My Stories

* The Wedding *
Chapter 2

The reception was held at Paula and Hokes house. A large tent had been set up in the rose garden. It too was filled with roses of every color just as the chapel had been. There was a live band playing all types of music to fit everyone's tastes as well as a luncheon of seafood, roast beef and chicken.

The table displaying the cake was also adorned with roses. We danced, we ate, we laughed, but we never seemed to have time to be alone. Several times during the evening I found Howie looking over at me and he would wink, making me blush. I knew what he was thinking, and he knew that I was thinking about it too.......About our wedding night. Hoke came to me and asked me to dance with him once again, but just as we stepped onto the dance floor, Howie interrupted us.

"Dad, do you mind if I steal my bride away from you? We are going to have to leave, the helicopter is scheduled to pick us up in a few minutes."

"Sure son...." I cut Hoke off with a question of my own.

"Helicopter?" I asked. "Howie exactly where are we going?"

"Son you mean she still doesn't know where you are taking her?"

"No Dad, she doesn't." Howie answered. That mischievous look that I loved so much was back in his eyes. "And," he said looking directly at me, "I have no intention of telling her either, she will just have to wait and see for herself."

With that Howie jumped up onto the makeshift stage and "borrowed" the microphone from the band. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we wish to thank you for sharing this happy day with us. I beg you now to please excuse us. I am about to take my steal my wife away from everyone and spend a few weeks alone with her. Please stay and enjoy the party for as long as you wish."

We found Dwaine, kissed him and placed him in the loving care of his Grandmother just as I heard the sound of the helicopter off in the distance.

Amid a shower of rice, and rose petals we boarded the helicopter and waved to our families and guests as we rose higher and higher into the late evening ski.

"Howie, please tell me where we are going."

"Well, tonight we are flying into Dallas, I have arranged the Bridal suite at the Adolphus."

"And, in the morning? Where are we going then?" I asked, my curiosity peeking.

"Do you really want to know?"


"Tomorrow we are flying to Hawaii. I was able to arrange two weeks at a private estate, directly on the beach. Sweetness, I only want the best for you."

I looked down at the shiny gold band on my finger and whispered,

"I love you Howie."

"I love you too Darlin.'

The ride into Dallas was short and soon we were situated in our suite at the Adolphus. Howie had taken care of everything. There were candles everywhere, and a bottle of champagne chilling next to the bed. Shyness seemed to envelop me. I stood there, not knowing what to say, or what to do.

"Sherl, come here Sweetheart."

I walked over to Howie, my eyes downcast, unsure, and a bit nervous. He said nothing but moved behind me. Slowly he pulled at the pins holding my veil in place. He removed it and gently laid it down on the chair next to him. Next his fingers began opening the long row of tiny buttons that ran down my back. His hands caressed the soft skin that he was exposing. Running his fingers once again across my back, he closed the palms of his hands over my shoulders and slid the gown over and down my arms. It fell into a silken pool at my feet. I stood there shivering wearing a lace bra and matching thong in the palest of blues. "Is this your something blue?" He asked.

"Yes." It came out as a gasp, for Howie had reached over my shoulders and unhooked my bra at the clasp nestled between my breasts. He was circling my nipples with his finger and whispering in my ear at the same time.

"Do you want me Sherl?" He whispered.


Just as he had my gown he then took the straps of my delicate bra and slide them over my shoulders and it joined my gown at my feet. Then he suddenly gathered me into his arms and lifted me from the pool of silk and lace, carrying me to the oversized feather bed. He laid me down and stepped back. As quickly as he had removed my gown he removed his tux. Swiftly he covered my body with his and our lips met sending electric jolts throughout my body. He devoured with his lips, kissing me everywhere. My eyes, my forehead, my cheeks, my lips, my neck, were his. I was lost in the assault.

When his mouth found it's way to my nipples, my voice sounded distant, and strange to my ears. This man, my husband, was making me feel extraordinary. My fingers wove themselves through the length of his hair, entangling. Our lips met again for a fraction of a minute before one resumed his relentless assault on my body and soul. Passion was building to a level I had never before felt. I didn't know where my body ended and his began. A tearing sound momentarily brought me back and I realized he had shredded the thong that I had been wearing.

His tongue circled my navel. His teeth nipped at my flesh. His hands opened my body. I screamed with pleasure as his tongue found my throbbing bud. He suckled it as if it contained the nectar that sustained his very life. I am dying I thought, but then he stopped. I was at the brink of my release and he stopped.

"Not yet Angel." Was all he said. Howie pulled himself away from me and reached for the champagne. He poured two glasses full and offered one to me.

"I am not sure I should drink this. I already feel a little dizzy." I said blushing.

"Then don't drink it, just taste it." He dipped his finger into the bubbling liquid and brought it to my lips. I closed my mouth over it and sucked at his finger, swirling my tongue around it, gently nipping at the softly padded skin. Once again he dipped his finger into the bubbles, but this time he didn't offer it to me. Instead he reached down and rubbed the wine over my nipple. "Lie down on the bed Sherl. Lie down on your back."

When I was lying flat he again dipped his finger into his goblet, and then held that finger over my nipple, letting the champagne drip onto my lips. He repeated this over and over again. Dripping champagne onto my neck, my breasts, my nipples. Letting it drip and form into a pool on my stomach. And finally lower. He placed his hands on my thighs and opened my center. Then he continued on with his play, letting the champagne drip onto my clit and run down my slit.

The mixture of the champagne and my musky scent was heady. Looking into my eyes he smiled and began to lap up the sweet liquid he had spilled onto my body. His tongue danced over my lips and down my neck to my chest. Over my nipples it roamed and plunged into the pool on my stomach. Once again his piercing gaze met mine and he lowered his mouth to my mound. I writhed underneath him, pushing against his mouth. I felt my world shattering and I screamed out his name.

"That's it Baby, that's it he crooned.

Before I was able to recapture my breath, he entered me. He seemed to be driven by a need stronger than we had ever experienced. Over and over he plunged into my depths. For a second time that night my passions began to built and I met each thrust with one of my own. My fingernails dug into his strong shoulders and my legs wrapped around his hips driving him deeper. "Oh God Sweetness, you are incredible."

"I love you Howie, God how I love you."

With one final shuddering thrust his love flowed into my body and I tightened around him once again.

We never let go of each other that night. We slept entwined in each other's arms, waking occasionally to make love. Hawaii was a beautiful as everyone says it is, but I think it was made even more special because fate had brought us there.

The End