My Stories

* The Storm *


Cheri looked out the window as the dark gray clouds spread across the sky and heard the thunder off in the distance. She felt the disappointment threaten to bring tears to her eyes. "Good lord woman," She thought to herself, "it's only a thunderstorm, a little bit of rain is no big deal, it'll pass quickly." Cheri had spent days preparing for this picnic. He was flying in for a long weekend. They had known each other intimately for months, but had never met, and she wanted everything to be wonderful. Cheri didn't usually drive herself crazy trying to make things perfect, but had found that the preparations kept the nervousness and doubts away. So she had cooked and baked, shopped for the perfect wine, and scouted the area for beautiful secluded picnic spots. Now, with only an hour left before he arrived, everything was ready, but the rain was coming down in buckets. She gave one more sad sigh, pushed the sadness away, and started thinking of a Plan B.

She thought about just setting up the picnic inside, but felt pretty silly. Why sit on blankets balancing plates on our laps when we could use the table? Besides, she giggled to herself, if he was as anxious to see her as she was to see him, it really wouldn't matter. So she cleared the table and set it for two. Cheri unpacked the basket, put everything away, then went into the bedroom and changed her t-shirt, denim shorts and sneakers for a short cotton dress and bare feet. She stretched out on the sofa with a magazine, trying to concentrate, but her thoughts drifting to the anticipation of their finally being together. The thunder continued outside, the rain beating relentlessly against the windows, giving her that wonderful cozy feeling she gets when she's safe and warm inside on a nasty evening. There was one particularly bright flash of lightning; a horrible crash of thunder, and everything went dark. And just as she was stumbling around for a flashlight, there was a knock on the door.

Cheri threw the door open and pulled him quickly inside, slamming the door shut behind him. The room was pitch black. "Wow, you look great," she laughed, as Kevin stepped into his open arms, "But you're all wet!" He laughed, a sexy sound in the darkness that made her tingle, and said "I was hoping that I could say that about you!" Cheri slid her hip slowly against his leg and purred "Maybe you can."

Cheri thought he brought the electricity in the outside air inside with him, because every inch of her body felt incredibly alive. They had known each other for what seemed like forever, but was in reality only a few months. They spent countless hours talking on the computer, sharing many intimate moments and
learning each other's fantasies. From there, they had moved to long phone conversations, the sound of his voice driving her wild as she feverishly touched herself, imagining every moment his hands all over her body instead of her own. They both realized that they had to know whether being together physically would be as incredible as mentally, so together they made plans. Both spent the previous few weeks in anticipation, almost afraid to talk to each other, fearing something would happen to ruin their plans. But the
weeks had flown uneventfully by, and he was finally here, right in front of her, and damn, she couldn't even see him!

Kevin pulled Cheri into his arms and kissed her deeply. She felt her insides do a slow, wonderful turn as her entire body responded to his kiss. She forgot about the storm, the ruined picnic, and the darkness, as she returned his kiss, meeting his building passion with her own. The kiss seemed to last forever, as their hands tentatively began to explore each other. As their tongues danced together, the touches grew more insistent and he pulled her to him. As Cheri melded herself to him, she felt the heat spreading through her body, and any doubts she may have had about what we were doing were forgotten. She stepped back, took a ragged breath and said, "Come with me, I've waited too long for this to have it be over quickly on the hall floor."

Cheri took his hand and led him carefully down the pitch-black hallway until they reached her bedroom. She took him to the bed and had him sit while she searched in the darkness for the matches. Finding them, she struck one and lit the candle on the nightstand. Cheri carried the candle to the other side of the room and lit the other one, then returned. Soft flickering light filled the room with shadows. Finally, she could look into his eyes and see that he wanted her as badly as she wanted him, and there were no signs of doubts or uncertainties either. A shiver ran through her as a smile formed on her lips.

Cheri was desperately torn between her overwhelming need for him and her desire to make it last. She decided to just let things happen at their own pace as she stepped toward him. She knelt between his legs and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, her lips following her fingers down his smooth, flat stomach. When her lips reached his navel, she flicked her tongue into it as she spread his shirt, slipping it off his shoulders. Her hands slid slowly back up his warm chest. Standing up and taking a step back, she watched him intently as she reached behind for the zipper of her dress, sliding it down. Kevin's eyes moved back and forth from her eyes to her hands as she slipped the dress off of one shoulder, then the next, holding it up with her arms for a moment or two before letting it fall to her feet. Cheri stood, a bit nervously, before him in her bra and panties. She almost trembled as his eyes slid up her cinnimon body, inch by inch, until they met hers. All her nervousness vanished as he grinned, licked his lips and reached for her.

Cheri stepped eagerly toward him as his arms circled her waist and he pulled her close. Her hands tangled in his thick dark hair, slipping down to caress his neck and shoulders, and he kissed lightly across the top edge of her bra. Gently she pushed him backwards, turned her back to him, and sat on the edge of the bed between his legs. His hands lightly held my waist, and she turned my head to kiss him. His lips traveled from her lips, across her cheek and down her neck to her shoulder while his hands traveled up her back, reaching for her bra and unhooking it. Kevin slowly slid the straps off each shoulder as he continued nibbling her neck. Cheri trembled with pleasure and desire.

Kevin tossed Cheri's bra to the floor, then slowly ran his hands up her sides, around to the tops of her breasts. She held her breath and leaned back against him, as his fingertips brushed against her hard nipples. Cheri moaned and arched forward into his hands. He pulled his right hand back, licked his fingers, and returned to trace around the edge of her nipple, slowly circling to the center. He moved backwards, lowering himself onto the bed. Cheri turned to face him, her hands reaching for him. She looked down, and saw his hard dick, making that sexy tent in his pants. Cheri pressed her hand to it, pushing it against his stomach and running her hand firmly up and down its length. Kevin's hips lifted, straining to her touch. She circled the head with her finger, pleasantly surprised to see the blue of his pants turn darker where drops of pre-cum stained the fabric.

Cheri slid off the bed, and kissed his stomach as she unbuttoned his pants, sliding the zipper down. She pressed her lips against the wet spot on his underwear, inhaling deeply his warm, musky scent. Slipping her finger under the waistband of his underwear, Cheri reached for the tip of his dick. She smeared the wetness onto her finger and brought it to her lips, flicking her tongue out to taste it. He smiled as he watched her every move. She quickly slid his pants and underwear off, kissing just the tip of his dick as her hands slid them past his knees. She stepped back to admire him for a moment.

"Show me what you do while we talk on the phone," she said. He smiled, and reached his hand downward, touching his balls lightly. "Like this?" he asked. "Mmm hmm," Cheri murmured, sitting next to him. She licked her lips as she watched his hand drop lower, searching for that sensitive spot beneath his balls. Kevin moaned as his fingers reached it, tickling it. His dick jumped as his other hand reached for it, grasping around the base with his thumb and middle finger. He lifted his hips as his fingers slid up its length. Cheri moved behind him, he leaned backwards against her, her lips moving towards his ear. "Does the sound of my voice make you hot?" Cheri whispered in his ear, as her hands traced his chest and shoulders. "Mmm hmm" he murmured and he continued to stroke his dick slowly, his hips moving in time with his leisurely rhythm.

"Does it make you hot having me watching you?" Cheri asked. Again, "mmm hmm". "Good," she continued, "because it drives me crazy." There is something so incredibly sensuous about watching a man slowly stroke his dick. Cheri loved the sight, watching his hips move, the muscles in his thighs tighten as the rhythm of his stroke increased. "When we're on the phone," she purred into his ear, her breath against his neck, "I love to think of you stroking your dick as my fingers play with my clit, and slip in and out of my wetness." Kevin moaned, his rhythm increasing as Cheri continued to whisper all of the things she did to herself as she imagined his hands and lips all over her body. "I like to slide my fingers all over my pussy, imagining your tongue, licking my clit." Cheri moaned. Kevin breathed, "Do it now. Let me see."

Cheri stood up. Sliding her fingers down her stomach and into her panties, reaching for her clit. She was amazed at how wet she was. Cheri brought her finger to her lips, tasting the wetness and moaning her eyes closed. She slipped off her panties and slid a finger inside her pussy, pushing her hips forward. Cheri heard his breathing change, knowing that the sight of her did the same for him as he did for her. Kevin let go of his dick and reached for Cheri, pulling heron top of him. She slid up against him, stroking her clit with his dick a few times, before taking him inside herself. They both gasped as he slipped in, that wonderful feeling making them both moan. His hands held her waist as they found the rhythm together, his hips lifting in time with her movements. The feel of his coarse pubic hair pressed against her clit was delicious, and Cheri knew that an incredible orgasm wouldn't be far away.

Cheri put her arms above his shoulders and leaned down, her breasts bouncing against his chest as their speed increased. Kevin grabbed her ass, crushing her against him she felt the beginning of the orgasm. Cheri moaned loudly as she started to cum, slowing down to feel every sensation. It was incredible, her elbows buckled and she fell against him as her whole body quivered. Kevin wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly, still moving beneath her. He called my name as his own orgasm began. Kevin stroked against her 5 or 6 times, crying out as each stroke delivered another spurt of hot, wet, sticky, wonderful cum. When he could deliver no more, he let out a deep purr of contentment. They rolled over, lying in each other's arms. Cheri was speechless, so she just looked at him and smiled.