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*What Is Ashley Thinking?*

from the creative mind of: KID NICKY

-”I wonder if Lou pays someone to keep the cameras on me while I’m in the shower...”

-”Shasta McNasty should win an Emmy. No, an Oscar.”

-”I wonder what our NEXT video will be like. I hope it involves dogs. Or robots.”

-”If this music thing works out, I should use the money to send some stuff from Pottery Barn to mom. We never had a Pottery Barn in Redding.And why? I don’t know.”

-”If I could be any member of No Authority, I think I’d be Danny. Of course I wouldn’t be able to pronounce my own last name, but it won’t matter, cuz I’ll have The Danny Charm.”

- I wonder if Erik’s free. Oh God, what am I thinking about? Just concentrate on what Jacobs saying,Ash."

-”If me and the guys were in a boyband, who would be the protective older brother? Oh wait...”

-”I miss MY LITTLE PONY. Why isn't that on Cartoon Network?”

-”If Jacob turns out to really be Justin Timberlake, which ‘N Syncer could I secretly be? Lance, I think. Or do people like not like him? No, I’m safe with Lance. Joey's the fat one.I'll let Erik be Joey if he wants to. "

-”What if O-town really sucks. What would happen to us? Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, I heard Keanu Reeves’ band really sucks and people still like him. Maybe I could be in “The Matrix II”. I know kung-fu. I am The One. I could be Neos brother, Cleo. Thats a chicks name just like my name. I would so rule in the Matrix!"

-”I wonder how they get the little cork ball in the whistle...”

-”What would a turtle look like without it’s shell? Pretty funny...”

-” Shelli was her name, Janie. No. Wait. Thats the blonde chicks name that hangs out with Jacob. Why dont I remember her name?1 Shauna, maybe. I'll get it soon enough....

-This sucks. Jacob grows his dreads in, and now I'm the heart throb. I don't know if I can like, do that! I mean, Im suppossed to be the JC, not the Justin. I am Lance! Lance damnit.!! I think I'll cut his hair while hes sleeping. I'll tell him it must have been a horrible balding accident or something."