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~"I Drive Myself Crazy" Review~'s what I (Timberass) thought of the video.

Could they find a sluttier doctor? I thought she was Carmen Electra at first. Notice, she actually has the hots for the crazy bunch. Oh well, I dont blame her.

In the beginning of the video, notice Joey`s twitch. Pretty funnie!! I bet he worked long and hard on that twitch. Hard work fell thru!

OMG.....CHRIS SINGS!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! I wanted to cry!! But..whats with the pink lipstick?

Ok, flash to when he is happy with his chick. He is so happy to see her. He runs to her like a 4 year old in a "Pull-Ups" commercial. They picked a winner to play his chick too. Big boobs, big ass and big head. Yup, a real keeper.

I love that,out of no where,they show Justin slip into his little padded corner of the room. It makes no sense why they showed that cause we are supposed to be in Chris`s flashback...but it meant a lot to you. Thank you Mr. Director.

Ok, now we see Chris in his little mental state again (we all knew how CRAZY Chris was before with his golf and records but now he`s really crazy) and Im thinkin about brocolli. His hair just needs conditioner.

Ok, back to Chris`s happy days. The phone rings and Chris is like "Yo, bitch! Get off, I'm on the phone with my posse". Oh no Chrissy...wrong thing to say, cause bubble butt got up and left you.

Ok, now to the chorus parts. Close up on JC, Hell yea!! We need more of those cause he is looking FINE! Close up on Lance rubbing his face and Joey tryin to get alittle "sumpin sumpin" from him. Lance sure is pretty. Chris tries to mack on Justin. What is the matter? Is this a looney bin or an orgy? Close up on Justin. Damn he is so hot. He looks scared though. Close up on JC. Ok, now I know why Justin was scared. Why is Lance rubbing on his head constainly??

Ok, I was pissed at the whole little Justin/girlfriend thing goin on. First off, why is he rubbing her thigh? She`s dirty, Ju Ju!! Then he gives her a necklace, and I guess she knew he got it on his way back from the ghetto and it wasn't real and disses him for some ugly football jock. Chick, we all know that basketball players got it goin on, skank!! She is a stupid bitch. Then Justin swings like "HO, DAT WACK". Now he`s crazy. Go figure.

But, I did enjoy the closeups of his sexy face, and the tanktop scenes (as always). When he got on his knees, I could see his nipple peeking out if his tanktop. I did a happy dance. Oh, and when he ran his fingers thru his hair, I humped my tv. I did notice between my screaming and laughin, when Justin was runnig his sexy fingers thru his hair what I thought was Joey flyin with JC on his back poking Joey in the ass.....Did I miss something?

JC trys to fly alittle after that, with little success. Theres only one Superman, Jazzman. You can breath on my glass anyday though, baby!! CLOSE UP ON JU JU. OHHH BABY!! I wish I was that wall JC is rubbing.

Ok, when they close up on Lance and Joey. Hot damn! Joey looks FINE!!! Lance reminds me of every Cover Girl commercial ever made.

Man, poor JC. His ho told him on tv that she was dissing him. The whole time I was screaming "BREAK THE TV, JC!! KILL THE GUY IN THE CHEAP FAKE LEATHER JACKET!! KILL!! KILL!!" But that killer HUG he gave would hurt anyone. Disappointing. Damn, he was kicking that tv`s ass though.

Prettiest chick was Lance`s girlfriend. I'm not sure why she left him though....bad make up tips? Who knows? JC looked hot on that exam table though. Why does Chris look like a damn brocolli!?? And why does he keep tryin to kiss Justin?

Well, that ho that kissed Joey is goin down! And that ho that dumped Joey and slapped him ,from that stupid Clueless show, is goin down faster than Titanic! Bitches can't touch my Superman! And that slutty doctor that wants Joey......don't make me go there!! He can't escape all the women!!

JC on the exam new fantasy! The end of the video confused me, but I do know that Chris was CRAZY when he put that stupid 05 sports suit on.

OK, hope you enjoyed that!! I certainly did!!