My Stories

* Winter Moon *

Chapter Three

"Oh no you don't," Sherl growled in frustration. With quick and determined motions, she shoved him back against his door then pulled the belt on his leather pants open then undid his fly.

He froze, helpless to stop her. Lust and common sense short-circuited each other. Her hands dug deeply into his pants to find his rigid flesh then she dove over his lap, her dark ponytail brushing his thighs. The wet warmth of her mouth closed on him, swallowing him to the root and he moaned long and hard.

"Jee-zuz! Sherl, you're gon'na get us arrested!" Kevin swore then threw his head back and closed his eyes hissing in surrender. He leaned back and spread wide to give her room. He felt her tongue lash each ridge and vein along the base of his dick as she sucked with enthusiasm. His hands burrowed into her hair to hold her in place. Cracking an eye open he noticed the arch of her spine where her shirt had pulled from her pants then saw the gap in her jeans at the small of her back.

Sherl felt Kevin lean over her then moaned as she felt his hand slide into the back of her jeans. His fingers slithered into the crack of her ass then deeper to touch her damp sensitive woman flesh. Using a free hand, she loosened her belt, popped her button and unzipped her confining jeans to give him access. He took the opportunity she gave him and buried two fingers in her heat. She moaned as she felt him caress her clit then slowly pump in and out of her. She slid a foot to the floor lifting and spreading herself wide to his inquisitive fingers.

Kevin's ass bunched and lifted into her mouth even as he put gentle pressure on her head to keep her in place. His breath came in harsh pants as he sudden realized how close he was to spilling into her mouth.

The perfume of power assailed his nose. He was going to cum and she was using his building orgasm to fuel her change. She was going to become a beast right here in the parking lot of the grocery store where she would have her pick of meat to hunt, all of them carrying their own groceries to their cars.

"Sherl," he hissed, "we've got to stop, we've got to stop now!" He was screaming with his need to pump himself down her throat. Gripping her by the hair, he pulled her off and writhed away from her mouth. She fought to reach him, her mouth open, her eyes golden and glazed with power and lust.

"Why did you stop me?" She bared sharp teeth and panted, shuddering. Anger and hurt swam in her eyes.

"This is not the place for this," he panted, burning from his beast's nearness to surfacing. As he tucked himself away, he shook from the overwhelming desire to jack himself off the rest of the way, but if he came, even by his own hand, she would change. When she changed, her power would shove him into changing too. He could feel it in the lightning arcs down his spine. If they changed then there would be two huge and hungry predators running through the parking lot. 'Damn!' frustration hurt.

"Don't you want me?" Sherl whimpered in painful rejection. Hurt bathed her eyes with unshed tears.

"God Yes! I want you Princess," Kevin looked into her injured eyes. "I want you so bad I'm shaking." He lunged, gripping the back of her neck and took her mouth with all the pent up frustration that swam in his gut. His tongue pushed and stroked against hers in a lustful fever. He felt her reach for his hair pulling him to her and kissing him back for all she was worth. He reluctantly pulled away, his eyes glowing with urgency.

"I want to rip your clothes off and fuck you 'til you scream. I want to cover you in my cum and smear it all over your body and mine. But, I need to take you home, to my home where it's safe." With shaking hands, he started the jeep then put it in gear.

"Hey! What are you doing? I have to go home!" Sherl yelped.

"You have to go through your change," Kevin said as he looked behind, backing out of the parking space. "I'm taking you to my place where I can keep an eye on you."

"Oh, no you're not!" There was a definite snarl in her voice, anger winning over tears. "You've pushed me around one too many times, already. Stop the jeep." Sherl grabbed the handle on the flimsy door and jerked it open an inch or so.

"Sorry, Princess, this is for both our own good," he said as he concentrated on the parking lot traffic. "I can't have a newborn werewolf eating people in my territory." The jeep made its cautious way through the parking lot to the exit.

"Eating people?" snapped Sherl. "What the hell are you talking about? Do you know how crazy that sounds? I said stop the jeep!"

"It's my fault, so I'm responsible for you." Kevin ground through clenched teeth. "So, you're coming home with me." He gunned the engine and the jeep picked up speed as it came to the exit onto the main street.

"Well, tough shit! I have responsibilities too. I have to go to work tomorrow, I can't go anywhere with you." She glanced over at her pick-up parked by the main doors of the grocery store.

In a lunge, Sherl flung open the door and tumbled out onto the parking lot. She landed on her hands and rolled over her shoulder. Her karate instructor would have been proud.

The sound of screeching breaks and Kevin shouting over horns announced her close call with an oncoming minivan. Hunched over, she darted between cars. Heart pounding with fear and exhilaration, she made a beeline for her pick-up.

"Pushy asshole," she ground out between clenched teeth. "Werewolves, my ass! That was the dumbest excuse for a date I've ever heard," she snapped as she ran crouched toward her truck through the maze of parked cars.

The last ten feet to her parked truck were open drive and swirling snow. Looking both ways for moving cars, she darted across the open space to the driver side of her truck. Reaching into her jeans pocket, she pulled out her keys. She flung open the truck door and climbed in, slamming it closed then locking the door with a satisfied sigh.

Sherl started up her truck and looked for the red jeep. She didn't see it anywhere so she cautiously backed out of the parking space. Sherl felt a niggling sense of disappointment that he hadn't tried to follow her.

The parking lot, crazy because of the sudden snow, was filled with people flooding out of the store and racing for their cars. A family of four, staggering with groceries careened out in front of her moving pick-up. She stomped on the breaks and slid a few inches in the snow. In fury, she rolled down her window.

"Okay, people, put your brains back in your heads before you get killed!" she snapped at the fleeing family. 'What the hell is wrong with me?' she scolded herself as she rolled her window back up. 'I never yell out my window.'

Peering past the overworked windshield wipers, Sherl made her careful way out of the parking lot by way of the back exit. Cars were crawling everywhere and the yellow lines on the main road were disappearing fast under a carpet of white. The traffic lights swung slowly in a rising wind.

"Damn, this is one hell of a snow," Sherl muttered. Carefully she exited from the main street then pulled out onto the tree-lined highway leaving the lights of the small town behind. Snow obscured everything; she could barely see the road. The lines had disappeared completely under snow that was piling up fast. The glare of headlights suddenly filled her rearview mirror.