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The Call [[review]]

[[This is some kick-ass video and much props to BSB and the director. Here is Kat's review/interpretation and enjoy!]]

AJ is calling his homegirl at home."Hey baby its me...I just wanna tell you I'm satying late tonight so don't wait up for me...." CHEATER!!! Apparently, he's hanging out on the set of Jennifer Lopez's video for "WAITING FOR TONIGHT" [[the strobing greeen lights]] and he wants to hunt her down. His battery is low but he's fully charged for a booty call. He follows the girl kinda like Enrique Iglesias does in his "Just Wanna Be With You" video. She wants some booty too so they hail a cab outside of J-Lo's club.

They sit in the back seat, making out when all of sudden, the girl makes a run for it. AJ is horny now and he wants her to finish what she started so he chases her in between traffic and he jumps off the side of a small cliff-type thing.....AJ turns into Brian and he's running down a sidewalk looking for the girl. When out of nowhere pieces of coal are being pelted at innocent Brian. He's looking up at the sky to see who is doing this, but he sees a BSB banner on a building with his face and AJ's crossed out. UH OH! Better run!

Brian seeks shelter in a supermarket. I guess all that running makes you hungry? So,while Brian is looking for the snack aisle, the lights go out and the shopping carts are chasing him. He gets freaked out and knocks down a few displays and runs out the backdoor! Whew, close call!

Now, Brian turns into Nick. Nick sees a skeleton ring and he jumps into his ghetto-away mobile and grrr...he looks SO HOT! I wanna jump him! He's driving and sees that the girl goes to a hotel. He follows her inside but when he gets on her floor, she's gone. He knocks frantically on some door and Howie answers it and tells him to calm down....or is it Howie? Nick washes his face cuz he swears he saw the girl run onto that floor, Howie's like "yeah yeah...let's go" so they walk down the hall to the elevator to go down to the lobby. Meanwhile, Nick is about to poop in his pants, wondering where the chick is and "Howie" is looking at Nick rather strangely? Or is it Howie??

They walk off the elevator and thru the lobby. "Howie" looks around to make sure the coast is clear. Meanwhile, the REAL Howie is getting a cup of coffee! OH NO! And why does Howie always drink coffee? Why can't he guzzle a beer? Does "Show Me The Meaning" ring a bell?? Anyhow....the fake Howie and poor Nick get into the car and they are driving too fast. Nick looks in the side mirror and sees the girl's reflection in the driver's seat! OH NO! Howie is the girl or the girl is Howie....whatever, you know what I mean! So the girl jumps out the car and rips off her Howie mask and runs away. Nick is about to crash and luckily he's not hurt! WHEW!

Nick turns into Kevin and he's all gasping for air and he sees the girl running down the alley and chases her. They end up running up a flight of stairs and she jumps out a window into the window of another building. Kevin's like "damnit" but he sucks it in and goes for it. HE MAKES IT! He follows her to the bottom where he is reunited with Brian, AJ, Nick, and the real Howie. They come to face-to-face with AJ's "girlfriend" that he's cheating on and about 500 other people backing her up.



This video was really action packed and I loved it! I had to watch it a few times to realize that the real Howie was getting a cup of coffee and the "girl" was wearing a Howie mask. And man, did Nick look hot or what?! Can they win "video of the year" just based on his hottness? I still don't know WHY they are running after a girl if the song is about cheating with a girl. I have no clue why they morph into each other, but I just smile when I see the video. I love it and I'm sure its a "psychological thing" or something.They are great actors and I know this video is gonna rule TRL!

Alright.Kid Nicky is here to speak her mind. Hopefully, BSB fans aren't as deep as *NSYNC fans, and tell me the lights were a symbol of happiness in their marriages, and the water in Nick`s face was an interpretation of his love for his mother. I hate that!

Alright AJ! Getting over Amanda wasn't that hard after all!!! I was looking at the people he passed at the club, and they were some uuuuuuuuuuuuuugly peeps,man. Where were they? Howie`s new club in Orlando?

Anyway, shes like "hey, Boner, I wanna know why your called that", so hes like "IGHT" and they get in a taxi and are like making out, and she realizes his breath is skkkkkkank, and she jumps out the car. He's all running after like "Baby, its all good, I got some TIC TACS in my pocket!" But, then he jumps off a wall (why is there a wall in the tunnel?) and turns into Brian. Well, Leighanne is throwing implant screws at him from the Backstreet banner, and screaming "I need tampons, I'm menstrating!" So just his luck, there's this Grocery Store. He's all in the milk section lookin for Tampons, when the lights go out, and he sees someone to help him find some rat poison cuz he had enough of the bitch, and sees him go thru the back, and there's Nick. Trying desperately to find a McDonalds. Well, he's running thru the Titanic ((It reminds me of Leo, go figure?) and hes running thru the halls where the room is "ROSE......ROSE.......NEVER LET GO" and Howie is there, and lets him in his room. Well, Nick is pissed there is no McDonalds, and of course the girl that they all were chasing cuz they aint gettin any, and so Howie`s like "Lets go for a ride, and make out in the park." Nick washes his face with Noxema, and they leave. Of course Howie needs some Coffee. Thank god the Titanic has a Coffee house. So, they are driving, and Nick is all pissy,lookin out the window, and as hes looking in the rear view to pop a zit, he realizes Howie is a chick. Freakin out that Nick isnt a homo, Howie jumps, head first out the car. Nick grabs the wheel, pisses his pants, and almost hits a wall. Well, heres Snoop Dawg......umm,I mean Kevin. He get out the car, and sees that Howie is a chick. Kevin realizes Howie owes him a strip tease and runs after him/her. Well, here they are all together, and standing before them, is Willa, and all her lawyers, because she wants Nick`s soul.

Well, Ok...this was the video, but the way I thought it was. Besides, it was a great video, but my version made more sense. Adios, Backstreet friends!