My Stories

* Winter Moon *


She snapped awake lying on his coat in the snow, her fur mingled with his as he lay beside her. His scent was warm and comforting to her sensitive nose. Looking about, her sight seemed strangely dimmed, but the perfume of dormant trees and plants were strangely colored. The sounds of wind and hissing snow as it fell around them new and distinct. The world was huge and crowded with sounds and sensations she'd never felt before.

His sleek wolf's head turned and he regarded the silver she-wolf from golden eyes. Playfully he gripped her long muzzle with his powerful jaws in greeting.

She mischievously nipped his narrow shoulder with her sharp teeth. The glossy lupine head of her lover with its tall ears and white serrated smile was handsome to her new eyes. His black fur was thick and luxurious with its winter coat.

He nudged her shoulder to rise and power surged through her new form. She leapt in delight with her newborn body. He jumped up and nipped at her tail playfully, his magnificent tail streaming out behind him. They dashed off in the fresh snow, two wolves running side by side on paws that barely felt the ground.

'Now we hunt,' whispered through her thoughts.