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..::West Coast Ebonics::..

The FIRST review is by KID NICKY [and will be in BLUE] then followed by Kat's point of view in GREEN! [[There is a link to our pics from this experience at the end of Kat's review! ENJOY!

Alright, I woke up at 5am, and got ready. I had to get up early cuz even though my hair is short, it takes a while to dry, and I had to do something to it. So, at 6am, I was done and called Karensa. It took her half an hour, and we were on the way to get Kat. Then, we changed cars, and went in Kats car to Walmart. The Walmart employees didnt know anything about OTown, or Meet N Greet. The green invitations were passed out, so we knew we were in the right place. So, someone told us they were building a tent for the Otown thing, so we had to go outside. I was hit on by some foreign dude, and Kat and Karensa sat outside for 6 hours! We were the only loosers there! We ran around the tent, and for some odd reason, they gave O-Town like......12 chairs. So, I went around putting my ass in each chair, and Kat and I took a picture of us in the chairs. Funny was, we didnt know that the exact place we were lying on the chairs, Jacob and Ashley were goin to sit. Hahaha.....

ANYWAY, around 1:36pm, a few girls shoowed up, and then more......and more.......and more. The pepsi guys we talked to all day we so sweet and told us they were gonna hook us up. We saw some friends we remember from BSB and Nsync and they had VIP passes. We asked the radio DJ if we can have some since we have been there all freakin day, and he said you had to call to get them. Then, a pepsi guy came over and starting talking to us, and Kat said she loved Coke, and he starting closing his jacket, and I go...."I love Pepsi!!!!!" and he pulled out 3 VIP passes for us!! I felt like the girls on the Nsync thing on mtv when they got VIP passes! We hugged JEFF. WE LOVE YOU JEFF, and we ran backstage to the food, and we bonded with all the other peeps back there.

Ok,we're cool. We made Otown these Ebonics books. Its their entire cd in Ebonics. I had Ashley and Erik, and we waited forever for them. They were like.......20 minutes late, when the limo showed up. I dont remember who got out first, but all I remember is when I saw Dan, I ran over to him, before he even ghot in the gate, and throwing my arms around him and saying "I love you, Dan!" Everyone laughed, and he hugged me back. It was funny, but I ment it. I do love him. I gave him his ghetto v day card I made and Ashley walked in. I pulled him over to me and told him I had something for him. I handed him the ebonics book and explained to him what it was . he cracked up! He thought it was the coolest thing. Then he put his arm around me, and I had my head on his chest and he goes "thankyou, this is so cool" It was alittle hug, but it was a dream com true. Then Im like "Its cold out here." and he rubs my arms and hes like "I know, I should have brought a sweater..I didnt know it was cold out here ". Kat is never getting that brown ugly sweater I was wearing back. EVER. I walked over to Trevor, cuz he was looking thru the book Karensa gave him, and I handed him the Vday card I made. He was singing Liquid dreams in Ebonics. He was like "Shes a fine ho, shes not yo average ho....." everytime he came to the word ho, hed raise his voice. It was so funny!! Karensa snapped a picture of us. Im probably looking at him like hes gonna kill me.

Im lookin around for the other guys, and I see Jacob and I hand him his Vday card, and ask him if he likes his ebonics book which hes so into at the momment. What he was something like "OMG...yes. This is so cool, dude. I cant believe you guys did this. this is so cool..." MEANWHILE, Kat is standin next to him, drooling, and talking to him. Im looking for Erik, and I ask Dan where he is. I see him, and walk up to him and go, "Ive been lookin everywhere for" Hes so happy I gave him an ebonics book. He thought we didnt make one for him. Silly hottie. I dont remember what I did after that, but I remember everyone looking over at Erik,Trevor, Jacob and Ashley, cuz they were huddled together over one of our ebonic books, and singin! It was so funny. They were like "PHAT HO...A FINE HO........DOWN FORWHATEVER KINDA HO" It was so damn funny!! Well, they finish and I walk up to Kat who is with Jacob, and I ask Jack-o for a picture, and hes like "yea.sure!!" Hes so giddy today. LOL. So, I grab him into a hug, and he hugs me back, our two sweat shirts as one. LMao....and we take a pic. He rubs my back as we pull away, and Im like "thanks" and hes like " your welcome, hun". Whoa.

So, I walk around to get them to sign my poster. And Trevor takes my poster to the side of the food, and signs it, and Im like "is your jacket Suede?" and hes like " is, babe" and Im like "I can smell it. It smells gooood" and he laughs, and I touch his fro and laugh and turn around to see Ashley with a little boy. He goes "give me a hug, bro!" and the kid hugs ashley. It was so damn cute. I walk over to him and ask him for a hug. Hes like "hi you." LMAO....and we took a picture with his hand on my waist and his head on my face. Then, I went over to Dan, and I was like "exucse me Dan." and he put his hand on my shoulder and was like "yes......." and all smiles and I go, can you sign this for me? and hes like "sure hun" and he signed it and then he put his hand on my should when he walked by, and squeezed. It was so hot. lmao.

Well, then they went to sit down, and we were allowed to go in line first, and get our things signed. We went thru the line, and Dan remembered us from Orlando. Cuz, hes the man. And, Trevor was pissy, but shook our hands. I asked Erik if he knew what ebonics was cuz Jacob said he didnt, and he was like "I know what it is!" lmao. I got Ashley to sign his picture, and when I got up to Jacob I was like."Look I did my nails for you." and he goes "oh.lets compare!" and he put his nails down next to mine and hes like "mine are all chipped, and Im like "your a dude, so its the style" and he was like "oh yea!!!!!" and we laughed and I went backstage. We were standing near them while they signed for all the other peeps that were waiting in line, and we took pics of them. We took pics for the radio station cuz we had backstage passes and all the VIPS got together for the pictures , and We took pics for Pepsi....and Walmart. Hahaha....It was fun.We even took pics with the limo! haha..

At around 5pm. They had to go, so they walked by and we shook Trevor's hand, and Ashley was trying to take as many pics with peeps before they left as he could. And I took his hand and he didnt even notice. LMAO...I stood there, holding his hand for about 15 seconds, and he just held my hand back like it was normal, and then the police told them they had to go, and they were gone. Good thing is, the Pepsi guys got us Jacob, Ashley and Eriks drinks!! I was looking at Eriks Pepsi, and stuff was floating in it. It was funny! We went to the concert, and it was awesome!! I love O-TOWN!! They touch themselves a lot in concert.

Well, I woke up at 6:30am and took a quick shower and got ready as I waited for Nicky and Karensa to show up at my crib. They got to my house at precisely 7:30am and we took my car to the WALAMART SuperCenter in St Augustine,FL. It happens to be barely 20 min from my house, but with morning traffic, it took us a wee bit longer.

We arrived at WALMART and went inside and made friends with the store management and the customer service peeps. They later told us to look outside for the big white tent and thats where OTOWN was gonna be....6 hours later. So we ate a yummy breakfast at the RADIO GRILLE inside WALMART and then went the cold foggy weather, to wait for OTOWN. During the 6 hours, we made friends with the Pepsi peeps and they assured us that they would hook us up and get us VIP passes. So, around 2pm, people finally show up (yes,it was just US three the entire time) and we meet our fellow boyband girls whom we always run into at these types of events. They had VIP passes and said we deserved them too. At this time, the head Pepsi guy came over and I was mad that no one wanted to give us VIP's so I told him I LOVE COKE. He goes "Oh really? I guess you don't want THESE..." and he had 3 VIP passes! I was like I LOVE PEPSI FOREVER!!!!!! So, we got our VIP passes, hung out with our pals in the VIP section, eating free food and drinking free Pepsi products. Did I mention I LOVE PEPSI?!

Then about 20 min later, my babies' daddies' show up aka OTOWN! We were allowed about 15 min with them...all to our horny selves! The first one out the limo was Trevor then Dan and I see Nicky run over to Dan and throw her body at him and say "I LOVE YOU DAN!" and he's all hugging her. I shook Trevor's hand and told him we met them in Orlando and then he seems all pissy, so I bump him and go talk to Dan the Man! Thats what I said to him! LOL I was like "Dan the Man, I got a VIP pass for waiting outside for 6 hours..." and he goes "I got one too" and we pimp our passes and we high five eachother again! I gave him the Ebonics Book with all their lyrics in ebonics and he's like "NO WAAAAAAAAY! This is awesome!! All in ebonics?"I go,"Yup....its got cuss words and everything, so enjoy" and he starts to read it and he busts out laughing his ass off! I feel pretty damn cool.

So, I'm done with Dan and I turn around and my MASTER PIMP is right behid me....JACOB SEXXY BITCH UNDERWOOD!!! I go up to him "Hi Jacob....." and he looks at me and I remembered the last time how BLUE his eyes are, and they just penetrate my eyes. I was in looooooooove! He goes "Hi..." But this little 4 yr old boy ruined our moment so I let him shake Jake's hand first and then he turns to me, mind you 4 other girls are waiting for him, but HE acknowledged ME! I was like "Jacob, I have a present for you. I got you a Valentine and this book right here, it has ALL of your OTOWN lyrics in ebonics." He looks at me with those sexxxy eyes,"Dude...are you serious? I was just teaching Erik about ebonics yesterday! Well, West Coast ebonics cuz I'm from California...." I go really "You should read these lyrics, they are hilarious. You will crack up!" So Jacob flips thru it and stops at SEXIEST BIOTCH ALIVE and he starts laughing too. I go,"You should read BRING ME UNDER, since you wrote it. It has a new meaning." So he was super giddy and he LOVED me and kept talking to me. So then we took a pic and it was funny cuz his face is inches from my face and I see him, in the corner of my eye, move his face so its TOUCHING my face and I'm thinking OH MY GAWD! JACOB'S FACE IS TOUCHING MY COLD FACE! OUR HAIR IS TOUCHING! So we take the pic and he's the same height as me,too!But I'm STILL not done with him, I ask him to sign a group poster and a poster of just HIM and he's like SUUURE! So I whip out his poster and I said to him w/o thinking "Can you put 'To Katherine'? I would love you forever if you do." And he goe "Yeah...its K-A-T....." and I tell him "H-E-R-I-N-E" and then he signs JACOB....with a + in the J cuz hes Christian. here's the pic he signed.....its not the real one cuz I have it framed on my night table....but this is the one he autographed......aint he sexxy?

Then he hands it back to me and this girl runs up and he goes"WAIT! You wanted the group poster signed too?" And I go "My bad...I forgot." And he goes "Oh its not problem at all" and he signs it and its an oooooold OTOWN pic from when Dan first joined and he had the Justin hair and I go "Thats a before pic" and he goes "Actually, its an after cuz I had to cut my hair in the beginnning." And I go "Yeah, I've seen pictures of you from your high school yearbook on the internet" and he goes "Oh really? With dreads?" I go "No, you had a huge 'fro". He goes..."Yeah, thats right, I did." At this time, I hear Nicky screaming for me to take a pic of her and Ashley and then they sit at the meet n greet table and we get in line (just the VIP peeps) and Trevor was all pissy,but I made him smile. I gave him a Valentine and I said to him "Look Trevor, I put 269 on it too!" And he smiles cuz thats his fraternity's number. Then it was Dan and he was like "Thanks for the ebonics book....we might just have to bust one out in concert" and then it was Erik and I gave him his Valentine and he tells me he LOVES the way I wrote his name.Hehehehehe....Karensa tells me afterwards, that when I was talking to Ashley (he was next) she had to wait for Erik to finish reading my Oscar the Grouch Valentine card. He was like AWWW...its Oscar the Grouch! and he had a smile. I felt all gushy! Ashley was all giddy about his card "I GOT A VALENTINE! COOL!" and then Jacob just looks at me cuz he already signed all my shit and we already had a 10 minute conversation and I go "Thank you soo much,Jacob...we'll be at the concert tonight" and he goes "Oh, you're so very welcome!" I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, then we get the urge to eat while they sign for all the fans who are in line and with our VIP passes, we were allowed to sit right next to Jacob at the end of the table, but there were only 2 extra chairs, so we all took turns. The OTOWN lady person said it was fine that we sit there and the cops were all nice to us. I swear, all I did was STARE at Jacob. I have never felt that way about Brian or Noah.....I mean, I guess it felt surreal to be there next to him and all. He has skinny ass legs and his nails were silver. I told Nicky I have that same shade, its by Cover Girl, and she goes "Ewww, he wears Cover Girl!" And I go "Well, he can't wear Cover Boy!" At times, we were a little too giddy and I said "Ashley has nice hair" and he would look over at us. It was funny but it was cool to be VIPs!

Some funny stuff that happened during the signing, was for some reason Dan growled like a dog....why? So, I'm standing behind Ashley, staring at his head, and I hear Nicky growl next to Jacob. I then see Ashley look up and look over at Nicky and she goes " was me" and she run over to me to hide.LOL

Then, a girl dropped Jacob's valentine and didn't know it and it fell at his feet. So I go "Jacob! Jacob!" and he looks at me and we all go "your feet! There's something by your feet" and he looks down and picks up his bottlecap (which I now OWN along with his Pepsi bottle ,half empty) . We go "NOOOOO!!! By your right foot! Its a Valentine" and hes all looking around and he kicks it over to himself and he picks it up and laughs cuz he feels dumb for picking up his bottlecap (which I now have in room.....LOL

So, they had to leave at around 5:20pm and I got to take a quick pic with Erik and he is soo soft and tall,too! They leave and Nicky practically jumps on Ashley's arm and meanwhile, I remember the Pepsi and water bottles. So I casually walk to the table, spot Jake's Pepsi and grab it and run. I tell Nicky and she grabs Ashely's water and Erik's Pepsi and I think Karensa got Trevor's Pepsi? I felt so cool....I put it on my shelf next to my BSB figures!