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]]All For OTOWN[[

Well, I [Kid Nicky]decided that since I'm an OTOWN fan, that a little page on them would probably make "Stuff Like That" a little more interesting. So, being that I worked a damn 8 1/2 hour day, I thought "Hell, why not work a little harder, and tell you about the group?"

The cute one, The HAPPY one, The confused one, The crying one and of course the one that is supposed to be the CRAZY one. What do you get when you put these all these in a boyband? No, not 2gether, its OTOWN! Ashely, Dan, Jacob, Trevor and Eric. I was watching them on TRL yesterday, and they are really funny. I thought they were really down to earth, and didn't act anything like the dicks they portray on "Making The Band". MTV makes people look like stereotypes. Its funny when its someone else, but not a boyband that girls are supposed to dream about and think are perfect. I, for a fact know that no boyband is perfect.....I mean, AJ farts during sex....anyway, on with OTOWN....

If yall have no idea who the members of OTOWN are, and have never seen "Making The Band", heres a brief intro:

Ashely Parker Angel, is the true star of the 5-some. The hot blondie from California, makes me faint at the sound of his name. Not only does he have a superstar name and look, hes also from Redding, California! At first, I loved him, but everyone around me said he was Bisexual. Hes not, cuz he was dating that bitchy, whinning girl Shelli. Thery broke up!!! Yeaa.......Hes 19 years old. Hes a year and 22 days younger than me. Oh well, we Leos need to stick together.

I decided to add to this, since we got to hang out with them. Ashley is a true angel. He was so concerned about getting pictures, and talking to everyone at the Meet N Greet yesturday in St. Augustine. It was so sweet. I gave him his ebonics book (read otown review) and he looked it as if I gave him a million bucks. When we took a picture together, his beautiful big head, was smooshed against mine, and his arm was on my waist, and I remember not wanted to breath. ::sigh:: I love him.

That has too be Erik-Michael Estrada. Yea, don't ask me...thats his name. Born in the Bronx in 1979, hes definitely got the charm and humor to be in a boyband. Hes so sweet, and acts like hes 12, its like Nick Carter as a Puerto-Rican. Hes the energetic one, thats known to play tricks on people. Like I said, Nick Carter. I dont know what else to say...heres a quote:

Q: Describe your most embarassing moment in life.
A: I went on a school trip to a swimming pool and wore white shorts - 'nuff said.

Yea..I updated this too. Erik doesnt know what Ebonics is. Jacob said they were just trying to explain it to him. I asked Erik if he didnt know what ebonics was, and he got all defensive and pissy at Jacob. Hahaha.....Hes so hot in person though.

Jacob Underwood was born in San Diego,California, in 1980. He was looking hot, til he decided to become Jimmy Hendrix. Hes still sweet, even though he has his moments on Making The Band. Hes very sweet to us fans. I decided to change this whole thing I wrote on him before. Jacob is awesome. You could have said "my favorite color is blue." and the boy would have been so excited and happy. He was awesome!! I love him! We took a pic together, and he gave me this huge hug in the pic. You will see!!(look for the second otown review comming soon)

20 year old Trevor Penick, was born in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. LOL....thats a funny name of a city. CUCAMONGA.......LOL.....LMAO!! Ok.Im finished. Hes a sweet heart, but there isn't an episode of "Making The Band" where he aint crying. I guess its ok to show your sensitive side. I thought he was gay before the finals....... BUT.....hes always seem to be giddy, and the boy can sing! So, there you go...oh, hes a huge Backstreet Boys fan. I love him.

Trevor, I think hates being in the band. Every damn meet and greet hes got a little attitude. I mean, hes pretty sweet to your face, but you can tell he doesnt like them. I still like him, cuz I stood next to him, while he read the ebonics book, and said Ho.

The HAPPY one
20 year ol Dan Miller, is from Twinsburg, Ohio. He idolizes Micheal Jackson and hes been dancing since he was little. Hes smile on legs. Two Meet and Greets and hes just a big ole smile. I attacked him yesturday. I saw him, ran to him, thru my arms around him and said "I LOVE YOU DAN" He laughed and hugged me back. Everyone thought it was funny, but I really ment it. Hes the only one I had the ballz to do that too, cuz hes so nice. Hes hot too.

Well, thats O-Town. Stay tuned for more in the future. Kat and I are starting to not like NSync, so we might just make O-Town our new band in place of them!