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In$ide Erik's Head!

Another bad creation by Kid Nicky

"What does Spick mean?It must have been bad because she was scared when she told me."

"Why do the guys always yell at me in every damn episode? Is it because they are all jealous of my Puerto Rican sexiness?!"

"Why do I have three nipples?! I mean, Trevor has BIG nipples, but at least he can take his shirt off cuz he doesn't have THREE nipples. Am I a freak?"

"That Melissa on the Real World looks familiar"

"Ashley sits like a girl"

" I can't believe Jake told everyone about me not knowing ebonics. I mean, that damn red headed girl was so unamused by my disability. I hate that bitch"

"When Ashley sings SWALLOW, I wish he was saying it to me....."

" I wish Dr Pepper would taste like Mr. Pib, and Mr. Pib would taste like Dr. Peppar. It would fuck up everyone. THAT WOULD BE FUNNY."

"Boybands suck. I would never be in a............oh. Nevermind."

" Maybe if this whole damn pop think doesn't work out, I can go solo as a rapper. I can be DJ Spick. I could dance, and rap and talk about my hoes back home in the Bronx. That reminds me, Jennifer needs to call me."

"Why are buildings called buildings if they are already built? What the hell?! They should be called Builts. Yea. I should run companies that build things. I would so rock at that!"

"Jacob's belt is starting to bug me. If he doesn't buy himself a new one, I'm gonna use that belt to hang myself. Or maybe I should buy him a new one."

"I wonder what it feels like to have my bottom lip sucked"

"If Ikiakakakakakaka was still in the group, would the guys hate me as much as they do now?"

"I wonder if I would be as black as Trevor if I got a tan.  Oh wait, Trevor isn't he?"

"Why do people call me Bozo and then point and laugh?  Was there any reason Lou gave me a hair brush as a present when the new season of Making the Band started?"

"If I wasn't OTown I would make a damn good Ricky Martin stunt double or stand in."