Chapter Two

Breaking out of my reverie, i finally pay attention to the group who is singing the playing games song. My eyes drift to the exquisite tall and dark haired man, then to the shorter man with ear rings in both ears, these guys are fresh and new, perhaps they can heal my old wounds and open my soul and heart to love again....and take away the darkness of my heart....

Later that night.....

I walk into the crowded venue, watching all of the teen-age girls screaming at the tops of their lungs, even though “my boys” ,as i’ve come to think of them, weren’t even on stage yet.

Slipping past the security guards, with a hypnotic stare, i walk slowly and purposely backstage. I have only one thing in see those who have cracked open my heart after all of these years.

Backstage greets my eyes, a busy flock of people scamper around me. This amuses me, and i let out a soft chuckle as i see “my boys” getting dressed before me. They do not see me, i have cloaked myself from all human eyes. I can watch without fear of being noticed or questioned for my reason for being here. Even though i am the most powerful creature in this world, i do not like confrontation. I can easily hurt someone, without even meaning to. That is why i stay away from it. I only like to kill when i hunt....well...most of the time......

Breaking my train of thought i watch the tall, dark and extremely handsome member of the group look up at me. Right into my eyes, to be precise. So shocking is this to me, that i gasp, watching a puzzling look overcome his features. how can he be looking right at me? i think to myself. Shrugging it off as a coincidence, i stare into his shining and brooding emerald eyes. I feel a trickle of electricity shoot down my spine at his look, but it can only be accident that he looks right into my eyes. He cannot know i’m here.

I purposely drag my gaze from his and feel him go back to what he was doing. I then go back to watching the others. I watch the slightly shorter, green haired one, called a.j. This one has caught my attention. I do not know why, the wild exterior can throw one off, but his interior is warmer than any man’s that i have ever met. He has an old soul i think. Ignoring Kevin, tall, dark and handsome, i focus my attention fully on a.j.

I watch him comb his short green hair. I watch him critique his goatee, and then nod to himself. He’s thinking to himself, “How can these girls resist me?” this makes me laugh silently as i pull my glance off of him.

I think maybe i shall get to know these guys better. Perhaps join the dancers, or become part of the magic that keeps these guys working like a well-oiled machine.

I turn and walk around the corner and down a hallway and into a darkened room. I let my invisibility shield down and calmly walk out to let my presence be known to “my boys”. Kevin looks up sharply from snapping his blue vest , as if sensing my presense. I purposely ignore him and walk over to a.j. and nick.

“hallo, guys.” i say sweetly, looking a.j. in the eyes and slightly flirting. His eyes widen and checks me out, not conceiling the fact either. This intrigues me even more. I love such bravado in a man.

I smile widely at his look and give him one of my own. He flashes me a sexy grin once my gaze reaches his again and says,”hello lovely lady. What’s your name?” he grasps my pale hand and brings it to his soft , full lips, kissing it slowly.

“I am Cassandra. But you may call me Cass, all of my friends do.” i smile into his eyes, waiting for his reply.

“A beautiful name, for a beautiful lady. And a lovely accent. Where are you from, my lady Cassandra?” AJ asks looking fully into my violet eyes.

I chuckle and answer, “To be quite honest i have traveled so much i sometimes forget. But i am originally from Rome, Italy. I have lived in many places before such as France, Germany, China, England just to name a few.” His eyes widen as the list went on, he looks impressed and bewildered at the same time. “You look so young though, Cass, how can you have lived in all those places when you’re about my age?”

“ father was in the marines. I was how you say an army brat. We traveled everywhere, and have lived almost everywhere.” I tell him, quickly making up a lie. He nods and slowly lets go of my hand.

“Well, Cass, you can stay here for the show if you’d like...or you could go out there and sit in the front row....whatever you want, my lady Cassandra.” charm oozes from his husky voice, as i nod and say i would love to sit in the front row, for i had never seen them in concert before.

A.J. kisses my hand once again, and waves me farewell as he walks toward the stage area. The other guys follow suit, but Kevin lags behind watching me curiously. I stare back unabashed at his attention. His eyes widen as he sees my eyes flare green, and slowly walks to the stage, all the while looking back at me.

I grin mischievously, as i walk back out to the screaming arena, and find my front row seat.


An hour later I am still standing amongst the screaming girls, unbelieving that anyone can sing this well live. But they do, they have opened my eyes to their music. I have decided to buy all their cds, i certainly have enough money to do so.

During every song, Kevin would look over at me nervously figiting during his performance, sometimes even missing a step or too from his lack of concentration. I laughed at this and he saw it, for he always looked away when he caught me staring back at him. And every time that A.J. took my side of the stage he would wave and wink to me, i being the creature i am, always waved and winked back also blowing him a kiss that he pretending to catch. I knew Kevin watched all of this jealously, but i shrugged it off and just enjoyed the moment.

During one part of the show, they announced that they would be each taking a lady up on stage to sing to her....for a song called “I’ll never break your heart”....and of course A.J immediately came down to where i was standing and led me around the barricade and up onto the stage.

This was not exactly a surprise to me, for I had delved into his mind earlier and read that he had planned on doing that, actually i had read all of their minds, except kevin’s. This was strange, but i could not actually read his for some reason.

The show went off without one hitch, and all the while A.J. showed off to me, doing ballet and throwing flirty glances my way. Of course, the girls abreast to me thought he was looking at them so they were especially excited. This amused me, but I paid no mind to them, for i knew who he was r eally looking at.

Chapter Three
Chapter One
Story Index