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..::The Hate Page::..

I [[KID NICKY]] decided to make a little HATE section for all the people that my partner in crime, Kat and I can't stand. There are people in this world I love, like,and there has to be people I hate too. Cuz, without hate there ain't love. So, here are all the rejects in my life.

[[Note: Kid Nicky wrote this during a very pissed off night in her life, thats why this page is VERY harsh....yet amusing....]]

This fag's name is Ikaika Kahoano. Hes 22 years old, and he quit OTown to be a reject with the other rejects of Making The Band. I actually like the black guy, Mike. But, thats not the reason this Hawaiian fag is number one on my list.

#1)He has Kevins good looks, and the brain of a monkey that just got ran over by a bus...twice.

#2 He went all the way from his little box in Hawaii, to Orlando, to butt wrestle with Lou Pearlmen and compete with a bunch of other guys, because his family told him to and forced him to. His brother, HAKO grabbed him by his nuts, and threw him on a plane, and thru like 7 episodes of "Making The Band" he`s traveling back to Hawaii, stayin there too long, coming back to Orlando holding his brother's hand, leaving again,coming back, crying to his grilfriend back home in Hawaii, flying back home........complaining.....bitching....acting like a LOOOOSER, which he sooo is, and then FINALLY leaving for good!! I got a headache!!! If it wasnt for Ashely, I would have said "FUCK THIS!!" a long time ago.

#3 Ashely tried giving him some advice and he walked away from him. DONT WALK AWAY FROM ASHELY. Thats God talking, damnit!

I just don't like him. Lou Pearlmen had a major hard-on for him, and even invited him to come move into his house with him! Ewww. He was such a weight on the other guys in the group, and I hated him for making Ashely get all stressed out. I'm glad he left, and even though Dan is a girlie man, OTown rocks hard now.

I also HATE Jenny from Herizon for calling Eric a bad racial name. I bet she's bussing tables at NYPD now...wait til I find her....Il'l show her what happens when you call Eric names. HE NEVER LIKED YOU ANYWAY YOU DAMN CRACKER. hehe.

oh AND Ashely's ex girlfriend. She was a loser, who missed out on a great guy. I hope she dies in Redding, California and marries Ashely's stepdad. They deserve each other. They both made him cry, and they need to let him live his dream and just GET OVER IT. You're not #1 anymore you big foreheaded, fake,eyelashed hoochie!


This is Leighanne Wallace.I will never, EVEER ,EEEEEEEVEER call her a Littrell.I don't care what anyone says. She wasn't born a Littrell, she sure as hell doesn't deserve to be called a Littrell and I just can't bare to say or hear shes a Littrell. I think shes just some 32 year old, big boobed actress, who saw her chance to get noticed, and married a horny Backstreet Boy. I hate her. She was in a porno called Backyard Brawls. Go rent it. Shes a dyke.

She should get implants, so her nipples will fall off.

This little WHORELET is Mandy Moore. I hate her cuz shes been linked with Nick Carter, and me and Kat`s Noah Bastian!!!! DIE BITCH DIE!! I do NOT want her faxing any damn letters to him, and I do not wanna see them in public together ever again!! YOU HEAR ME BITCH. She always looks like she's eating a lemon, and if she shrugs one more time and does that "I'm a blonde but yet I'm so darn cute", lip thing one more time, I will hire a hitman to come and KILL her! I hate her! Shes been ALSO linked with Danny from No Authority, and all the guys from BBMAK. She needs to leave all these little pop guys alone. Oh, and Noah....SHES 16 YEARS OLD!! Your 21.......look for someone your ME. DAMNIT IM PISSED.

Blow job princess...

This loser's name is Amanda Willford. Or as she likes to be called,Willa Ford. Shes Nick Carter`s Ex. And as the rumor has it, shes Leighanne`s step sister. Eww....Barbie and Skipper. She used Nick for a contract, and then dumped him for a guy named Kevin. I haven't heard shit about her anywhere but the fact she dated Nick way too damn long, and all her fans are BSB fans. GO FIGURE. She sounds like a chipmunk on crack when she sings, and she is a retarded blonde, that beat Nick for a year, and then stole is TV. Whore. Thats all I gotta say bout this dumb ass. Heres anti site on her, that Amused me for the last hour.... Say NO To Willa Ford

Aaron Carter. Yup......can't stand the little penis head. He made me wait in the rain with teenie boppers for 3 hours, cancelled his performance, made me wait in Walmart for another hour, and then he didn't even look up when I got his autograph. What a little Mother Phuckin Chicken shit. All he does is suck his brother's dick to get famous anyway! I hate him. Grrr.....His album sounds like Hanson`s greatest hits. He`s 134 and still talks like hes a 10 year old girl. I bet he STILL can't answer a question with out "" . I still have neightmares about interviewing the little shit and not gettin a straight answer. Imagine sharing a room with this twerp for 13 years. Nick once played HIDE & SEEK with Aaron, and Aaron went to hide, and Nick never went too look for him, and Aaron was in a closet for 2 hours. HAHAHAHA......way too go Nickolas! I hate that little shit. Only thing going for him his the fact that he looks like Nick. I hope him and Willa get together, and have wonderful children together. And she takes his soul, and he gets depressed. Without Nick that bastard would be home, with his sisters, learning how too pluck eye brows. LOL.......or something like that.

Well, I'll come up with more people I hate. Kat will probably add some comments to my list, or put some people that she hates, like Pink or Britney.