My Stories

* Tickle Me Brian *


It all started when I decided to wear my favorite white dress. It had a bodice that scooped down in the front and fits me a little tight on top. The skirt's fabric flowed freely down to my ankles. I usually prefer to wear dark colors, especially black, they make me feel more sensual and naughty, but that dress was an exception. On the practical side the dress was extremely comfortable, making it perfect for being tickled. I felt like I could pounce and run in it like a cat.
My friend, Brian, chose 'What Dreams May Come' for us to watch. A movie that takes intense concentration in order to understand what it all means. I wasn't in the mood to concentrate. I wanted to play, and sitting on the floor with our backs up against the couch and our shoulders just barely touching put me in an amorous mood.
All kinds of devious thoughts spun through my mind. I wanted to jump on his lap and start undressing him. I imagined I wouldn't stop until I had my way with him in such a way that he would wonder who unleashed the devil inside of me.
I decided to play the game a little more coy, since our friendship had always been more platonic. I had an itching sensation in my belly and when I felt that way, I knew that I needed to be tickled. It had been a long time since I'd had a tickle fight that sent me spinning into the reality of another world. I needed it like a person who thirsts for water after walking through the desert.
I must have been squirming because Brian looked at me with one eyebrow raised as if to say 'What has gotten into you?'
"What?" I said, innocently.
"You're sending all kinds of weird vibes."
"No I'm not. Watch your movie." I grabbed his waist, sinking my fingers into the tender muscles at his side. He just looked at me.
"That's not going to work you know. I'm not ticklish." He smiled. He knew what I wanted, but he was going to make me work a little harder to get it.
"Oh really? What if I tickle your feet?"
I knew he was ticklish on his feet. There aren't very many people I know who can control the feeling to let out a laugh when they are tickled there. I threw myself onto his legs, holding them, with my arms wrapped around as tight as I could. He began to struggle like a worm being put on a fishing hook. I held them tight with one arm and started taking off his socks with my free hand.
Before I could get his socks off he poked me under my arms and then grabbed my waist. I released his legs so that I could bring my arms down to my sides and clamp them there as hard as I could.
Since Brian was much stronger it only took him one fluid movement to pin me to the floor, his knees holding my wiggling body in place. He kept my arms clutched between his knees.
I squealed and squirmed as hard as I could. He tickled me rib by rib. I started to have trouble breathing because I was laughing and screaming so hard.
"Stop!" I yelled. "I can't take it anymore."
I didn't really want him to stop. I was having so much fun. I had wanted a tickle fight for so long, but with Brian I had to catch him in just the right frame of mind to get him to do certain things, and finally I had him right where I wanted him. Telling him to stop was part of the game, and he must have known it because he didn't stop.
"Can't take it? Well then why did you start it?" Brian asked, while pulling up the bottom of my dress so that he could grab the soft flesh right above my knees.
"No, not there!" I screamed and tried with all my might to escape out from under him.
I was starting to get my arms free so that I could defend myself, but before I could he seized one wrist in each hand and held them up above my head.
"Oh no you don't. You aren't going to get out of this that easy." Transferring one of my wrists into the grasp of his right hand, he pinned them both to the floor.
I knew what that meant. I was trapped. He was going to tickle me in every possible spot he could reach. I couldn't help but think about how turned on I was getting by the thought of his strong hand holding me in place. Brian wasn't really a very big man compared to many, but he had the strength to hold me down; and that is what counts.
My laughing and breathing became spasmodic as he kept grabbing me all over. He had me worked up into such delirium, making it not matter where he touched me or whether his touch was soft or hard.
"Please, Brian…stop…" I said between gasps for air. It felt like a boulder had just been dropped on my chest. My chest felt so tight, I could barely speak. "I mean it. I can't breathe."
"Oh, you want to beg for mercy now, do ya?" Brian said, with a huge devious grin. "Ok, let's hear it. Who's your daddy?"
"Not you." I said defiantly.
He started tickling me again. My sides were starting to hurt.
"I said, who's your daddy?"
"You." I weakly replied. I gave him my 'I'm as sweet as a mouse' look and then said, "Not!" as I used all the strength I could muster and rolled over so I could make a stronger squirm and get out from under him.
I was only halfway successful. I was then on my stomach with my arms twisted above my head, but he was still on my back, actually putting me in a more vulnerable position.
"Alright, you had your chance. No more Mr. Nice Guy." Brian said as he unzipped my dress. "Oh, and you aren't wearing a bra, that will make my job so much easier."
"What are you going to do?" I asked impishly.
Instead of answering my question with words, starting at the top of my neck he drew one finger down my back, stopping at the tip of my tailbone. His touch sent prickles, but then he replaced his finger with his tongue. I felt the fine hairs on my back stand on end and the goose bumps rise.
"Ooooohhhh, stop." I cried, and started kicking my legs like a child throwing a tantrum. All the tickling he had done before had made me very sensitive. With every touch and every caress I felt my skin wince and pull away.
"Stop? Really? Well, ok, if you insist." With that Brian stopped touching me, but he didn't get off of my back.
"Huh?" I knew he was taunting me, I decided to play and move things along a bit faster. "You could check to see if I'm wet before you decide if you are done tormenting me."
"Nah, that would be too easy." He answered, as he brushed the tips of his fingers up the shin on my right leg. He drew them up and stopped just above my knee. "Are you chicken?" he asked.
"Chicken, with your hand above my knee? Oh please, don't make me laugh."
"I already have." He moved his hand up to the middle of my thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Now, are you chicken?"
"Are you sure you want to ask me that? I might say 'no.'"
"You're stalling."
"No. I'm not chicken."
I think he took that answer as consent to do whatever he wanted. He moved his hand deep into my thighs, inviting me to open my legs to him.
"If I get off of you, do you promise to stay?"
"Mhmm." I murmured, nodding my head. I was enjoying this game. I had never been dominated. Of course, Brian wasn't really dominating me, like in some of the stories I've read on the Internet, where one of the lovers is tied to a bed or a tree. But I was beginning to see how a person could like that type of situation.
Brian got off of me and then rolled me over so that I was on my back again. Using his fingers he lightly probed around my white silk panties that were now wet from my pussy juices. By this time I could feel the churning in my belly building up.
My impatience for him to come inside me was growing. I was already so aroused. I wanted him to drive his length into me, making our sex last like tomorrow would never come. He had teased and taunted me long enough and I didn't want to wait any longer.
"Do it, Brian! Just do it!" I screamed, in frenzy, grabbing his shirt and pulling it over his head. My impatience was evident when I pulled my own dress off myself.
He looked at me with question in his eyes, but a smile on his face. I think he was trying to decide if he had brought me, as close to the edge as he thought was possible.
I was writhing from the pressure that had built up inside. A burning desire to have him enter me had come on with full force. Grabbing the waist of his shorts, I pulled them down as far as they would go before being stopped by the bend in his knees. That convinced him.
He pushed himself into me as he lifted my legs up to wrap around his waist. The sensitive feelings of being tickled had moved from the outside of my body deep into the center of my dark cavity. The prickles were a virus that spread, taking over all the parts of me that made me a woman.
Then the virus spread to Brian and mutated into a worm that wiggled and squirmed, searching for the spot that it could devour and make its own.
Pushing hard, pressing our bodies to each other, Brian and I became one, connected through our titillating arms and legs. Our screams of ecstasy rose from within us simultaneously and we lost control over our spasms together. The heat of our passion was cooled only from the air that floated around our sweaty bodies.
Exhausted, we lay in each other's arms.
"I like your dress, by the way. "Brian said, after we had rested a bit.
"Thank you. I do too." I replied with a giggle.