About Stephen
What's new?
50 funny facts
Ringtones NEW!
Greeting cards
Boyzone releases
Fun stuff
About me
Hi there Steo Lover! ! !
Welcome to my Stephen Gately page! I
really hope you enjoy surfing arounf on it! If you have any suggestions to
how I can improve it or if you want to trade links - you're more than welcome
to e-mail me (you can find my addy in 'About Me')! It's updated regularly
so I hope you wanna come back :o) Before you leave - please feel free to sign
my guestbook... thanx a million!
Take care + stay happy!
Hugs & love from Annika xxx
update: 30.10.00
Hi... I'm sorry that the pix in 'vote' and 'greetingcards' don't work! I really don't know what's wrong, but I'm trying to figure it out! If anybody knows what's wrong - please e-mail me and let me know so I can make them work again! Thanx a million in advance!
The perfect
Stephen Gately World
You are
visitor no.:
since December
28th '99
I know the updates aren't
that regular atm, but school is MAD! Please forgive me! NEW!
I've added a few Nokia Ringtones... Hope to find
more to add soon, but until then go check those out I have... Check out 'Releases'
for my signed NB-single ;-)
Please ask permission before using anything from this page. Thanx. ~Annika