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[[Your own Kid Nicky teamed up with Brit over at Can I Get Some Humor Baby to bring the latest on this HOT not so boyband....OLD THEORY! World Tour coming soon........]]

This is OLD THEORY. I love them! I bought their new CD called "Just a dolla" and I love it! My favorite song on it is "Court Date". When Ryan calls me a Bitch, and threatens me for my money, it so turns me on. The song "Nerd in love" is so pretty! Scott and Mitchell sing that together. Omg. These guys are so totally cool. I heard they were all from different places, and that they are manafactured. People are just jealous.

Hey everyone! Brittany here, I want to comment on Old Theory too before you read the bios. I got the CD too, and I LOVE it. OMG. They are so hot. But like Boybands Are Corny says, they ARE SO NOT a boyband, so don't even call them that! Pssh!

When Spazz does his rap in "Get In My Backseat" I die like 10 times over. My fave part of that is "Oh yeah come back here, in the backseat of my car, you've only been to second base, but tonight we're going far." (And then Mitchell goes HOME RUN BABY in the background in his sexxxy bass voice! Eeek!)

And "Will You Be My Mama" is SOOOOOO sweet. I cry when I hear Pat say "I wanna cuddle with you when you have nightmares, then screw you while you're vulnerable" WHAT A SWEETHEART! OMG.

Ok, ok.. here's the bios. HOTTIES!

Name: Scott Tale
Age: 19
Lived in : Draper, Utah
Favorite food: Ice
Hobbies: reading Teen Magizines, writting poetry, Masturbating, Singin too his mom
Looks for in a girl: Great butt, Fake fingernails, Big breasts.
Where to take a girl: Moms house, cuz if she doesnt like her, I cant date her.

Name: Ryan Bittrell
Age: 23
Born in : Sexton, Virgina
Favorite color: blue
Pet Peeve: gettin told I look like Brian Littrell.
Hobbies: Listening to rap music, Hitting my girlfriend, Kicking my dog, Getting angry for no reason, Beating up the rest of the group, Hating being in a boyband, Watchin porn, Sleeping after getting really drunk, making girls smile
Looks for in a group: A girl that LISTENS to what I tell her to do. Do my laundry, bitch.
Take a girl on a date: Take her on a date? Please, we are stayin at my house, having sex, and if she`s good, I might microwave a pizza.

Name: Patrick Lacock
Lived in: The Bronx
Favorite food: Chicken
Hobbies: Bowling, Ice Hockey, sex, sewing, and making girls smile
Looks for in a girl: Great personality, Wears whatever shes comfy in, Braces and lots of weave.
Place to take a girl: where ever she wants to take me, because I dont have a car.
Family: Im adopted. Im the only cracker in the family.

Name: Mitchell Weiner
Age: 22
Lived in : Omaha, Nebraska
Favorite food: Good ol fashioned Apple Pie
Hobbies: football, convincing people im not that guy from blues clues, saying the pledge of allegience, nintendo, nsync concerts, helping fight animal abuse
Looks for in a girl: great personality, sense of humor, fun to be around, no one too 'loose', non smoker, non drinker, and no crackheads please!
Where to take a girl: dinner at a cozy restaurrant, movie, then have her home by midnight. no kissing until at LEAST the fifth date.

Name: John Smith.. but my peeps call me Spazz round the hood yo
Age: I'z be 18, ho!
Lived in : Compton, I still be living there.
Favorite food: Where I'm from, we gotsta kill to get our next meal, know what i'm sayin? mah momma's on welfare yo.
Hobbies: drinking 40's, smokin blunts, listenin' to tupac, and gardening.. but keep that shit on the downlow, aight?
Looks for in a girl: knows how to shoot a gun, fake nails, fake hair, big ghetto ass, knows how to hook a brutha up with cornrows.. mine are phat! forrealz...
Where to take a girl: cruising down sunset blvd, dmx concert (where mah dawgs at ya'll!?), then back to mah booty shack and git me some play.


Get their cd!!!


Booty Dat Big must be from Heaven
Strait kinda guy
Court Date
Nerd in Love
Wanna icecream cone
Boybands are corny
Baby look like a transvestite
Get in my backseat
Will you Be my Mama
Even your toes Are fine

Anyway..hope you enjoyed that!! Oh......Look! I meet Scott at the old folks home the other day. he loves to help people!!

His head is big...........

I found this pic of him on the net, and screamed!!

Hes hotter than Justin Timberlake!!!!

And I got to meet Spazz at a strip club in Long Beach!! He showed me his gold chain that says $PAZZ real big!!!!

Then, he even kissed me on the cheek, cuz I bought him a 40. Remember, he's underage! LOL!!

(None of these guys are real. We got them from HOT or NOT)