played with his chest, twirling the hair around with her fingernails. Every once in awhile, she would lightly scrape a fingernail across a nipple. That sent shivers through his whole body.

The first part of the tape was supposed to be a set up for the story. There was no sex going on, just a cocktail party, with a nice looking man playing piano and a woman who was eyeing him from across the room. This looked like it was going to be the plot of the movie, if there was such a thing.

Perhaps this one would be a little different and there might be some romance. You could never tell.

Madison whispered to Howie, "Honey, why don't you lay on your tummy and let me rub your back." He swung his legs off the bed and undid the belt to the robe, taking it off and laying it on the chair nearby. Then he came back and lay down on the bed. Madison straddled him and started to rub his back for him. It was soft and smooth compared to his front. "Hold on a second, let me see if I can find some lotion or oil, ok?" "Umm hummm" He murmured from the bedspread.

Rummaging around through the bottles in the bathroom, she found a bottle of lotion. This would work, not the best, but it would be ok. Better than just a bare back rub. She climbed back over his back and again started to rub with the warmed lotion. "Does that feel good, sweetie?" Another mumbled "uhhh huhhh." She rolled the muscles of his neck and shoulders in her hands, working them around to release any tension he could possibly have. Although she could not imagine there would be much left. As she moved down his back, her long hair flowed across his skin. She moved further down, massaging his lovely round cheeks in her hands, using the heels of her palms on the upward stroke, and her finger tips on the downward ones. Then moving back up to where his spine met his bottom, she started to touch there with light fingers, circling around. She could feel him starting to move a little. "Are you uncomfortable hon?"

He laughed and said, "You know what I am feeling." Yes, she did. This area always aroused him, which was of course her purpose. He started to roll over, and Madison had to jump off in order not to end up on the floor. "Feeling a little frisky are we?" she said. "Oh yes, we are!" He grabbed at her nightie and started to pull it up. She raised her arms as he brought it up over her head, tossing it aside. She shrieked with laughter and playfully slapped his hands. "NO! No! No....!"

Her attention was drawn to the TV screen. The woman and man were finally in a bed, somewhere, and she was undressing him. Well, Howie and Madison were past that point already.

But when the woman started to lick the mans nipples, Madison took the cue and headed for Howie's chest. As the woman on screen licked and sucked his nipples, Madison did the same thing to Howie. What a turn on for him, to see it on the screen and also with his lover. As the woman on screen moved down her man's body, Madison did the same. Nibbling, kissing, sucking, love bites, all over his body, chest, neck, arms, under his arms, down his his legs, and down them and back up inside.

When she got to the inside of his thighs, he shivered with pleasure. As the other woman started to lick the man's balls, Madison did the same, and then up his shaft, to the head, and back down. She had Howie spread his legs and moved his balls to the side while she licked underneath. That normally drove him crazy, but watching it happening on screen and in real life almost took him over the edge.

When she started to lick his ass, and jerk his cock at the same time, he let out a loud groan, feeling the precum ooze out of the end of his rod. He could not wait any longer, he started to move around so he could taste Madison's dripping pussy. Opening her legs he buried his head between them, licking her thighs first, and kissing up to her moist opening. He flicked his tongue all around the outside of her lips, pausing to take long licks, then shorter ones. He loved the way she smelled and tasted and tonight with the wine she had drunk, her juices were sweet. He wished he could drink every drop she ever produced, he loved it so much.

Rolling her onto her back, he moved around to lick her more thoroughly. He separated her lips, licking the outside of the lips and then moving to the inside. Long sweeping brushes, and shorter, faster ones, dipping inside her and then back out. He made his tongue flat and hard and plunged it into her, driving it in and out, faster and faster. Her hips were moving up and down, meeting his every thrust and her moans were getting louder and lower. Her voice was normally enough to arouse him even on the phone, but when she was excited, there was an animalistic quality to it. Somewhere between a wild animal and a crazed woman, she was getting closer to the latter with every moment.

He came back up a little and started to circle her clit with his tongue. Not touching it yet, just circling around it. Then he rubbed his tongue over it, lightly at first, then a little harder. Not so hard that it hurt, and not staying in one place for more than a few seconds. Within a few minutes she was grabbing at his head, trying to pull him up to her. "Oh baby...come here, oh please baby, I want you inside me", she gasped.

That was the cue he was waiting for. He knew she was almost ready at this point. He moved up next to her and turned her on her side. This was one of her favorite positions, and he could massage her clit as he entered her from behind. Madison brought her upper leg over the back of his legs to give him better access to her. With his hand he guided his thick cock into her burning pussy. She could feel it ripple into her, her muscles started clenching and releasing him. He plunged in harder and faster as he felt her answering his thrusting hips.. He brought his hand around her front to massage her throbbing clit.

His bulging erection thrust wildly inside her. In and out, in and out, faster, harder, deeper. She could barely hear him but knew he was telling her how hard he was fucking her, how much he loved her, how wild he was with lust.

"Oh yes", she cried, "Oh Baby, harder, fuck me harder, yes, yes, yes…Howie…I am cumming, cumming, hunn, huhn...oh Goddddd…"

Howie could feel her breathing getting shorter and faster. Her moans were getting deeper, more guttural. She was so close, her skin was hot to the touch. He could feel the moisture starting to gush from her as she screamed in ecstasy. He felt her shuddering uncontrollably as pulsating waves of pleasure ripped through his body. The moment of release was upon them both with a frenzy of simultaneous explosions.

Their bodies spasmed together, his hot jets of cum shooting far up inside her. Again and again. More cum than he thought he had in his body. She could feel the thick juices hitting her inside walls, and his hardness twitching with every shot. The root of his cock was right up against her, hard. She felt his body tense and release. And a groan of passion escaped his lips and flowed into her heart.

He stroked her hair as she quieted, kissing her neck as they drifted off into a peaceful and loving sleep.