
Long ago, not so far away, magic was used to create many powerful objects. Some of them were too great in magic, and had devastating effects. These objects could be destroyed, however not without paying a huge price of further destruction. One day, a sorceress named Clowina Reed, created magical cards called Clow Cards to help destroy the devastating objects. Each card held an aspect of magic, and must be used properly, or the Clow Cards could be dangerous.

Clowina Reed, kept her cards in a book called 'The Clow' for safety, but she knew that it won't be enough to protect her cards. So she put her joy and innocence into her magic and made an enchanted creature to protect The Clow. She named the creature Kerberos. Then she put her wisdom and patience into her magic again, and created another enchanted creature to assist Kerberos and to protect her. This creature she named Spiral Sun.

When Clowina Reed knew her life was ending, she created two more beings, Kyr and Silver Dragon. Kyr was to judge anyone who inherited the Clow Cards, and Silver Dragon was to protect and judge Clowina in her future life. Before she died, she cast one more spell. The spell she cast would allow her soul to be split in two. One part of her soul would carry her heart, and the other would carry her knowledge in magic. Her dying wish was that whoever inherited her cards would have kind, caring, sweat, generous, and cleaver hearts.


Lance looked at the two items again. One his left was an antique pocket knife, and on his right was an antique engraved Bowie knife. He was in an antique store, trying to figure out what to buy. He had left his bag behind a self, holding unmarked items, so the other members of 'N Sync will know of his location. He looked again at the items.

"Hey Lance," a familiar voice said behind him. Lance almost jumped a mile, as he was surprised to hear Joey's voice behind him. He turned around to see the rest of the guys.

"Hi," Lance said.

"Come on Lance, we have to leave before anyone recognized us," Justin said.

"I need some more time to think," Lance said. "Can I have some more time?"

"Sure, we'll leave you here to be swallowed up by the fans," Joey said, smiling, some of the other guys laughed at his remark.

"Knock it off, Joey," Chris said. "Think about it, Lance actually wants to buy something!"

Everyone laughed at Chris's words now and Lance was surprise that Chris defended him.

"Okay, we'll give you some more time," J. C. said, with a smile. "We'll help too."

"Thanks," Lance said, smiling.

"Why do you want to buy this stuff anyway?" Justin asked, looking at the items Lance wanted to buy.

"I just want something different," Lance said.

"But these?" J. C. asked, examining the items.

"So?" Lance asked, looking at J. C..

"What are these things for?" J. C. asked.

"So he can protect himself from a fan attack," Chris said, and they laughed at that.

"Nah, he needs them to protect himself when a jealous boyfriend attacks," Joey said, and they laughed again.

"Oh, and how do you know that?" Chris asked, smiling. Joey gave him a mischievous look.

"Simple, a fan attacks like this," Joey said, playfully attacking Chris by poking and tickling him. The others were constantly laughing. "And a jealous boyfriend attacks like this."

Joey sneaked behind Chris and picked him up. Chris was trying to get Joey to release him, by leaning his weight into Joey, so he could let him go. The rest of the guys were laughing so hard at them, that no one noticed Joey and Chris getting too close to the shelf behind them. Suddenly Joey's legs gave out, and he and Chris smashed into the shelf, almost tipping it over. Everyone realized the situation at once, and they grabbed onto the falling shelf at once, balancing onto it, on it's tip. They gave a sigh of relief, and they returned the shelf to it's proper place.

"Let's go," Lance said, walking to pick up him things. "Before you two break anything."

The guys was busy joking and teasing each other as they left, that they never realized that Lance was carrying an extra object in his bag.


'N Sync headed for their tour bus, to unpack their stuff. They waved at Christina Aguilera as she passed by them. They drop their bags down and relaxed as Justin rummaged through their bags. When he reached Lance's bag, he saw something strange. He picked it up, and stared at it.

"Hey Lance," Justin said, still looking at it.

"Yes?" Lance asked.

"What's this?" Justin asked, holding up the object. Lance looked at it curiously, and he and the other members of 'N Sync circled around Justin. They all stared at a red leather book with a golden lock. The edges were outlined with gold leaf lines and round pink stones. The bind was also gold, with a six-pointed star on the top and bottom. In the center of the cover, was a mysterious creature. Above it, was a small golden crescent moon, below the creature was a huge golden sun, hanging on a golden chain, that circled around the creature.

"What is it?" Lance asked.

"I just asked you!" Justin said, handing Lance the book. "It was in your bag."

"I didn't buy it," Lance said.

"It must fell of that shelf of stuff that we nearly knocked down," J. C. concluded.

"The Clow. . ." Joey said, reading the title. "Never heard of it."

"It doesn't have an author's name," Lance said, examining the book. "Nor a summary."

"Finders keepers," Justin said with a smile.

"I know, I know," Lance said, groaning. "But I don't know if I want to keep it or not."

"Then open it and read it!" Chris suggested, sarcastically. Lance smiled at him.

"Okay, I will," Lance said. He was about to open it when he noticed that the other guys were still near him. "What?"

Part Two
Story Index