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..::Sexiest Beach Alive::..

An original fan fic written by Kat & Kid Nicky!

OTOWN are Florida's hottest, newest boyband. After being followed by the ABC camera's for the new season of MAKING THE BAND, the 5 guys get a much deserved vacation in Honolulu..............

Ashley: Dude, we're in like Hawaii! I wonder if they like speak English here?

Jacob: (rolls his eyes) Ashley, Hawaii is part of the United States........

Ashley: Yeah, so!Puerto Rico is like a territory but they like speak Spanish....DUH!

Erik: WHAT! You called me a Spick?!

Ashley: Who like called you a Spick?

Erik: Just said it again. You think cuz you're white you got more pirvileges?

Dan: Guys, guys, guys!

Jacob: What, Dan?

Dan: I wasn't talking to you, dude.

Trevor: You just said "Guys,guys,guys...."

Dan: [big smile on his face as usual] Yeah, look at all the hot guys on this here beach,dude! Its buck wild on this beach! [he then rips his shirt off]

Ashley: I am so like hot, aren't I?

Jacob: You need to chill out. No wonder your head is so big.

Ashley: My head is so like BIG, dude, because theres so much more of me to like Love, dude

Jacob: Your words, mean nothing to me, Ashley.

Ashley: You probably don't like, understand my words, lab rat.

Jacob: Whatever [[rolls eyes and looks at pics of micheal Jackson in his wallet]]

Dan: [[smiles and runs around the beach]] There are so many guys here!!! OMG! I'm so happy we came here!

Trevor: [[holding back a tear]] I can't believe no one loves me. Everytime Ashley`s big head comes around, all the fans leave me and I have no one. All I have is my sensitive side, and my fro.

Erik: Are you sayin, that because you are black, no one loves you?! What about me?!! Ashley called me a Spick!

Ashley: Dude, I so did not like call you anything. Just because that dumb blonde, Jenny like called you a spick you`ve been like jumpin on everyone!

Erik: Jumpin?! Are you callin me a monkey, cracker?! Don't make me take these glasses off!! When the glasses come off, its all over.

Jacob: Dude,your treating this like a classroom argument. Stop embarrassing us. I will not trust my career in your hands.

Erik: So, your sayin the only reason I'm in the group, is because I'm Latin??!

Trevor: Erik! Dawg, stop trippin!!

Ashley: You so like have the balls to talk Trevor! All you do is cry, and moan. Bitch and cry, I mean, I like dated a girl for 2 years, that looked like Mr. Ed and you don't see me crying!

Trevor: At least my step dad didn't put me in the corner for wanting to sing like a little bitch.

Ashley: Thats it! Your so like dead!!

[[Ashley and Trevor start fighting until Jacob and Dan pull them apart]]

Trevor: [[starts to cry]] I think you broke my nose....

Ashley: [[starts to feel bad]] No I didn't. Like, let me see.....

[[Trevor shows Ashley his nose]]

Jacob: Dudes,you're acting like little girls.You're embarrassing me and my talent. Lets party, thats what we came here for.

Dan: Jak-o is right. I mean, so many guys so little time......

Ashley: You mean, "too many girls", right?

Dan: Huh?Sure!Whatever!

Trevor:[[stops crying and blows hes nose on his muscle shirt]] Dan`s right. I'm sorry Ash.

Ashley: Yea.I'm like sorry, too, Trev.

[[They hug]]

Erik: Oh!So,because I'm a minority, I don't get love?!!

[[The group huddles around Erik and enter a group hug]]

Ashley: Look! In that tree!!!

Jacob: Its Ikaiki?!!

Dan: Whats he doin?

Trevor: Looks like hes trying to gather coconuts.

[[Ikaiki sees the group and falls head first to the ground]]

Ashley: He fell out the coconut tree!

Erik: Yo, at least something good came of this trip

Dan: Alright,dudes...[[in gay voice]]GUYS NIGHT OUT!

[[The group laughs and walks away towards a Hawaiian bar]]