My Stories

* The Shirt *

"I'm not going to have anything left in my closet at this rate!" Howie had been reading the Sunday papers when he noticed Sherl as she wandered into the living room. He admired her legs as she padded bare foot across the polished wooden floor, even as he sighed in resignation at the sight of her clad in one of his white dress shirts. Pieces of his clothing, most notably his shirts, had a strange habit of disappearing from his wardrobe only to reappear at some later time worn by Sherl.

Standing on tiptoe looking out the window, Sherl was surrounded by a bright pool of sunlight streaming through the glass. The light shone like a golden halo around her, making the white shirt glow and casting her body beneath into mysterious shapes and shadows. As she turned, Howie saw that the shirt was barely buttoned and that she was wearing a pair of white lace panties that he knew revealed more of her secrets than they concealed. He felt himself begin to stir at the sight of her.

"It's not like they've really gone missing or anything," she retorted.

"Will you come away from that window? What do you think you're doing, standing there in front of God and the neighbors wearing only my shirt and your underwear?"

"Just checking to see if the mail has come."

"It's Sunday."

Sherl noticed the husky quality of his voice and the intense way he was watching her. "Oh..." Feigning innocence, she toyed with the shirt collar as she gave him a speculative look. "You're right, it is."

"Come here."

"Is that an order or a request?"

"What ever...just come over here."

"What's the matter?" she asked as she sauntered over to stand before him, smiling when she noticed the decided rise in the front of his trousers.

Howie ran his hand up under the front shirttail and stroked her leg and hip and gave her bottom a squeeze. He slipped one finger under the edge of the panties, tracing her leg around until the questing finger encountered the dampness of her growing arousal. She slid her feet farther apart, widened her stance to give him better access.

Sherl put both hands on his shoulders and leaned forward, causing the shirt to gape open, showing her breasts to Howie's avid eyes. Holding his gaze she unfastened the remaining buttons.

The shirt fell away to hang open at her sides, displaying her breasts lightly sprinkled with freckles, their brown nipples already tightly furled. Howie reached out and captured one breast in the palm of his hand. His thumb rubbed back and forth over her nipple making it harden even more.

"So, what's the matter?" She threaded her fingers through his hair. Her smile turned wicked when she saw the bulge in his pants grow more pronounced and a wet spot forming. She felt an answering wetness of her own.

"You're what's the matter with me right now."

"Well...are you going to do something about it?"

"Yeah. This is what I'm going to do." Standing, he took her into his arms and lowered his mouth to hers. The kiss was white hot and candescent. She wrapped her arms around his neck, moving her body wantonly against him.

Breaking the embrace Howie scooped her up and carried her off to the bedroom. There he laid her unceremoniously on the bed and followed her down. He nuzzled her breasts, his tongue licking path between them as he began to kiss his way down her belly. When he reached the top of her white lace panties he hooked his fingers on the sides. "Lift up." As she raised her hips, he slipped them down her legs and off.

When her panties were free, he crushed them in his hand and buried his face in the fabric. Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply, taking her scent into his lungs--a lingering hint of perfume, the sweet natural fragrance of her skin and the smell of an aroused woman--all combined to be uniquely Sherl. It was the very essence of her being and he wanted to absorb it into his very soul.

Raising himself, Sherl knelt over her. With the panties still clutched in one hand he unfastened his trousers, pushing trousers and underwear down to free himself. "Spread your legs..." His tone betrayed his need.

Sherl recognized the urgency in his voice and saw the desire in his face. She opened herself completely to him as he knelt above her, the bunched panties in his hand as he stroked his hard and rampant erection. His cock head was deep red and weeping. She could feel the strength of him as she reached to help guide him to her and into her.

Howie's first penetration found her wet and welcoming as he pushed smoothly and deeply inside. The sensation of the hot silk of her body as it surrounded his cock, holding him tight, was enough to send him into a frenzy for release. He buried his face into her shoulder and closed his eyes trying to regain some measure of control. But instead he saw images of Sherl--of the sunlight casting her body into a dark silhouette beneath his white shirt as she stood in front of the windows; of her standing in front of him, the white shirt hanging open framing her breasts. Mindless now, Howie was thrusting blindly, frantic in his need to achieve relief from the intense need that was riding him.

"Come for me!" she whispered, reaching a hand down and between his legs to cup his testicles. "Come for me...Now!"

Howie cried out hoarsely, lost to the rush of his orgasm. He drove his penis deeply into her as he began to come, groaning and crying out with the intensity of his climax.

Sherl hugged him as he collapsed on top of her. His exhausted weight was heavy but she wanted to feel his life throbbing deeply inside her body. She gently stroked his back, soothing him as his breathing returned to normal. She noticed her panties were still clenched tightly in his fist.

"I must be squashing you," he mumbled against her shoulder before planting a kiss and raising his head to look down at her.

"No." She tightened her arms. "I like your weight on top of me."

He kissed her again and she felt his smile against her neck. "You know, you might just be the death of me, and I won't have a single shirt to be buried in."